- Reading and Keeping the Words of this Prophecy – Rev 1:3 (10/9/2017) - While we may not understand Revelation and all of it symbolism, we will be blessed as we read and keep its words in our hearts and minds.
- Encouragement to Remain Faithful – Revelation 1:4-6 (8/9/2023) - In this life, you will face trials. But we serve one who is sovereign over all things. Be faithful to him, and you will emerge victorious.
- The Seven Spirits Before God’s Throne – Revelation 1:4-5 (12/28/2024) - The seven spirits before the throne are descriptive of the Holy Spirit who works in the lives of believers and of the churches.
- Seven Lampstands and Seven Stars – Revelation 1:20 (12/20/2024) - Jesus has not left his church to fend for itself in the midst of a hostile world. Wherever his people assemble together, he is there.
- You Have Abandoned Your First Love – Revelation 2:4 (10/10/2017) - The church at Ephesus was an example for service and obedience, with one hugh problem; they had abandoned their first love for Christ.
- To Eat from the Tree of Life – Revelation 2:7 (3/11/2023) - Those who are victorious, who endure faithfully with our Lord until the end, are given the right to eat from the tree of life.
- Poor and Afflicted, and Yet Rich – Revelation 2:9 (8/10/2023) - True riches for a church comes from faithfulness to our Lord, despite outward appearances. Be faithful, despite affliction and poverty.
- Wake Up! The Tragedy of Unfinished Deeds – Rev. 3:2 (1/6/2020) - Are you depending on your reputation as a Christian? If you are, Jesus warns you about your unfinished deeds, telling you to wake up.
- An Open Door No One Can Shut – Revelation 3:8 (3/12/2023) - The church of Philadelphia had been faithful through many trials. And now an open door was placed before them that no one could shut.
- The Lukewarm Church at Laodicea – Revelation 3:17 (10/11/2017) - Christ desires his church to be either hot or cold. But how many are lukewarm churches, in danger of being spewed out of his mouth?
- Jesus Stands at the Door and Knocks – Revelation 3:19–20 (8/11/2023) - Jesus stand at the heart's door of the lukewarm and knocks. If you repent and open the door, he will come in and restore your relationship.
- To the One Who Conquers – Revelation 3:21 (7/14/2024) - There is no promise that life will be easy for Jesus’ followers. In fact, just the opposite is true. But be faithful, and you will conquer.
- A Door Standing Open in Heaven – Revelation 4:1 (10/10/2024) - When we look through the door with John, we can see the glorious future awaiting those who follow faithfully. And that should encourage us.
- Heavenly Worship – Revelation 4:8-11 (10/12/2017) - Heaven is a place of continuous worship and praise for our creator. We will join that heavenly chorus someday, so why not start now?
- Worthy of Our Praise – Revelation 4:11 (8/12/2023) - God is our creator and sustainer. And that makes him worthy of our praise. Join with the heavenly host in singing his praises.
- The Lion and the Lamb – Revelation 5:5-6 (3/14/2023) - Jesus is described as both a lion and a lamb. He is the promised conquering king. But he became king through his sacrificial death.
- The Prayers of the Saints – Revelation 5:8 (10/13/2017) - Revelation pictures the prayers of the saints as incense being offered up to God. They are a sweet smelling sacrifice God is pleased with.
- Why Is Today Called Good Friday? – Revelation 5:9-10 (4/7/2023) - Why is today called Good Friday? Because on it we remember what Jesus did for us. He purchased us with his blood and gave us new life.
- Praise from Every Creature in All of Creation – Revelation 5:13 (12/29/2024) - One day, everyone will bow and sing the praises of the Lamb who was slain. Unfortunately, for some it will be too late.
- The Blessedness of Martyrdom – Revelation 6:9 (10/14/2017) - Most of us likely would not look forward to losing our lives for Christ. But experiencing martyrdom is a blessing to those who do.
- A Tale of Two Fates – Revelation 6:11, 16-17 (7/17/2024) - When you leave this life behind, your future is sealed. Will you join those who gave their lives to the Lamb? Or face the wrath of God?
- The 144,000 and an Enormous Crowd – Revelation 7:4, 9 (7/18/2024) - The sealed 144,000 represent believers at the beginning of their journey while the enormous crowd is the same group at the journey's end.
- Sheltered by His Presence – Revelation 7:13-17 (10/15/2017) - Revelation was written to encourage us to remain faithful. We have been sheltered by his presence and need not fear for our future.
- God Will Wipe Away Every Tear – Revelation 7:16-17 (7/24/2024) - I might suffer now. But, on that day, it will all have been worth it. The tears will be replaced by the joy and glory of God's presence.
- An Offering of Incense and Prayer – Revelation 8:3-4 (3/17/2023) - Revelation pictures the prayer of the saints as incense, a sweet-smelling offering rising to the throne of God. He delights in our prayer.
- A Response to Prayer – Revelation 8:5 (10/16/2017) - Does God answer prayer? This scene from Revelation shows the response of God to the prayers of the martyred saints beneath the altar.
- They Did Not Repent – Revelation 9:20-21 (10/17/2017) - What was the purpose of the trumpet judgements? Was it just an execution of God's wrath? Or a last chance for people to repent?
- Consuming the Word – Revelation 10:10 (10/18/2017) - Follow John's example in consuming God's word. It will be sweet at times and bitter at other times. But always it is good.
- The Last Trumpet – Revelation 11:15 (10/19/2017) - The last trumpet announces a divine takeover of the earth where Christ will reign eternally. And the trumpet that announces the resurrection?
- Triumphing by the Blood – Revelation 12:11 (10/20/2017) - In the heavenly courtroom drama, we triumph over Satan, our accuser, by the blood of the Lamb, and the testimony of our lives.
- Battling a Great Dragon – Revelation 12:17 (3/21/2023) - As followers of Jesus, we are among those the dragon, pictured in Revelation 12, is seeking to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith.
- The Persecuted Church – Revelation 13:7, 10 (10/21/2017) - The spirit of antichrist is active in the world today waging war on the saints, and conquering them. Pray for the persecuted church.
- Whose Name Is on Your Forehead? – Revelation 13:16-17 (8/21/2023) - Whose name is written on your forehead? The name of the beast? Or the name of the Lord? That name will impact your final life's destiny.
- A Call for Patient Endurance – Revelation 14:12-13 (8/22/2023) - Life will not always be easy for faithful believers. But what awaits us far outweighs the challenges today. So we should endure patiently.
- Harvesting the Earth – Revelation 14:14-16 (10/22/2017) - There are two harvests of the earth coming; one to eternal life and the other to destruction. Are you ready?
- The Winepress of God’s Wrath – Revelation 14:19-20 (2/12/2024) - Don't rejoice in the fate that awaits those who cause us grief in this life. Pity them instead and seek their salvation.
- Victorious Over the Beast – Revelation 15:2 (10/23/2017) - How do you come out on top in the end? By trusting your life to Christ and being faithful to him. Then you will be victorious over the beast.
- Bowls of Wrath – Revelation 16:1 (10/25/2017) - God's judgement and wrath are coming to this world. The only way to escape this is to listen to the words of Christ and believe in him.
- Blessed Is the One Who Stays Awake – Revelation 16:15 (3/25/2023) - Blessed is the one who stays awake and alert, recognizing the attacks of the enemy, and always ready to stand your ground against him.
- Who is Babylon the Great? – Revelation 17:5 (7/27/2024) - Babylon the Great is this world system, acting in opposition to God, persecuting those who belong to New Jerusalem, and facing God’s wrath.
- The Lamb Will Triumph – Revelation 17:14 (8/26/2023) - Evil seems to have the upper hand in the world today. But Jesus, the Lamb, will return. And when he does, evil will be defeated for good.
- Carrying Out God’s Purpose – Revelation 17:17 (10/26/2017) - God is in control. He even directs the affairs of nations in the accomplishment of his purpose for creation. He will not be thwarted.
- Come Out of Babylon – Revelation 18:4 (10/27/2017) - As believers we need to come out of Babylon. Don't be a part of this world and its way of doing things. But seek after holiness instead.
- The Marriage of the Lamb – Revelation 19:7 (10/28/2017) - The marriage of the Lamb is coming and his Bride the Church) is making herself ready. Hold onto that hope during the trials of this life.
- The Rider on a White Horse – Revelation 19:11-14 (10/5/2022) - Jesus is pictured here as a rider on a white horse, leading his army to defeat those who have oppressed his people. So be faithful to him.
- The Millennium Kingdom – Revelation 20:4 (10/29/2017) - How should we understand this passage that describes the millennium kingdom? Is this a critical doctrine, or less important?
- The Great White Throne Judgment – Revelation 20:11-12 (7/29/2024) - When you stand before the great white throne for God's judgment, how will you fair? What do the books say? Especially the book of life?
- No Longer Any Sea – Revelation 21:1 (2/19/2024) - There may be oceans in the new creation. But the chaos and fear that the sea represents will have no place in the new heaven and earth.
- When Hope Becomes Reality – Revelation 21:3-4 (3/29/2023) - Our hope as believers is that this life is not all that there is. Revelation helps us to look toward that time when our hope becomes reality.
- Those Who Are Victorious – Revelation 21:7 (10/6/2022) - There is a great reward for those who are victorious. For those who remain faithful to the Lord up until the end.
- Unveiling of the Bride – Revelation 21:9-10 (10/31/2017) - The Holy City, the New Jerusalem, the Bride of Christ, a redeemed and glorious church prepared for her wedding to the Lamb. How great to be a part of that.
- The Lamb’s Book of Life – Revelation 21:27 (8/28/2023) - Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life? It is if you have given your life to him and are following him as your Lord.
- The Tree of Life Restored – Revelation 22:1-2 (11/1/2017) - The tree of life was lost in Eden, but it is restored in the Holy City, the new paradise. Blessed are those who can eat from the tree of life.
- Keeping the Words of Prophecy – Revelation 22:7 (8/30/2023) - As Revelation comes to a close, Jesus tells us that the one who keeps the words of this prophecy and who is faithful will be blessed.
- Coming into the New Jerusalem – Revelation 22:14-15 (7/31/2024) - The New Jerusalem will one day be revealed in all her glory. But she is a present day reality, composed of all those who follow Jesus.
- Come to the Water of Life – Revelation 22:17 (10/10/2022) - God's gift of salvation is freely offered to all. If you are thirsty, come and drink from the water of life. Experience life anew with God.
The Revelation
Devotional readings from the Revelation of Jesus, given to John.