- An Introduction to Paul’s Letter to the Romans (9/1/2014) - Paul's letter to the Romans is his most extensive written exposition of the gospel that he proclaimed wherever he went around the Roman world.
- The Gospel in Romans – Romans 1:1-6; 16-17 (9/10/2014) - The gospel message is at the heart of Romans. It is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe, bringing us his righteousness.
- The Best News Ever – Romans 1:2-4 (9/18/2024) - The gospel is about Jesus and what he has done for us. It is not only good news. It is the best news this world has ever had.
- Obedience That Comes From Faith – Romans 1:5 (12/5/2013) - Some form of obedience is required from us in nearly everything we do. But obedience that comes from faith is different. It should be a joy.
- Are You A Saint, Loved by God? – Romans 1:7 (2/27/2014) - Are you a saint? If you are a child of God, loved by God, then you are a saint. So you should live lives set apart for his service.
- Mutual Encouragement – Romans 1:12 (12/6/2017) - Believers are called to be in community, not to be Lone Rangers. We need to gather together to encourage one another and to provide avenues for service.
- The Gospel Is the Power of God – Romans 1:16-17 (1/7/2019) - The gospel is the good news about Jesus. About his atoning death and resurrection. But it is more than that. It is the power of God for the salvation of all who will believe its message, who entrust Jesus with their lives.
- Being Without Excuse – Romans 1:18-20 (1/9/2019) - The creation itself bears witness to God's power and majesty. And so men are without excuse when they deny the one true God.
- Pride: A Pathway to Foolishness – Romans 1:22-23 (1/14/2019) - Study, learn and grow. But don't let your pride in human accomplishment cause you to forget the creator and become a pathway to foolishness.
- God Gave Us Over to Depravity – Romans 1:28 (12/7/2022) - Because humanity has turned away from God, he has given us over to depravity. And it is only through faith in Jesus that we can be rescued.
- God’s Kindness and Patience- Romans 2:4-5 (3/19/2024) - God, in his kindness and patience, works within each person, leading us to repentance. He wants everyone to be saved.
- Rewarded According to our Works – Romans 2:6-8 (9/19/2024) - What impact does your faith have on your day-to-day life? What do your actions say about your faith? Is it dead? Or alive and fruitful?
- Honoring God with My Life – Romans 2:17-24 (10/17/2014) - How well does my life honor God. What kind of an impression do others form of God based on what they see in my life as his child?
- A Matter of the Heart – Romans 2:28-29 (12/8/2022) - Being a Christian is more than what we do on the outside. It is a matter of the heart. It is a transformed heart that follows after Jesus.
- When an Advantage Is Not an Advantage – Romans 3:1–23 (10/21/2023) - Is there an advantage growing up in a Christian home? Yes and no. It provides a good start. But you are still a sinner in need of salvation.
- There is No One Righteous, Not Even One – Romans 3:10-12 (2/4/2019) - No one is good enough to be righteous in God's sight. All of us have gone our own way. But we can experience his righteousness through Christ.
- Justified Freely by God’s Grace – Romans 3:22-25 (12/10/2017) - It is by God's grace that I have been freely justified through faith in Christ Jesus. A gift freely given and totally undeserved.
- Jesus As the Mercy Seat – Romans 3:25a (3/20/2024) - Jesus is the mercy seat, where all the fullness of God dwells in bodily form. And he is the atoning sacrifice offered on the mercy seat.
- Who Can Boast? – Romans 3:27-28 (5/1/2023) - There are many things that I might boast about. What I cannot boast about is my standing with God. That is solely due to what he has done.
- Belief Credited as Righteousness – Romans 4:3 (12/11/2017) - Abraham is the example of salvation by faith and not by works. Abraham believed God, and God credited it to him as righteousness.
- God Is Not Obligated to Save Us – Romans 4:4-5 (9/22/2024) - To be considered righteous is a gift that God freely chooses to give to all who have faith in Christ. We cannot earn it in any way.
- Who Are the Descendants of Abraham? – Romans 4:11-12 (11/6/2024) - Whether Jew or Gentile, it is only through faith in the Lord Jesus that you will experience his salvation and be a descendant of Abraham.
- The Promise Comes by Faith – Romans 4:16 (11/12/2022) - The promises that God made to Abraham came because of his faith. Even so, the promise of salvation made to us comes through our faith.
- Being Fully Persuaded – Romans 4:20-22 (4/20/2022) - Abraham was fully persuaded that God would fulfill his promise and was declared righteous. So will all today who put their faith in Christ.
- Righteousness Credited to All Who Believe – Romans 4:23-24 (10/23/2023) - God considers as righteous all those who believe in the Lord Jesus and follow him. There is no other way to be right in God's sight.
- The Grace in Which We Stand – Romans 5:1-2a (10/24/2023) - It is by God's grace that I have been saved. And it is by grace that I now stand before him, justified and at peace with him.
- Glory in Suffering and Trials – Romans 5:3-4 (12/12/2017) - How do you respond to the challenges of life? Paul, and others, tells us to glory in our suffering because of what it produces in our lives.
- While We Were Still Sinners – Romans 5:8 (5/3/2023) - Even while I was still a sinner, an enemy of God, he loved me, and Jesus died for me. Not because of who I was. But because of who he is.
- The Cross: A Demonstration of Love – Romans 5:8 (12/16/2013) - There are several reasons for the cross. But primary among them is that it is a demonstration of love, good in any language.
- Baptized into Christ Jesus – Romans 6:3-4 (11/26/2022) - As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we have been baptized into his death and resurrection. We have died to sin and can live for him.
- Do Not Let Sin Reign – Romans 6:11-12 (10/5/2024) - As one who has been crucified with Christ, I no longer have to give in to temptation. I should choose instead to honor God in all I do.
- Dead to Sin, but Alive in Christ – Romans 6:11 (12/13/2017) - As a believer, I join Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection. My life should reflect that, being dead to sin and alive in Christ.
- Offer Yourselves to God – Romans 6:13 (5/4/2023) - We have a new life in Christ. So rather than choosing to please yourself, choose to offer yourselves to God for his use each day.
- The Benefit of Holiness – Romans 6:22 (11/7/2023) - The need for holiness is not just for a few. It is for all believers, allowing us to come near to God. And to experience eternal life.
- The Gift of God is Eternal Life -Romans 6:23 (8/31/2020) - While we all deserved death because of our sin, the gracious gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus for all who believe.
- The New Way of the Spirit – Romans 7:6 (5/5/2023) - We are called to serve God, not in a legalistic fashion, but in the new way of the Spirit. As children of God, coming to know and follow him.
- What Makes Something Wrong? – Romans 7:7 (9/25/2024) - God has put within us a moral compass, a conscience, that makes us moral creatures, unlike the other animals we share the planet with.
- Sin and the Law – Romans 7:8-9 (12/3/2022) - Without the law, sin does not have an opportunity to express itself. But when a commandment is given, the ugliness within us is exposed.
- The Battle Within – Romans 7:15 (4/21/2024) - The battle is between being the person I believe God wants me to be and the person I am comfortable being. Between the Spirit and the flesh.
- The War Within, the Flesh vs. the Spirit – Romans 7:21-25 (12/14/2017) - The war within the believer between the old man and the new is a reality for all of us. But his Spirit enables us to have victory.
- No Condemnation for Those in Christ Jesus – Romans 8:1-4 (4/24/2022) - There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ and who walk by the Spirit. We do not need to fear what the future holds.
- Living in the Flesh or in the Spirit – Romans 8:5-8 (10/2/2012) - We can live according to the flesh. Or according to the Spirit. The former leads to death while the latter leads to life and peace.
- Living According to the Spirit – Romans 8:5 (7/11/2023) - Discipleship is all about surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus and living according to the Spirit. That is where true life is found.
- What Does it Mean to be in the Flesh? – Romans 8:8 (3/22/2024) - If you are in charge, doing what seems best to you, you are in the flesh and cannot please God. And how good your life is does not matter.
- Paul and the Trinity – Romans 8:9-11 (9/20/2024) - Paul's use of the Spirit, the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of Christ in this passage provides support for the doctrine of the Trinity.
- Life in the Spirit – Romans 8:12-14 (12/5/2022) - As a believer, I am expected to no longer live like the world does, satisfying my desires. Instead, I am to experience life in the Spirit.
- Suffering for Christ and Future Glory – Romans 8:17-18 (12/15/2017) - As a child of God I am his heir, so long as I am willing to suffer for Christ. But that suffering is nothing compared to the glory that awaits me as God's heir.
- The Whole Creation Is Groaning – Romans 8:19-22 (4/1/2019) - The whole creation groans and awaits its liberation from decay. It will be renewed at the revelation of God's children when Christ returns.
- Waiting for Our Adoption As Children – Romans 8:23-25 (4/8/2019) - As the whole creation groans in anticipation of the unveiling of God's children, so the children themselves groan as we wait for our adoption.
- The Wordless Groaning of the Holy Spirit – Romans 8:26-27 (4/15/2019) - The Holy Spirit groans on my behalf, interceding with the Father on my behalf. My words are inadequate. But the Holy Spirit's are not.
- God Works for Our Good In All Things – Romans 8:28 (7/13/2020) - 'In all things, God works for our good' is not a promise for prosperity. It is a statement that God will be working to accomplish his good in me.
- The Golden Chain of Salvation – Romans 8:29-30 (3/6/2014) - Those that God foreknew he has predestined, called, justified and glorified. This is the golden chain of salvation.
- Who Can Condemn Those Christ Died For? – Romans 8:33-34 (6/24/2019) - Who can condemn the ones for whom Christ died? Especially since the one who died for us is at the hand of the Father interceding for us.
- More Than Conquerors – Romans 8:37 (10/26/2023) - What can separate us from the love of God? Nothing! Regardless of what we might face, in Christ, we are more than conquerors.
- What Can Separate Us from God’s Love? – Romans 8:38-39 (8/14/2023) - What can separate me from God's love? Nothing can! Wherever I am and whatever my condition, no thing or person can separate me from his love.
- Salvation Depends on God’s Mercy – Romans 9:16 (12/16/2017) - Salvation is only by God's mercy and grace. There is nothing I can do to earn it. Nor will it come about through human desire.
- The Sovereignty of God in Salvation – Romans 9:18 (12/10/2022) - Scripture teaches us God's sovereignty in our salvation as well as our need to respond in faith. They may seem at odds, but they are not.
- The Role of Faith in Election – Romans 9:30-32 (3/23/2024) - Salvation is a gift of God that is received, not by works, but by faith. God, in his mercy, sovereignly elects all who come to him by faith.
- To Believe and to Profess – Romans 10:9-10 (10/28/2023) - What must I do to be saved? I need to publicly confess Jesus as Lord. And I need to surrender my life to the one God raised from the dead.
- Calling on the Name of the Lord – Romans 10:12-13 (4/1/2021) - Paul expresses that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Is this a call to intellectual ascent, or to discipleship?
- Share the Good News – Romans 10:13-15 (12/17/2017) - It is necessary to call on the name of the Lord to be saved. But people cannot do that if no one will share the good news of Jesus with them.
- How Beautiful the Feet – Romans 10:14-15 (5/7/2023) - How can people be saved without first hearing the gospel message? That makes it important for us to take the gospel to the world.
- Grafted into the Olive Tree of Israel – Romans 11:17-18 (3/25/2024) - Paul described Israel as an olive tree. Unbelieving Jews were broken off. And believing Gentiles were grafted in. We are one tree.
- The Depth of God’s Wisdom – Romans 11:33-34 (12/18/2017) - Are you like a child, trusting in your heavenly Father? Or, like a know-it-all teenager, thinking your wisdom rivals or exceeds God's wisdom?
- The Mark of True Worship – Romans 12:1 (12/19/2017) - Does your experience on Sunday morning satisfy your need to worship? Or is there more to it? Paul tells us that true worship is the sacrifice of self.
- Be Transformed, Not Conformed – Romans 12:2 (1/1/2020) - It is easy to conform to the culture you live in. But we are called to be transformed. To be different that the world. And to know God's perfect will.
- Evaluating Your Spiritual Giftedness – Romans 12:3 (1/27/2020) - Paul encourages us to evaluate our spiritual giftedness. Not for our own benefit. But for how has God equipped you to serve the body.
- On Being a Body Part – Romans 12:4-5 (8/12/2015) - I have been called to be a part of the body of Christ. And as a body part, I have a part to play. And if I don't, then I am hurting the body
- We Belong to Each Other – Romans 12:4-5 (5/9/2023) - As members of Christ's church, we belong to each other. And each of us are called to serve the body, and the members of the body.
- According to the Grace Given to Us – Romans 12:6-8 (10/29/2023) - God, in his grace, has gifted each of us to be able to serve within the body of Christ. Discover your gift. And then use it as best you can.
- Love Must Be Sincere – Romans 12:9a (10/14/2023) - As believers in the Lord Jesus, we are expected to love each other. Not just with words, but with our actions. Let your love be sincere.
- Devoted to One Another with Mutual Love – Romans 12:10 (5/17/2024) - As a community of believers, be committed to each other. Not just having casual relationships but being devoted to one another in love.
- Never Be Lacking in Zeal – Romans 12:11 (12/11/2022) - This is an important reminder for those of us who have served the Lord for many years. Never be lacking in zeal. Keep your spiritual fervor.
- Be Joyful, Patient, and Faithful – Romans 12:12 (5/3/2022) - Paul calls on us, regardless of the circumstances we face, to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
- Bless Those Who Persecute You – Romans 12:14 (10/16/2023) - We are called to bless those who persecute us as believers. This is hard, but it follows Jesus' example. And it helps us to grow.
- Live at Peace with Everyone – Romans 12:18 (8/3/2020) - We live in a time and place where peace seems to be elusive. But the Scripture calls on us to live at peace with everyone, as much as possible
- Heaping Burning Coals – Romans 12:19-20 (3/26/2024) - Defeat your enemies, not by taking vengeance, but by showing love. That is not the way of this world. But it is the way of God’s kingdom.
- Overcome Evil with Good – Romans 12:21 (10/27/2023) - It is tempting when someone hurts me, to hurt them back. But when I do so, I am overcome by evil. Instead, do good to the one who hurt you.
- Submit to Human Government – Romans 13:1-7 (9/1/2015) - Paul tells us that all human governments have been established my God and we are to submit to them. Unless they violate the highest authority.
- Be Subject to the Governing Authorities – Romans 13:1-2 (3/27/2024) - As believers, we are to be subject to our human leaders, the governing authorities. When we rebel against them, we are rebelling against God.
- The Unending Debt of Love – Romans 13:8 (12/30/2017) - God's love for me obligates me to love others. Always continue to pay off your debt of love. And this will fulfill the Old Testament Law.
- While We Wait for Our Coming Salvation – Romans 13:11-12 (4/28/2022) - Every moment our salvation is getting closer. While we wait, we should live our lives faithfully serving our Lord, and looking to his coming.
- Arguing About Disputed Matters – Romans 14:1 (7/20/2020) - Be careful not to argue about disputable matters, things that Scripture is not clear about. Those arguments do not build up the body.
- Regarding Disputable Matters – Romans 14:5-6a (9/28/2024) - In general, when faced with disputable matters, let your conscience be your guide. But act in a loving way toward others who look up to you.
- Judging Over Disputable Matters – Romans 14:12 (1/1/2018) - There are core truths that we should not compromise on. But there are many disputable matters that we should not make a test of the faith.
- Some Guidance for Disputable Matters – Romans 14:22-23 (5/11/2023) - Some things are clearly wrong for me to do. But others fall into what Paul calls disputable matters. If I have doubt, then for me it is wrong.
- Bear with the Failings of the Weak – Romans 15:1-3 (11/2/2023) - Paul's message for those who consider themselves mature believers, is that we have an obligation to weaker believers, helping them to mature.
- Everything Written in the Past – Romans 15:4 (12/12/2022) - Everything that was written in the past, especially the Scriptures, are useful to teach us and encourage us to stand firm in our faith.
- Glorify God with One Mind and Voice – Romans 15:5-6 (5/12/2023) - When we have the same love for each other that Jesus has for us, we will be able to glorify God with one mind and voice.
- Overflowing Hope through Joy and Peace – Romans 15:13 (1/2/2018) - Overflowing hope grows in the soil of joy and peace, tended by the Holy Spirit. If your hope is weak, seek the joy and peace God gives.
- Serving Together through Prayer – Romans 15:30 (11/9/2023) - As we pray for others who are serving the Lord, we join with them in their service. You may not be able to physically help. But you can pray.
- Standing the Test – Romans 16:10a (11/3/2023) - As believers, we face many tests of our faith in this life. In the end, will it be said of us, like Apelles, that we had stood the test?
- Greeting with a Holy Kiss – Romans 16:16 (1/3/2018) - We may substitute a handshake for a holy kiss in greeting today. But as we do, let's recognize our spiritual union together in Christ.
- Be Careful of Those Who Cause Division – Romans 16:17 (11/10/2021) - There are many different positions held on many of the doctrines we hold to. Paul warns us about those who cause division in their teaching.
The Epistle to the Romans
Devotional studies from Paul's letter to the church at Rome.