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Old Testament Wisdom Literature
The posts listed here are studies in the wisdom literature of the Old Testament. This includes the writings from Job through the Song of Solomon.
- Worship God Regardless the Circumstances – Job 1:20 (1/8/2020) - Do you worship God only when life is good? If so, you should read Job. He worshipped God even in the midst of great calamity and suffering.
- A Mediator Between God and Man – Job 9:32-35 (5/10/2023) - How can sinful humanity ever approach holy God? We cannot on our own. But God has provided a mediator between himself and man - Jesus Christ.
- I Know that My Redeemer Lives – Job 19:25-27 (5/11/2022) - In the midst of his suffering, Job could cry out, "I know that my Redeemer lives", and have faith that he would stand with him in the end.
- Why Do Wicked People Prosper? – Job 21:7, 13 (4/6/2024) - As a believer in the Lord Jesus, you may not understand why wicked people prosper. But it is temporary. They will be held accountable.
- What Do We Have to Offer God? – Job 22:2-3 (6/13/2024) - God did not need to create us. But he did. And it was for our benefit, not his. A benefit that is most fully realized in the life to come.
- Responding to Disaster – Job 23:10-12 (5/17/2023) - How do you respond when disaster strikes? Does it cause you to turn from God and look for help elsewhere? Or do you draw near to him in trust?
- How Faint the Whisper We Hear of God- Job 26:14 (4/11/2024) - God's voice is a whisper we can easily ignore. But, if we listen, we can understand and experience the power of God and his love for us.
- Where Does Wisdom Come From – Job 28:20 (5/23/2022) - Where do wisdom and understand come from? Many source claim to supply them. But only God is the true source of both wisdom and understanding.
- God Speaks to Us in a Variety of Ways – Job 33:13-14 (5/26/2023) - How does God speak to us? He may speak through the Bible, your spirit, other people, your circumstances, or any other way he chooses.
- The Breath of Life – Job 34:14 (4/18/2024) - God alone has life eternal and uncaused. The life of all other things comes from his uncaused life and depends on it.
- The Greatness of God – Job 35:5-8 (5/29/2023) - How great is God? He is far above me. There is nothing I can do, either good or bad, that will change him. That is how great God is.
- Consider God’s Wonders – Job 37:14-18 (5/30/2023) - When we stop to consider God's wonders in creation, it should humble us and draw us into worship. Creating a universe from nothing. Amazing!
- Who Is Qualified to Judge God? – Job 38:1-4 (4/25/2024) - God’s reasons are often beyond our ability to understand. But we can trust that he is working for our good even when it might seem otherwise.
- Delight in the Law of the Lord – Psalm 1:1-3 (1/16/2019) - Blessed is the one who delights in the law of the Lord. He will be blessed and, like a tree planted by water, will endure and prosper through it all.
- The One Enthroned in Heaven Laughs – Psalm 2:4-6 (6/30/2022) - God, the one enthroned in heaven, laughs at all of the feeble attempts of humanity to usurp his sovereign place over all of the creation.
- You, Lord, Are A Shield Around Me – Psalm 3:3-6 (11/29/2022) - Through all of the challenging circumstances that we may face, God is a shield around those who trust in him, giving us peace and security.
- When I Consider Your Heavens – Psalm 8:3-4 (4/15/2021) - O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers . . . what is mankind that you are mindful of them?
- I Will Give Thanks to the Lord – Psalm 9:1-2 (1/15/2020) - Giving thanks to the Lord should be a constant activity for the believer. He has done so much for us, and we have so much to be thankful for.
- A Stronghold in Times of Trouble – Psalm 9:9-10 (7/5/2022) - Life can often be challenging. But God is our stronghold in times of trouble. We can count on him to see us through whatever comes our way.
- A Cry for Justice – Psalm 10:14-15 (12/4/2022) - There is so much evil in our world. And it can lead us to cry out for justice. But we can rest assured that, in the end, justice will reign.
- How Long Will You Hide Your Face From Me – Psalm 13:1, 5-6 (3/20/2019) - Does it sometimes seem like God had hidden his face from you? That he cannot be found? When that happens, trust in God and praise him anyway.
- Dwelling in the Presence of God – Psalm 15:1-5 (10/20/2023) - Who can dwell in the presence of God? In addition to faith, the psalmist tells us it is the one who does what is right and honest.
- My Rock, Fortress, and Deliverer – Psalm 18:2 (7/13/2022) - The Lord is a rock, a fortress, and a deliverer to all who trust in him. We can count on him to protect us and keep us safe from real harm.
- God Responds to Our Prayer for Help – Psalm 18:4-6, 9-10, 16-17 (5/26/2024) - God may not make all our problems disappear. But we do not have to walk through them alone. Cry out to God. He will respond to your prayer.
- He Trains My Hands for Battle – Psalm 18:32-35 (6/23/2023) - Each of us who follow the Lord are involved in a spiritual battle. And we can trust that the Lord will train our hands for that battle.
- The Heavens Declare the Glory of God – Psalms 19:1-6 (7/10/2019) - I love being out in the creation. And when I am, the words of this psalm are often on my lips. The heavens. and all of creation, declare the glory of God.
- More Precious than Gold – Psalm 19:10-11 (11/19/2022) - The Bible is our authoritative and essential guide to life as a follower of Jesus. It is, to us, much more precious that gold.
- God Honoring Words and Thoughts – Psalms 19:14 (1/4/2019) - Psalms 19:14 presents a wonderful challenge. May the words and thoughts of our mouths and minds always be pleasing to our Lord.
- Trust in the Name of the Lord Our God – Psalm 20:7-8 (12/21/2022) - There are many things we can place our trust in. But only by trusting in the name of the Lord our God above all others will we stand secure.
- A Fire that Consumes – Psalm 21:8-9 (9/24/2024) - Are those who die as unbelievers tormented for eternity? Or are they consumed? Your answer should not change your concern for the lost.
- He Has Not Hidden His Face from Us – Psalm 22:24 (10/25/2023) - Life can be hard, even for believers. And it might seem like God has abandoned us. But he will never turn his face away from us. Trust him.
- The Lord Is My Shepherd – Psalm 23:1-4 (7/20/2022) - This psalm that is the favorite of many, declares that the Lord is our shepherd. He provides for our needs and protects us from all harm.
- Pursued by God’s Goodness and Love – Psalm 23:6 (5/30/2024) - God wants us to know and experience his love. God loves us more than we can imagine, and he pursues us with his goodness and love.
- Show Me Your Ways, Lord – Psalm 25:4-5 (2/27/2019) - This psalm is a good example of seeking God's direction. Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. This should be our daily prayer.
- He Guides the Humble – Psalm 25:9, 12 (6/27/2023) - How can you discern God's will for your life? Come before him in humility and with a willingness to obey. And he will guide your steps.
- A Declaration of Confidence – Psalm 27:1-3 (1/10/2022) - David's declaration of confidence in the Lord's keeping is one that all believers should be able to mimic. Trust in the Lord to keep you.
- To Live in the Lord’s House Forever- Psalm 27:4 (10/1/2024) - How wonderful it will be to spend eternity in the presence of our Lord in all his glory? Could anything be better?
- The Lord Is My Strength and Shield – Psalms 28:7 (7/15/2020) - Where do you turn when you are faced with challenges? Join with David in trusting the Lord and confessing that the Lord is my strength and shield.
- In the Splendor of His Holiness – Psalm 29:1-2 (10/22/2023) - Worshipping God is more than just gathering with other believers and singing a few songs. It is bowing before God and glorifying him.
- But I Trust In You Lord – Psalm 31:14-16 (1/23/2019) - What do you do when trouble presses in on you? Do you despair? Or do you follow David's example and trust in the Lord, looking for his deliverance?
- Blessed Is the One Whose Sin Is Forgiven – Psalm 32:1-2 (1/30/2019) - Is there sin coming between you and God? Confess it and experience his forgiveness. Blessed is the one whose sin is forgiven.
- Sing Joyfully to the Lord – Psalm 33:1-3 (12/13/2022) - It is good and right for us to sing joyfully to the Lord our God. Rejoice in him and all he has done for you and has planned for you.
- He Spoke, and It Came To Be – Psalm 33:9 (11/1/2023) - The God who spoke creation into existence is still at work today. And I can trust that whatever he gives me to do, he will also enable me.
- The Plans of the Lord Stand Firm – Psalm 33:10-11 (7/4/2023) - People and nations make plans, some good and some evil. But none of them can oppose God's plans. His plans will always be carried out.
- The Eyes of the Lord Are On Us – Psalm 33:16-19 (4/10/2019) - The eyes of the Lord are on those who trust in him. So put your hope in him rather than things that will not last and that will disappoint. To all who trust in him, he is our hope and our shield.
- His Praise Will Always Be On My Lips – Psalm 34:1-3 (4/1/2020) - Join with David in letting the praise of the Lord always be on your lips. Worship him when alone. And worship him with other believers.
- Delivered From All My Fears – Psalm 34:4 (11/25/2020) - What is your greatest fear? Seek the Lord's help in overcoming it. And he will deliver you from that fear, replacing it with his peace.
- Arise, Lord, and Come to My Aid – Psalm 35:1-3 (7/5/2023) - David's prayer in this psalm is that God would arise and come to his aid. We can echo David's words today, seeking God's protection.
- The Priceless Love of God – Psalms 36:7 (6/2/2021) - The unfailing love of God for us is priceless. There is nothing we can do to deserve or earn it. But God freely offers it to us.
- Don’t Let the Darkness Steal Your Joy – Psalm 37:1-4 (12/16/2022) - Evil and evil people abound in our world. We need to guard against allowing the darkness they bring steal the joy we have in Christ.
- The Burden of Sin – Psalm 38:1-4 (12/11/2019) - We should take sin in our lives seriously. It should be a heavy burden for us. Confess and repent. Then seek restoration with God.
- My Soul Thirsts for God – Psalm 42:1-2, 11 (5/1/2019) - In the midst of a challenging time, when God seemed far away, and the psalmist's soul was dry, he chose to hope in God and praise him.
- Why Are You Downcast, Oh My Soul – Psalms 42:5 (8/23/2021) - The cry of the psalmist is heartbreaking: why are you downcast my soul. Yet even in the mist of this, he continues to place his faith in God.
- Remember What God Has Done – Psalm 44:1 (8/11/2022) - There is real value and encouragement in remembering the past and what God has done in our lives as well as in the lives of many others.
- God Is Our Refuge and Strength – Psalm 46:1-3 (3/25/2020) - How should we respond to the frightening headlines we see every day? The psalmist tells us that God is our refuge & strength, So do not fear.
- Be Still, and Know That I Am God – Psalm 46:10 (3/6/2019) - This fragment of a verse come from a psalm that is magnifying what God does, and how he has protected Israel. And in the midst of this praise is this simple admonition. To be still. And to know that the Lord (YHWH) is God.
- God Is Sovereign over the Nations – Psalm 47:8-9 (6/16/2024) - Scripture teaches us that God raises up rulers and uses nations to accomplish his sovereign purpose for his creation.
- Most Worthy of Praise – Psalm 48:1 (8/15/2022) - While there are many things in this world that we may find praiseworthy, only God is most worthy of our praise and adoration.
- Trust in God, and He Will Deliver You – Psalm 50:9-15 (4/3/2019) - God calls on us to serve him. Not that it fills any need he has. But for our own benefit. Trust in God, and he will deliver you.
- Create In Me A Pure Heart – Psalm 51:10-12 (3/27/2019) - As David discovered, our sin separates us from God. Confess and repent of your sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God.
- Repenting with a Broken and Contrite Heart – Psalm 51:17 (5/8/2019) - God is not interested in the outward signs of repentance as much as he is in a broken and contrite heart. A heart that is broken over my sin.
- When I Am Afraid, I Will Trust in God – Psalm 56:3-4 (3/18/2020) - It is only natural to respond in fear when threatened. But those who are God's should be able to say with David, "When I am afraid, I will trust in God."
- My Heart, O God, Is Steadfast – Psalm 57:7-10 (6/17/2020) - When troubles come, join with David in proclaiming, "My heart, oh God, is steadfast." Put your hope in the one who can overcome all.
- Lead Me To the Rock That Is Higher Than I – Psalm 61:1-4 (4/8/2020) - In the midst of the turmoil, there is a place of security. David's cry to "lead me to the Rock that is higher than I" is a good response.
- My Soul Finds Rest in God – Psalm 62:1-2 (8/28/2022) - There are many uncertainties in life and it is easy to stress over them. But put your trust in God and your soul will find rest in him.
- Pour Out Your Heart to God – Psalm 62:8 (7/28/2023) - It is OK to pour out your heart to God. He already knows what's there, so you will not surprise him. And you can find comfort when you do.
- Thirsting for God in a Dry and Parched Land – Psalms 63:1 (5/13/2020) - In the midst of a dry and parched time, David had two responses. He was thirsting for God. And he rejoiced and glorified God. Such a good example for us.
- Bringing Shame to the Cause of Christ – Psalm 69:5-6 (8/12/2020) - My sinful actions don't hurt just myself and those directly involved. They can also bring shame to the cause of Christ and other believers.
- The Best Form of Worship – Psalm 69:30-31 (11/29/2023) - What form of worship is the most pleasing to God? It is worship that comes from the heart. Worship with a heart of praise and thanksgiving.
- Even When I am Old and Gray – Psalm 71:17-18 (5/5/2021) - This psalm reflects well on my own experience. I have served the Lord since I was young. And now I am old and gray. But still have a mission.
- God Is the Strength of My Heart – Psalm 73:23-26 (10/20/2021) - This psalm is such a wonderful expression of trust in God, the strength of our hearts. What else is there that begins to compare with God.
- Trust In God When Life Is Hard – Psalm 74:12-17 (7/3/2024) - Trust God when your life is hard. Call out to him for deliverance. He will bring you through whatever storms in life you are experiencing.
- Remember What God Has Done – Psalm 77:10-15 (9/7/2022) - Do you ever feel like God is distant? When you do, it helps to remember what God has done for you. And when you do, you will be encouraged.
- Insulting God by Doubting His Ability – Psalm 78:19-22 (10/15/2024) - How often do I follow Israel’s example and doubt God? How much better to trust him and experience him at work in and through me?
- Giving Lip Service – Psalm 78:35-37 (11/13/2022) - God is always faithful to us. But how do we respond? Do we serve him with all that we are? Or only give him lip service?
- Rendering Judgment Against the “gods” – Psalm 82:1 (10/18/2024) - There are real spiritual beings who have an impact on this world. But God is sovereign, and they are facing God's judgment. So stand strong.
- How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place – Psalm 84:1-4 (3/11/2020) - How lovely is your dwelling place, oh Lord. I love to join together with God's people to worship him. And someday, to come into his presence.
- Life as a Pilgrim – Psalm 84:5-7 (8/8/2023) - As believers, we travel through this life as pilgrims, looking forward to our home. But as you travel, seek to make the world a better place.
- Better Is One Day In Your Courts – Psalms 84:10 (9/25/2019) - Where is your favorite place? Join the psalmist in proclaiming to God, "better is one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere."
- Teach Me Your Ways, O Lord – Psalm 86:11 (9/8/2021) - How can I live a life of purity that is pleasing to God. David's prayer here, "Teach me your ways, O Lord", reveals the way. Seek God's help.
- When Overwhelmed with Trouble – Psalm 88:3-5 (5/27/2020) - When it seems like the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train and you are feeling overwhelmed. Take your complaint to God.
- From Everlasting to Everlasting, You Are God – Psalms 90:2 (7/3/2019) - How long as God been around? Moses tells us that from everlasting to everlasting, God is. He has always been God. And he always will be God.
- The Lord Is My Refuge – Psalm 91:9-12 (9/19/2022) - Suffering is a part of life in this world. But if we make the Lord our refuge, trusting in him, then he will keep us from real harm.
- The Blessing of God’s Discipline – Psalm 94:12 (1/20/2023) - None of us particularly enjoy discipline. Yet, as the psalmist says, the one God disciplines is blessed. He is working for our good.
- Come, Let Us Bow Down in Worship – Psalm 95:1-7 (4/29/2020) - No matter how challenging life may become, never forget who God is and his care for you. Give thanks to him and worship your creator.
- The Glory Due his Name – Psalm 96:7-10 (9/20/2021) - The Lord our God is the creator and sustainer of all creation. He is above all and worthy of praise. Give to the Lord the glory due his name.
- Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord – Psalm 100:1-5 (8/14/2019) - Make a joyful noise to the Lord. Lift up your voice to praise him for all he has done. He is certainly worthy of our praise and worship.
- Trusting an Eternal and Unchanging God – Psalm 102:25-27 (8/20/2023) - Unlike his creation, God is eternal and unchanging. And because of that I can trust him with my life now, and my future through eternity.
- Bless the Lord, O My Soul – Psalms 103:1-2 (7/31/2019) - What has God done for you. Take time to recount the Lord's blessings. And then bless the Lord, with your inmost being, for what he has done.
- As High As the Heavens – Psalm 103:11-12 (9/9/2022) - How much does God love us? David describes the scope of his love as being as high as the heavens above the earth. Immeasurable.
- Made of Clay – Psalm 103:13-14 (10/11/2024) - What does God want from this lump of clay? He wants me, not to be perfect, but to be faithful and submissive to him.
- Glorifying the God of Creation – Psalm 104:5-9 (12/9/2023) - When I look at the creation, I cannot help but glorify the God of creation and echo this psalm. "Praise the LORD, my soul. Praise the LORD."
- May My Meditation be Pleasing to God – Psalm 104:33-34 (9/29/2021) - When we come together to worship, where are your thoughts. Is your meditation pleasing to God. Or are you focused on other things?
- Judging God, or Trusting Him – Psalm 105:25 (10/29/2024) - God is God. And I am not. So, rather than judge God, I will trust him in all he does. Even when I am unable to understand what he's doing.
- Give Thanks to the Lord, for He Is Good – Psalm 106:1-2 (11/23/2023) - On this Thanksgiving day, I give thanks to the Lord, for he is indeed good. And I thank him for each of you and for the union we can share.
- Standing in the Gap before God – Psalm 106:23, 30 (5/6/2020) - Are you, like Moses, willing to stand in the gap, pleading with God on behalf of the lost? Those in danger of experiencing the wrath of God?
- Let Your Light Shine Out – Psalm 106:35-36 (10/30/2024) - As God's people, we need to a distinct people, in this world, but not a part of it. We should be a light to a world living in darkness.
- His Love Endures Forever – Psalms 107:1 (10/6/2021) - We can, and should, give thanks to God. Because he is good and desirable. And because his love for us endures forever. It will not end.
- A Prayer for a Wounded Heart – Psalm 109:21-22 (12/13/2023) - Are you experiencing heartache and loss? Turn to the one who is best able to bring healing and wholeness. Who can heal a wounded heart.
- The Fundamental Principle for Wise Living – Psalm 111:10 (8/3/2024) - The fundamental principle of wise living is to love the Lord with our whole being and to love others within the family of God.
- Who Is Like the Lord Our God? – Psalm 113:4-6 (12/15/2023) - Who is like the Lord our God? No one or thing even begins to compare with him. He alone is worthy of all praise and honor.
- Give Thanks to the Lord, for He Is Good – Psalm 118:1 (11/23/2017) - Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! I have much to be thankful for. God has blessed me richly.
- The Lord Is with Me – Psalm 118:6 (1/26/2023) - The Lord is always with me. And, because of that, I need have no fear what others might do to me. God is bigger than anything I might face.
- Take Refuge in the Lord – Psalm 118:8-9 (11/7/2024) - It would be hard to live without placing some level of trust in the people and things of this world. But even better is to trust in the Lord.
- The LORD Is My God! – Psalm 118:28 (8/1/2024) - Keep God at the heart of whatever you do. Don’t allow anything else, no matter how good, to take his place on the throne of your life.
- Steadfast in Obedience – Psalm 119:4-6 (9/1/2023) - As a child of God, it should be my goal to be steadfast in obedience to the instructions of Jesus and his apostles found in the Scripture.
- Treasuring the Word of God – Psalms 119:11 (9/23/2020) - Treasure the word of God. Hide it within your heart. Doing so will help you to avoid sin and draw ever closer to God
- Rejoice in God’s Word – Psalm 119:14-16 (12/18/2023) - Rather than view the Bible as a collection of instructions on how we should live, we should rejoice because it helps us to know God better.
- Open My Eyes to Understand Your Truth – Psalms 119:18 (10/11/2021) - Most Americans have a Bible, and many read it, at least occasionally. But how many of us seek for God to open our eyes to its truth?
- Choosing the Path of Faithfulness – Psalm 119:29-30 (8/4/2024) - The path of faithfulness is the path of obedience to God, the path that ends in eternal life. This can be a lonely and hard path to travel.
- God’s Word Is More Precious than Gold – Psalm 119:72 (9/3/2023) - How important is the Bible to you? The psalmist expresses that it is more precious than gold to him. May it be a treasure to you as well.
- How Sweet Are Your Words – Psalm 119:97, 103 (10/14/2022) - How sweet are God's words to you? Do you mostly ignore it? Or do you delight in reading it and through it coming to better know our Lord?
- Obedience Leads to Understanding – Psalm 119:100 (1/30/2023) - One of the most important things you do to grow in your faith is to practice what you learn. Obedience leads to a growing understanding.
- The Beginning of Knowledge – Proverbs 1:7 (2/19/2020) - While the fear of the Lord includes an element of fear, it is also reverence for him. And that reverence and respect is the beginning of real knowledge.
- Advice for the New Year – Proverbs 3:5-6 (12/31/2018) - Have you made any resolutions for the new year? If you are looking for suggestions, Proverbs 3:5-6 would be a good place to start.
- Guard Your Heart – Proverbs 4:23 (6/15/2022) - In this proverb, a father is instructing his son to guard his heart. To be careful about what he allows to influence his life and thoughts.
- Led Astray by Persuasive Words – Proverbs 7:21-23 (6/11/2023) - Don't be led astray by the persuasive words of the Adulterous Woman, leading to death. Choose instead to listen to Lady Wisdom and find life.
- Correcting Mockers and the Wise – Proverbs 9:8 (9/12/2024) - The mocker will reject any contrary opinion while the wise person will listen to alternatives and give careful thought to them.
- Choose Your Friends Carefully – Proverbs 13:20 (8/23/2022) - If you want to live a godly life in Christ, it is important for you to choose your friends carefully. Be careful of their influence.
- Where There Are No Oxen – Proverbs 14:4 (5/11/2024) - Are we willing to invest time and effort in sharing the good news with the world around us, producing an abundant harvest for the kingdom?
- Traveling On the Right Road – Proverbs 14:12 (7/24/2019) - How often do we come to a fork in the road of life and choose the one most appealing, only to discover it was the wrong one? Choose wisely.
- Responding With a Soft Answer or a Harsh Word – Proverbs 15:1 (11/22/2021) - Discussions can sometimes get heated. But responding with a soft answer, with gentleness and respect, can help to defuse the conflict.
- Appearances Can Be Deceiving – Proverbs 16:25 (11/12/2023) - Following Jesus can be hard, and it might seem better to go a different way. But that seemingly better way will result in eternal death.
- Two Ways to Respond to an Offense – Proverbs 17:9 (5/14/2024) - Will we forgive and promote love and unity within the body? Or will we tell others about the offense, allowing it to cause division?
- When Sharing Your Opinion, Don’t Be a Fool – Proverbs 18:2 (2/26/2020) - We all know people who delight in sharing their opinions. And who are not interested in what anyone else has to say. Solomon calls that person a fool.
- Be Kind to the Poor – Proverbs 19:17 (4/15/2020) - Proverbs tells us that when we are kind to the poor, God sees it as a loan to himself and that he will reward us accordingly. So be generous.
- I’ll Pay Them Back – Proverbs 24:29 (7/6/2022) - Our initial reaction to being wronged is to think, I'll pay them back. But, as God's people, we should love them instead and seek their good.
- Answering a Fool According to His Folly – Proverbs 26:4-5 (7/10/2022) - In Proverbs, a fool is one who speaks and acts in harmful ways. These proverbs tell us not to answer a fool foolishly, but with integrity.
- Without Gossip, a Quarrel Dies Down – Proverbs 26:20 (9/2/2020) - Gossip is like throwing fuel onto a fire. The more fuel we add, the hotter the fire. By choosing not to gossip, a quarrel can die down.
- As Iron Sharpens Iron – Proverbs 27:17 (11/14/2022) - Iron sharpens iron is true for knives. But it is also true for believers. We need to spend time together, sharpening one another.
- Speak Up for the Voiceless – Proverbs 31:8-9 (7/18/2022) - Many people in the world today have no voice in what happens to them. Will you be a voice for the voiceless and speak up in their behalf?
- Everything Is Meaningless – Ecclesiastes 1:2 (7/19/2022) - When the author of Ecclesiastes says that everything is meaningless, it means that it is all temporary. Nothing is this life has permanence.
- A Chasing after the Wind – Ecclesiastes 2:11 (6/26/2023) - We may collect much in this life, and accomplish great things. But it is all temporary. We should focus instead on what will last.
- Eternity In Our Hearts – Ecclesiastes 3:11 (3/4/2020) - God has placed eternity in our hearts; a yearning for something that transcends the short years of this life. That yearning should draw us to our creator.
- Two Are Better Than One – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (7/25/2022) - The words of Ecclesiastes here are very important: "Two are better than one." If I am alone, who will help me if I fall and cannot get up?
- The Rebuke of a Wise Person – Ecclesiastes 7:5 (6/4/2024) - Heeding the rebuke of a wise person who cares about you is much better than listening to the affirming praise of fools.
- Life Is Not Always Fair – Ecclesiastes 9:11 (6/6/2024) - Life is not fair. But we can look forward to life in the Father’s house as his dearly loved children, with every tear wiped away.
Song of Solomon
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