- God, the Word, Took On Flesh – John 1:1-4, 14a (9/9/2017) - Jesus is the Word, was in the beginning, is with God, is God, and took on human form. He has life in himself, and is the light of the world.
- To All Who Believed in His Name – John 1:12 (6/7/2022) - Jesus is God, clothed in humanity. He came as the light of the world. And all who believe in his name will have eternal life.
- The Tabernacle Fulfilled – John 1:14 (6/2/2023) - At Mt Sinai, God instructed Israel to build a tabernacle, a place to meet with him. But, In Jesus, we see this Tabernacle fulfilled.
- One Gracious Gift After Another – John 1:16-17 (12/26/2024) - Out of his fullness, Jesus has given us his gift of grace and truth to transform us, bringing salvation and eternal life to us.
- Jesus: the One and Only Son – John 1:18 (2/3/2024) - So, who is Jesus? He is the Logos, the unique Son of God, who is himself God, and who became flesh in order to make God known to us.
- Where Heaven and Earth Meet – John 1:51 (11/4/2023) - Jacob's dream of a stairway to heaven looked forward to Jesus, the one in whom heaven and earth come together. He is the way to God.
- Turning Water into Wine – John 2:9-10 (8/9/2024) - The old wine (the Sinai covenant) was good. But even better is the new wine of Jesus. It does what the old covenant could not.
- Signs that Reveal Jesus’ Glory – John 2:11 (9/10/2017) - The seven 'signs' of the gospel of John are recounted to reveal the glory of Jesus, and to lead people to believe in him.
- Then They Believed the Scripture – John 2:22 (2/4/2024) - Jesus, in his resurrection, has proven himself as having authority over the Jewish temple, my life, and all I am.
- Unless a Person Is Born from Above – John 3:1-3 (6/7/2024) - It is not enough to live a good life and go to church. We must be born of the Spirit in order to experience life in the kingdom of God.
- For God So Loved the World – John 3:16 (6/8/2020) - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
- He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease – John 3:30 (7/1/2019) - He must increase while I must decrease. That should be my goal in serving Christ. To deflect attention away from myself and toward him.
- Eternal Life or God’s Wrath? – John 3:36 (4/26/2024) - If you do not believe in the Son, commit your life to him as Lord and do God's will, you have rejected him and remain under God’s wrath.
- A Spring of Living Water – John 4:13-14 (11/9/2020) - Jesus invites us to take from him living water that will spring up in us to eternal life. It will satisfy, unlike the water of this world.
- Worship in Spirit and in Truth – John 4:23-24 (6/10/2014) - The worship that God wants from us is not just an outward expression. Real worship happens when I bow down before him in adoration.
- We Have Heard for Ourselves – John 4:42 (6/9/2022) - "We have heard for ourselves." These words reflect the change from only hearing about Jesus, to experiencing him for oneself.
- Did Jesus Claim to Be God? – John 5:16 (12/30/2024) - The Jews understood Jesus' claim that God was his Father as a claim to being equal with God. They understood him to claim that he was God.
- Doing Only What the Father Does – John 5:19 (9/15/2017) - Rather than serving where you think is best, follow Jesus' example and go to work where you see the Father already at work.
- A Matter of Life and Death – John 5:24 (4/28/2024) - Pass on the good news. Invite those living in darkness to hear, believe, and experience eternal life. It is a matter of life and death.
- When the Dead Come Out of Their Graves – John 5:28-29 (2/5/2024) - The grave ends your opportunity to believe in Jesus and rise to life on the last day. To reject him now is to face eternal condemnation.
- The Source of Eternal Life – John 5:39-40 (6/6/2023) - It is important to spend time in the Bible. But salvation is not found in the Bible or a good life. The only source of eternal life is Jesus.
- Five Small Loaves and Two Little Fish – John 6:9 (6/7/2023) - He only had five loaves of bread and two little fish. But he gave it. And Jesus fed a multitude. And he can multiply what you give as well.
- Why Are You a Christian? – John 6:26 (4/30/2024) - The best reason for being a Christian is not because of what it gives me, although that is a lot. But because of what Christ did for me.
- The Work God Requires – John 6:28-29 (12/31/2024) - What God requires from me is that I believe in Jesus. Not just in my head, but in my heart as well, following him wherever he leads.
- All Who Look to the Son and Believe – John 6:40 (6/13/2022) - What is required for eternal life? Jesus said we must first look to him. And then believe on him. And all who do will have eternal life.
- Unless the Father Draws Them – John 6:44 (2/6/2024) - The Father enables belief on our part but does not require it. But all who respond in faith to the Father’s drawing have eternal life.
- I Am the Bread of Life – John 6:48 (3/16/2023) - Jesus is the bread of life. Believe in him, and eat the bread he gives you. And you will never go hungry again.
- To Whom Shall We Go? – John 6:67-69 (9/16/2017) - To whom shall we go? These are the words of one who follows Jesus in spite of the difficulties and challenges that following him entails.
- Hated by the World, for Christ’s Sake – John 7:7 (9/17/2017) - As disciples of Jesus, we will be hated by the world. But let our lives and words bear witness to the truth of Christ and against evil.
- Discerning Teaching from God – John 7:17 (2/7/2024) - If teaching glorifies God, aligns with Jesus and his apostles, and guides us in doing God's will, then we can have confidence it is from God.
- The Law vs. Grace and Mercy – John 8:2-11 (12/28/2018) - As one who has experienced God's grace, I should extend grace and mercy to others rather than hold them to a legalistic standard of law.
- Throwing Stones – John 8:7 (6/16/2022) - It would be so easy to join with the religious leaders of Jesus' day and throw stones at those who are sinful. But am I any better than them?
- If You Hold to My Teaching – John 8:31-32 (3/18/2023) - Jesus calls us to move beyond believing him. He calls on us to hold to his teaching. And, if we do, the truth will set us free.
- Listening to the Devil’s Lies – John 8:44 (1/2/2025) - The devil is quite content with us being good people, even religious people who go to church and say all the right things.
- Jesus Is the Great I AM – John 8:58-59 (9/18/2017) - Jesus' claim of being 'I AM' clearly indicates that he knew himself to be God. Claims for his divinity are well established in the Scripture.
- I Do Know One Thing – John 9:25 (1/3/2025) - I cannot answer every question someone might ask. But one thing I do know beyond the shadow of a doubt. I know what Jesus did in my own life.
- The Importance of Personal Experience – John 9:25 (2/17/2014) - How do you respond to those who ask about your faith? One thing each of should be able to do is share our personal experience with Christ.
- Tell Me, So That I May Believe – John 9:35-38 (6/19/2022) - Many are not receptive to the gospel but others are. They are waiting for someone to tell them so that they might believe. Will it be you?
- So That the Blind Might See – John 9:39-41 (5/3/2024) - Only Jesus can give sight to those born spiritually blind. Come to him for healing and wholeness. Let his light fill you.
- He Knows My Name – John 10:3 (4/21/2023) - Jesus knows my name, and calls me by my name. This is more than just being able to identify me. It means he knows and cares about me.
- Following the Good Shepherd – John 10:3-4 (9/20/2017) - Jesus is the good shepherd. His sheep are those who recognize his voice and follow his leading. Who is it that you are following?
- Living Life to the Fullest – John 10:10 (3/20/2023) - How do you live life to its fullest? By following Jesus as your shepherd. Only then can you experience the life he came to give us.
- One Flock with One Shepherd – John 10:16 (5/4/2024) - Rather than be suspicious of those whose beliefs and traditions differ from yours, learn to embrace all who follow Jesus as their shepherd.
- Are You One of Jesus’ Sheep? – John 10:27-28 (1/5/2025) - Being one of Jesus' sheep is a good place to be. I do not have to worry about anything, but to listen to his voice and follow where he leads.
- The Resurrection and the Life – John 11:25-26 (9/21/2017) - Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in him will live, even though their bodies die. They will live eternally with God.
- Jesus Wept – John 11:35 (1/6/2025) - In becoming human and experiencing all we go through, Jesus can empathize with us in our pain and sorrow. He understands us.
- After Four Days in the Tomb: Did He Stink? – John 11:38-39 (2/25/2012) - A light hearted look at Lazarus resurrection from death. Martha was concerned about Lazarus stinking? Did he? After his resuscitation?
- Take off the Grave Clothes – John 11:43-44 (12/28/2022) - Like Lazarus, we were dead, but Jesus has called us to life. Now we need to take off the grave clothes of our old life and be clothed anew.
- Some Will Refuse to Believe in Jesus – John 11:45-46 (2/10/2024) - Share the gospel with those you meet. But don’t be discouraged by those who refuse to believe in Jesus and oppose you and our Lord.
- Finding Jesus in the Old Testament – John 12:16 (3/22/2023) - The Old Testament looks forward to Jesus. To have a real understanding of what is written there, read it in light of Jesus' fulfillment.
- The Hour has Come – John 12:23 (6/12/2023) - It was on the cross that Jesus was glorified, when he defeated the forces of evil, and began to reign. The cross was his enthronement.
- Losing Your Life in Order to Keep It – John 12:25 (11/16/2020) - Jesus tells us to lose, or hate, our life in order to experience eternal life. Let go of this life and instead follow Jesus wherever he leads.
- Following Jesus Wherever He Leads – John 12:26 (6/21/2022) - Salvation involves more than a verbal confession. It involves faithfully following Jesus wherever he leads and serving him there.
- A Turning Point in History – John 12:31-32 (5/6/2024) - Jesus' death and resurrection marked a turning point in history. Judgment has come and Satan is defeated. Will you come into the light?
- Loving Human Praise More than Praise from God – John 12:43 (9/22/2017) - To believe in Jesus, but not publicly confess that belief is a tragedy. Don't let your love for human praise keep you from God.
- Foot Washing As an Act of Discipleship – John 13:1-15 (5/22/2013) - One of the last things Jesus did with his disciples was to wash their feet. And then instructed them to do likewise. How should we respond to this today?
- Greatness in the Kingdom of God – John 13:3-5 (3/23/2023) - Greatness in the kingdom of God is measured by how well we serve others. Delight in doing the little things in service to other people.
- Follow Jesus’ Example of Serving – John 13:14-15 (12/16/2023) - Jesus washed his disciple's dirty feet and then told us to follow his example. To get our hands dirty and serve each other in love.
- Now That You Know These Things – John 13:17 (6/22/2022) - Jesus taught his disciples many things. And his challenge is not to leave them in our heads. But now that we know, to put them into practice.
- Judas Went Out. And It Was Night – John 13:30 (11/23/2020) - Jesus was the light of God, shining out in the spiritual darkness of our world. But, for a time, when Judas betrayed Jesus, it was night.
- The Relationship Between Glory and Suffering – John 13:31 (5/7/2024) - Jesus was glorified on the cross. And God was glorified in him. Even so, we will be glorified in our suffering for Christ. And God in us.
- A New Command to Love One Another – John 13:34 (9/23/2017) - Jesus commanded us as to love each other. This is not a suggestion or optional command. We should love each other as Jesus has loved us.
- Known by Love: The Distinguishing Mark – John 13:35 (10/28/2019) - Jesus tells us that we are to be known by our love. Not by how good we are, or any other human measure. But by our love for each other.
- Plenty of Room in the Father’s House – John 14:2-3 (3/24/2023) - Jesus tells us that he has gone to prepare a place for us in his Father's house. And it will be a place with plenty of room for each of us.
- The Only Way to God is Through Jesus – John 14:6 (9/24/2017) - Many ways to heaven are proclaimed today. But only one of them will get you there. Jesus is the only way. All other ways lead to destruction.
- Doing the Work of Jesus – John 14:12-14 (2/13/2024) - Jesus promised to give us whatever we need to do his work and glorify the Father. So, we have no excuse for failing to carry on his work.
- The Holy Spirit Will Teach Us All Things – John 14:26 (1/19/2022) - We have the Holy Spirit to teach us the truths God has for us. So, as you spend time meditating on the Bible, let the Spirit guide you.
- My Peace I Give You – John 14:27 (7/4/2024) - The peace Jesus gives restores our broken relationship with God. And confidence that God is watching over us, protecting what is important.
- Pruning Fruitful Branches – John 15:1-2 (5/9/2024) - But we can rejoice in the Father's pruning because it enables us to be even more fruitful, producing a harvest of righteousness and peace
- Remain in Christ To Be Fruitful – John 15:5 (9/25/2017) - The only way for a disciple of Christ to be fruitful is to remain in Christ, drawing your life from him. Do this and you will be fruitful.
- Ask Whatever You Wish – John 15:7-8 (6/23/2022) - Jesus told us to ask for whatever we wish. And it will be done for us. But only if we are abiding in him and so that we will be fruitful.
- Love Each Other – John 15:12-13 (1/17/2023) - Jesus sole command for us as his followers is that we love each other. Not with an emotional love, but sacrificially caring for each other.
- Bearing Fruit that Will Last – John 15:16-17 (10/9/2022) - Jesus calls on us to bear fruit that will last. Fruit that is the result of faithful service within his kingdom. Fruit fertilized by love.
- Chosen out of the World – John 15:19 (2/14/2024) - Rather than be discouraged by the world's hostility, live holy and godly lives that reflect the love of God to a lost and dying world.
- Faithfully Representing Jesus – John 15:20 (10/4/2022) - How do the people of this world respond to you as a Christian? If you are faithfully representing Jesus, they will treat you like they do him.
- The Spirit Works to Convict the World – John 16:8-11 (5/12/2024) - The Holy Spirit convicts the world of its sin, the righteousness of Christ, and the judgment that awaits those who reject Christ.
- The Spirit Guides Us into the Truth – John 16:12-14 (3/26/2023) - There are many things that Jesus taught that are hard to understand. But he has given us a guide to the truth, the Holy Spirit.
- Asking in Jesus’ Name – John 16:23 (11/30/2023) - Asking in Jesus' name is more than merely some words we add to the end of our prayer. It should mean we are acting as his representative.
- Trouble In This World, But Peace In Christ – John 16:33 (4/4/2022) - As believers in the Lord Jesus, we can expect to face challenges in this life if we are faithful to him. But, in Christ, we can have peace.
- Now This Is Eternal Life – John 17:3 (6/27/2022) - Eternal life is much more than life that lasts forever. It is life that is lived in a personal and intimate relationship with the triune God.
- Jesus Prayed for a Unified Church – John 17:20-23 (4/3/2022) - Jesu' prayer for his church was that we be unified as one in him. Don't let our differences divide us. Let our love for Christ unite us.
- Koinonia: Yearned for; and Feared! – John 17:20-23 (11/30/2012) - Koinonia is an intimate sharing of lives. And this is the last thing that Jesus prayed for his disciples. That we would know that oneness.
- So That the World Will Know – John 17:23 (11/15/2024) - Set an example in your own local community of believers, demonstrating the love of Christ so that the world might see and know God's love.
- Jesus Wants Us to Be with Him – John 17:24 (2/16/2024) - Jesus gave his life to rescue me from a fate I richly deserved. And now, because of his love, he wants me to be with him in his glory.
- They Fell to the Ground – John 18:4-6 (4/6/2023) - Those coming to arrest Jesus fell to the ground before him. They were giving a preview of what all people will ultimately do.
- Substituting the Image for the Reality – John 18:28 (4/5/2022) - In my worship and service, how often am I guilty of substituting an image for the reality. Of living on the surface rather than going deep.
- What is Truth? Jesus Is the Truth! – John 18:37-38 (9/28/2017) - What is truth? Jesus is the foundational truth on which all others stand. All others should be judged by him and who he is.
- Three Crosses at Calvary – John 19:18 (9/29/2017) - There were three crosses at Calvary that day. Jesus was on the cross of atonement. Is there any significance to the other two?
- The Women at the Cross – John 19:25 (5/13/2024) - Who were the women at the cross? Some are well known. But there is one mystery woman. Is she the mother of James and John and sister of Mary?
- It Is Finished – John 19:30 (3/28/2022) - Jesus' last words on the cross were, "it is finished." His task on earth was complete. His sacrifice of atonement for sin had been made.
- It Is Completed – John 19:30 (3/29/2024) - God's work of redemption, foretold in the Old Testament, was completed as Jesus gave his life as the atoning sacrifice for the world.
- When Things Seem Darkest – John 20:19 (9/15/2022) - Life can be very challenging at times. But when things seem the darkest, remember that Jesus has conquered. And his victory is ours as well.
- Unless I See . . . I Will Not Believe – John 20:24-25 (4/6/2022) - Thomas is best known for his skepticism concerning the resurrection. But, when he did see, he believed and declared Jesus as his Lord and God.
- The Great Profession: My Lord and My God – John 20:28 (11/29/2020) - What better profession of faith in the resurrected Jesus can a person make than the one Thomas did; "my Lord and my God."
- That You May Believe – John 20:30-31 (9/30/2017) - Jesus' many signs should direct us to belief and eternal life in him. Will you see and believe, or close your eyes and stumble?
- The Healer of Broken People – John 21:15 (8/30/2021) - Broken people abound in the world, myself included. But I am so thankful that Jesus loves people who have failed, bring healing to us.
- Jesus Calls Each of Us to Follow Him – John 21:21-22 (3/23/2022) - Jesus calls on us to follow him. Not to worry about other people and what God has in store for them. Just fix your eyes on him and follow.
- But What About Him or Her? – John 21:21-22 (10/1/2017) - It is only natural to want to compare ourselves with others asking 'what about him'. But Jesus calls us to follow the plan he has for us.
The Gospel of John
Devotional readings from the gospel according to John.