- Five Scandalous Women – Matthew 1:3, 5, 6, 16 (11/2/2017) - Why does Matthew include these five scandalous women in Jesus' genealogy? To show that he loves all people, even the less desirable.
- Jesus Is God, Come to Save His People – Matthew 1:21 (5/17/2019) - The name Jesus means Yahweh saves. It is a common name, but Matthew identifies this Jesus as the one who would save his people. God with us.
- Immanuel: God With Us – Matthew 1:22-23 (12/5/2018) - This Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, remember him as Immanuel, God with us. Not just a newborn baby, but God incarnate; God with us.
- Immanuel: God With Us – Matthew 1:23 (12/22/2012) - More than a baby born into humble circumstances, Jesus was Immanuel, God with us. Don't just celebrate his birth. Worship him as God.
- Responses to Jesus’ Birth – Matthew 2:1-18 (12/24/2021) - What response do you make to the celebration of Jesus' birth? Indifference? Hostility? Or rejoicing in the gift of God's Son, Emmanuel.
- We Have Seen His Star in the East – Matthew 2:1-2 (11/3/2017) - A star in the east led wise men to Jesus. The same one responsible for that star shines a light in our hearts. Will we follow it to Jesus?
- Dressed in Camel’s Hair – Matthew 3:4 (11/5/2017) - John dressed in camel's hair and preached in the wilderness, and people flocked to him in repentance. Our methods are not as important as the message.
- Produce Fruit In Keeping With Repentance – Matthew 3:8 (3/2/2022) - Many are satisfied with a repentance that makes no change in their lives. But we are called to produce fruit in keeping with real repentance.
- Two Responses to Satan’s Temptation – Matthew 4:10 (2/24/2020) - Both Eve and Jesus experienced the temptation of Satan. Eve succumbed and fell into sin and death. Jesus resisted and brought new life to all who believe.
- A Light Shining In the Darkness – Matthew 4:16 (12/20/2013) - Honor Christ today as Lord and God! Let the light of Christ shine out from you into the darkness that is enveloping our world.
- Becoming Fishers of Men – Matthew 4:19 (11/6/2017) - Jesus called Peter, Andrew, James, and John to leave all behind and to follow him. But most of us he calls to follow him where we are, faithfully serving him.
- Following the Example of Jesus – Matthew 4:23 (2/24/2024) - You might not be a dynamic speaker or able to heal the sick and cast out demons. But you can share the good news of the kingdom with others
- Blessed Are the Merciful – Matthew 5:7 (4/4/2023) - Blessed are the merciful. Those who show mercy and seek understanding rather than passing judgment on those who are different.
- Blessed Are the Peacemakers – Matthew 5:9 (11/7/2017) - Blessed are the peacemakers. Those who seek resolution to the things that divide us rather than further fanning the flames of division.
- Rejoice When Insulted for Christ’s Sake – Matthew 5:11-12 (2/25/2024) - We should consider it an honor to be treated like Jesus and his apostles. Learn to rejoice when you are insulted for Christ's sake.
- If a Brother Has Something against You – Matthew 5:23-24 (6/8/2023) - If a brother or sister in Christ has something against you, whether real or imagined, you should seek reconciliation with them.
- Love Your Enemies and Pray for Them – Matthew 5:43-45 (12/7/2020) - Jesus teaching was often quite contrary to the convention wisdom of the day. And none more so that to "love your enemies and pray for them."
- Let Your Giving Be in Secret – Matthew 6:3-4 (8/11/2024) - Always be careful of your motive in giving. Don’t let your need for human acclaim cost you the reward the Father has for you.
- The Privilege of Prayer – Matthew 6:5-13 (3/9/2014) - Prayer! What a wonderful, and often underutilized, privilege we have. The creator and ruler of the universe invites us into his presence.
- God Knows What You Need Before You Ask – Matthew 6:7-8 (5/21/2024) - I don’t need to beg or try to convince God of what I need. God knows what I need before I even ask. A simple request is all I need to make
- Our Father in Heaven – Matthew 6:9 (6/15/2024) - In prayer, we have the privilege of coming before the throne of the majestic Lord of all creation as his dearly loved children.
- Give Us Today Our Daily Bread – Matthew 6:11 (7/15/2024) - Ultimately, “give us today our daily bread” comes down to trust. Trust that God will provide for us each day. And acting on that trust.
- Forgiving Those Who Hurt You – Matthew 6:14-15 (11/8/2017) - Do you struggle with forgiving those who hurt you? Jesus tells us it is necessary if we want God's forgiveness. And, it brings healing to us.
- Storing Up Treasure In Heaven – Matthew 6:19-21 (1/24/2022) - Jesus encourages us to store up treasure in heaven where it will be secure. I can do that by helping out other people who are in need.
- The Lamp of the Body – Matthew 6:22-23 (4/5/2023) - Your eyes are the lamp of your body. Seek to see clearly the world and people around you. And let it change the way you treat them.
- Don’t Worry About Tomorrow – Matthew 6:31-34 (2/26/2024) - Don't worry about today's needs or what tomorrow might bring. Trust God and live today as faithful members of his kingdom.
- A Warning About Judging – Matthew 7:1-2 (9/6/2023) - Jesus warns us against judging other people because we will face the same level of judgment that we have shown. Show mercy instead.
- Seek and You Will Find – Matthew 7:7-8 (10/16/2022) - Jesus tells us that if we seek we will find. What is it that we should be looking for? Seek God's will for your life and kingdom service.
- The Golden Rule – Matthew 7:12 (2/27/2024) - How do we fulfill the Golden Rule? By loving our neighbor as we do ourselves and treating them the way we want them to treat us.
- Enter Through the Narrow Gate – Matthew 7:13-14 (1/27/2014) - Which gate will you enter? The one to life? Or the one to destruction? Choose the road less traveled, and walk down it with Jesus.
- Recognized by Your Fruit – Matthew 7:20 (5/10/2024) - Is the fruit of the Spirit growing and developing in your life? If so, you can have assurance that you are connected to the life of Christ.
- The Mark of a Real Disciple of Jesus? – Matthew 7:21-23 (5/19/2014) - The mark of a real disciple is not based on religious activity. Instead it is centered around doing the will of God. To obey is better than sacrifice.
- Is Your Life Built on Rock or Sand? – Matthew 7:24-27 (9/25/2014) - Have you built your life on the rock of Christ or the sand of self. The life built on Christ will survive. The life built on self will ultimately collapse.
- Taking Our Place at the Feast – Matthew 8:11 (1/26/2022) - God has prepared a place at the heavenly feast for all who come to him. It does not matter if you are Jew or Gentile. All are invited.
- The Cost of Following Jesus – Matthew 8:19-20 (11/10/2017) - We do people a disservice when we call them to salvation without challenging them to count the cost of following Jesus. Following him costs us everything.
- Why Are You So Afraid? – Matthew 8:26 (10/18/2022) - We might face many storms in this life. But we do not need to be afraid. Jesus will safely bring us through all the challenges we face.
- What Would Jesus Do? – Matthew 9:9-13 (1/6/2012) - What would Jesus do if he came to town? I think he would be hanging out with 'sinners' rather than us good Christian folk, safely tucked into our churches.
- New Patches on Old Garments – Matthew 9:16-17 (1/30/2012) - Putting new patches onto old garments may work in fashion, but not in our walk with Christ. Instead, we need to ditch the old man, and be made anew.
- Diversity in the Body of Christ, A Good Thing – Matthew 10:2-4 (7/15/2019) - We don't know much about many of Jesus' disciples. But they included a tax collector and a zealot. Political opposites. But chosen intentionally.
- Shrewd as Snakes and Innocent as Doves – Matthew 10:16 (2/2/2022) - Be as shrewd as a snake and as innocent as a dove. Walk through this life with your eyes wide open. And seek to live a holy life.
- The One Who Endures to the End – Matthew 10:22 (3/1/2024) - What awaits us is beyond compare. So endure to the end, and experience the salvation that the Lord has prepared for us.
- Don’t Be Afraid; God Loves You – Matthew 10:29-31 (11/28/2018) - Are you a child of God? Don't be afraid of this world and the people in it. You are of great value to God. So be faithful to follow him.
- Taking Up My Cross and Following – Matthew 10:38 (11/13/2017) - Jesus' call to take up our cross and follow him is a call to self-denial, a call to die to self and to live for him. It is the only way to be worthy of him.
- Lose Your Life To Find It – Matthew 10:39 (9/9/2023) - You can cling to your life in the flesh and lose out on eternal life. Or you can surrender to the Lordship of Jesus and gain eternal life.
- The Greatest and the Least – Matthew 11:11 (4/12/2023) - How do you measure greatness? Jesus told us that the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than the greatest in this world.
- Hidden From the Wise and Revealed to Children – Matthew 11:25 (8/10/2024) - Only when we surrender to the Lordship of Jesus and become “little children” will God reveal to us the secrets of the kingdom.
- Take Up the Yoke of Jesus – Matthew 11:28-30 (11/14/2017) - The yoke of this world is heavy and burdensome. Throw if off and take up Jesus' yoke instead. His burden on us is light and refreshing to our souls.
- A Tree Is Recognized by Its Fruit – Matthew 12:33 (10/21/2022) - Just as a tree is recognized by the fruit that it produces, so the state of my heart is recognized by the fruit that it produces in my life.
- Accounting for Every Worthless Word – Matthew 12:36-37 (8/12/2024) - What kind of fruit does your life produce? Good fruit that is pleasing to our Lord and that reveals a transformed life? Or something else?
- Brothers and Sisters of Jesus – Matthew 12:50 (11/15/2017) - How does one come into the family of God as a brother or sister of Jesus? By doing the will of the Father; coming to Jesus and walking with him.
- The Parable of the Weeds – Matthew 13:24-26 (3/4/2024) - Are you a child of the kingdom? If not, it is not too late to repent, take Jesus as your true Lord, and produce the fruit of righteousness.
- The Parables of Small Beginnings – Matthew 13:31-33 (11/21/2012) - The parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast illustrate that the kingdom of God works with small beginnings to produce big changes in people and culture.
- Thrown Into a Blazing Furnace – Matthew 13:40-43 (9/12/2023) - Those who reject God's salvation are pictured as being thrown into a blazing furnace. That should encourage us to share God's love with them.
- The Parables of the Precious – Matthew 13:44-46 (9/5/2012) - The parable of the pearl and the parable of the hidden treasure express the value of the kingdom of God. Will we give up everything for it?
- New Treasures As Well As Old – Matthew 13:52 (4/14/2023) - Both the Old and New Testaments are God's word to us. And they both are a treasure house for us, full of truths that will enrich us.
- Isn’t This the Carpenter’s Son? – Matthew 13:55-56 (8/13/2024) - Jesus was the carpenter’s son. But he is so much more. He is the Lord of all creation. He is worthy of your utmost devotion and praise.
- And They Took Offense at Him – Matthew 13:57 (2/9/2022) - Have many of us who grew up in the church and have heard and read about Jesus for years take offense at what he tells us to do.?
- The Consequence of Saving Face – Matthew 14:9 (11/17/2017) - When you make a commitment and then discover it was a mistake, do you correct that mistake, or does your pride force you to follow through?
- Going into the Mountains to Pray – Matthew 14:23 (7/9/2012) - I love Jesus example of going out into the mountains to pray. I enjoy the time when I can get out like that and spend time alone with God.
- Walking On the Water – Matthew 14:27-31 (12/2/2019) - When Jesus calls you to walk out on the water, don't look at the storms that are blowing around you. Instead, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
- The Mouth Reflects the Heart – Matthew 15:18 (11/18/2017) - The words from my mouth and my actions merely reflect what is in my heart. If I want to be clean outside, I will need to be holy inside.
- Time Spent with Jesus – Matthew 15:32 (2/16/2022) - How much time would I invest in listening to Jesus teach? 3 days? Or just an hour? Especially when sitting on the ground with nothing to eat.
- Guard Against the Yeast of the Pharisees – Matthew 16:6 (2/21/2022) - Be on guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, corrupting teachings and influences that can sneak into our midst and corrupt the whole body.
- The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail – Matthew 16:13-20 (9/25/2013) - It is easy to be afraid of what our culture will do to us. But Jesus promise to us is that the gates of hell will not prevail against us.
- Who Do You Say Jesus Is? – Matthew 16:15 (9/18/2022) - People in our world today have a variety of opinions about who Jesus is. But what really matters is who you say that he is. Is he your Lord?
- Disciples Follow Jesus Where He Leads – Matthew 16:24 (4/8/2021) - Jesus calls us to discipleship. It is not enough to be a fan on the sidelines. He expects us to deny ourselves, and to follow him.
- Having the Faith of a Mustard Seed – Matthew 17:20 (11/21/2017) - Having the faith of a mustard seed will allow you to do whatever God has called on you to do. Even if that is to move a mountain.
- Cutting Off Your Hand or Foot – Matthew 18:8 (11/22/2017) - I don't believe Jesus is literally calling for us to cut off our hands. Instead, seek to remove anything from your life that leads you to sin.
- If Your Brother or Sister Sins – Matthew 18:15 (10/31/2022) - How do you respond when you know that a brother or sister in Christ has been caught up in sin? Go to them and seek their repentance.
- Where Two or Three Gather – Matthew 18:20 (9/17/2023) - Where is the church? It is wherever God's people meet together. Even if it is only two or three of us. Wherever we gather, Jesus is with us.
- Forgiving One Who Sins Against Me – Matthew 18:32-33 (12/19/2018) - As those that have received mercy and forgiveness from God, let us, in turn, show mercy and be willing to forgive the hurts others cause us.
- Unless You Forgive – Matthew 18:35 (3/9/2022) - Forgiveness is hard to do. Especially when we have been hurt, But Jesus is clear that unless we forgive, we will not be forgiven.
- What Must I Do to Get Eternal Life – Matthew 19:16, 21 (11/1/2022) - The young man asked Jesus, "what must I do to get eternal life." And Jesus responded with "leave everything behind, and follow me."
- Who Can Be Saved? – Matthew 19:25-26 (3/10/2024) - Who can be saved? By ourselves, none of us can. But God can do for us what we cannot. He saves all who come to him through faith in Jesus.
- Leave It All Behind for Christ’s Sake – Matthew 19:29 (11/24/2017) - What are you unwilling to surrender to the lordship of Jesus? His call is for us to leave everything else behind us, and follow him.
- The Generosity of God – Matthew 20:13-16 (9/22/2023) - The parable of the workers teaches us that God is generous to all who respond to his offer of salvation, giving us eternal life with him.
- Heading to the Cross – Matthew 20:18-19 (11/25/2017) - Jesus heading to the cross seemed like defeat. But it was an act of love on his part that brought to us forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
- To Drink from Jesus’ Cup – Matthew 20:21-23 (6/23/2024) - Jesus called all his disciples, both then and now, to take up our crosses and follow him. To give our lives to him and for him.
- Whoever Wants to Become Great – Matthew 20:25-28 (7/14/2022) - This is an example of the upside down nature of God's kingdom. The one would wants to become great should be the servant of all.
- Receive Sight and Follow – Matthew 20:34 (4/20/2023) - The blind men who were healed followed Jesus. Jesus today offers sight to all who are spiritually blind, calling on us to follow after him.
- Which Jesus Do You Follow? – Matthew 21:4-5 (9/20/2023) - Which Jesus do you follow? One who leads you to set up an earthly kingdom? Or one who calls you to win by dying to self and living for him?
- The Triumphal Entry – Matthew 21:9 (7/9/2024) - Jesus has a kingdom much greater than anything this world has ever seen. And all who come to the cross have a place in his kingdom.
- Which Son Did His Father’s Will? – Matthew 21:28-31 (11/27/2017) - Which son did his Father's will. The one who committed, but failed to follow through? Or the one who refused, but was obedient in the end?
- The Stone the Builders Rejected – Matthew 21:42 (8/9/2019) - Jesus, when telling the Parable of the Tenants, used the stone that the builders rejected to identify himself with the son of the parable.
- Many Are Invited But Few Are Chosen – Matthew 22:14 (11/3/2022) - All people are invited to the wedding feast of Christ, but only the few who respond appropriately are chosen to attend.
- Submitting to the Proper Authority – Matthew 22:21 (11/28/2017) - It is important to submit to the proper authority. Human government in the physical realm. And to God in the spiritual realm.
- The Greatest Commandment(s) – Mathew 22:37-40 (4/7/2022) - Jesus told us the greatest command is to love God with all that we are and others as ourselves. Let your love make a difference in the world.
- Loving the Lord Your God With All Your Mind – Matthew 22:37 (4/30/2021) - Jesus tells us to love the Lord with our minds. How does one do that? By exercising it and seeking to understand God, knowing him better.
- Avoid Titles of Greatness – Matthew 23:8-10 (3/14/2024) - Honor and respect those who serve in leadership roles. But be careful about confusing greatness in the kingdom with greatness in the world.
- Straining Out Gnats and Swallowing Camels – Matthew 23:23-24 (8/20/2024) - How often do we strain our gnats while swallowing camels, focusing on the minor while neglecting the more important aspects of our faith?
- Full of Greed and Self-Indulgence – Matthew 23:25-26 (11/29/2017) - Many people live a life that appears good but are full of greed. Jesus tells us to clean the inside and then the outside will follow.
- The Intersection between God’s Will and Our Will – Matthew 23:37 (3/13/2024) - There is room in the sovereignty of God for us to act in ways that are contrary to his will, even rejecting him as Lord.
- Stand Firm Until the End – Matthew 24:9-13 (4/11/2022) - Jesus warns us that we will face many challenges in this life. But he encourages us that if we stand firm through it all, we will be saved.
- Coming on the Clouds of Heaven – Matthew 24:30-31 (9/23/2023) - One day we will see Jesus returning for us on the clouds of heaven. What a wonderful day that will be as we are caught up to be with him.
- Gathering the Elect – Matthew 24:30-31 (11/30/2017) - Even though it has been 2000 years since Jesus left, his promise to come back remains. He will return and will gather his elect to himself.
- When Is the Lord Returning? – Matthew 24:36, 42 (11/29/2021) - When is our Lord returning? Many have speculated about this over the years. But all we can really do is live in expectation of that return.
- Coming at an Unexpected Time – Matthew 24:44 (8/10/2020) - Jesus will be coming at an unexpected time. Will you be ready for him when he returns? Or will you be caught unprepared and living for self?
- Are You Ready? – Matthew 24:45-25:13 (10/16/2012) - Jesus promised that he would return for those who are his. Are you ready for it? We don't know when. But we should live in expectation of it.
- The Faithful and Wise Servant – Matthew 24:45-47 (11/4/2022) - While we wait for Jesus return, he calls on us to be faithful and wise servants. Then, when he returns, we will be rewarded.
- Are You Ready for the Wedding Banquet? – Matthew 25:10-12 (9/24/2023) - Jesus is returning for his people some day. Are you ready for his return? Or will you awake to hear him say, "I don't know you."
- Each According to His Ability – Matthew 25:15 (4/25/2023) - You may or may not be as talented or gifted as another. But your talents and gifts are not as important as faithfully using them.
- Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant – Matthew 25:21 (12/1/2017) - When I stand before my Lord someday, I long to hear him say to me, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! Come and share your master’s joy.’
- A Reward for Faithful Stewardship – Matthew 25:28-30 (1/3/2022) - As followers of the Lord Jesus we have been given gifts to serve his body. Will we be faithful in our stewardship and experience reward?
- One of the Least of These – Matthew 25:40 (4/12/2022) - Jesus, in the parable of the sheep and goats, teaches us the importance of generosity. Not just to some. But even to the least of these.
- A Judgment with Eternal Consequences – Matthew 25:46 (8/22/2024) - At the end of this life you will face a judgment with eternal consequences. Trusting Jesus now leads to life. Rejecting him leads to death.
- Thirty Pieces of Silver – Matthew 26:14-16 (4/26/2023) - Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. What price do I set on my loyalty to Jesus? Would anything cause me to betray him?
- The Blood of the Covenant – Matthew 26:27 (8/23/2024) - When you take the cup at the Lord’s table, give thanks to him for this covenant of grace that he has called us into.
- I Will Never Fall Away – Matthew 26:33 (12/2/2017) - How often do we affirm that we will never fall away, followed by failure? I am so thankful that Jesus is always ready to restore us.
- Yet not as I Will, But as You Will – Matthew 26:39 (4/13/2022) - All too often my will is at odds with God's will for me. Jesus set the example for me when that is true. "Not as I will, but as you will."
- Watch and Prayer – Matthew 26:41 (11/7/2022) - Jesus calls on us to watch and pray. Stay in touch with him through prayer. And watch to see where he is leading you.
- Betrayed by a Friend – Matthew 26:49-50 (6/22/2024) - Even though Jesus knew Judas would betray him, it had to have hurt, just adding to the agony of that night and the coming day.
- Twelve Legions of Angels – Matthew 26:53-54 (3/16/2024) - The kingdom of God advances, not through military means, but through the message of the cross - for the salvation of those who believe
- Four Responses to Jesus’ Arrest – Matthew 27 (10/18/2019) - Matthew 27 records 4 responses to Jesus' arrest & sentencing. Remorse, indifference, avoidance, & conformity. Choose instead to follow him.
- Which Jesus Do You Choose? – Matthew 27:17 (4/27/2023) - Which Jesus do you choose? The one with a human means to salvation? Or the divine Son of God who can save completely?
- And They Crucified Him – Matthew 27:35 (6/2/2014) - And they crucified him. Those simple little words describe the event on which our faith as believers hang. It is well worth dwelling on it.
- Come Down from the Cross – Matthew 27:42 (12/4/2017) - Would the religious leaders have believed in Jesus if he had come down from the cross in response to their challenge? Probably not.
- The Curtain Was Torn in Two – Matthew 27:50-51 (4/14/2022) - At Jesus' death, God tore the curtain that separated humanity from himself. Atonement for sin had been accomplished, offering us new life.
- Why Was the Stone Rolled Away? – Matthew 28:2 (3/31/2024) - Why did an angel roll away the stone? To show that the tomb was empty. Jesus had risen from the dead and was no longer there.
- He Is Risen Indeed – Matthew 28:5-7 (4/8/2012) - Today is a good day to remember what Jesus has done for us. Take the time to meditate on his death and resurrection, and what it means, or can mean, for you. And take the time to celebrate, along with me, a risen and living Lord.
- The Mystery of the Empty Tomb – Matthew 28:12-15 (4/17/2022) - The mystery of the empty tomb has led to many attempts to explain it away. But, to the believer, it clearly points to his resurrection.
- The Great Commission – Matthew 28:18-20 (11/10/2022) - Jesus left his church with what we call the Great Commission, to make disciples. That involves both evangelism and teaching.
- Jesus Is Always With Us – Matthew 28:20 (4/28/2023) - Jesus promised that he would always be with us. He will be with us when we serve him, in good times, and in challenging times.
The Gospel of Matthew
Devotional readings from the gospel according to Matthew