- The Straps of His Sandals – Mark 1:7 (1/19/2023) - How great is Jesus? John the Baptist, whom Jesus identified as the greatest of humans, was not worthy to unfasten the straps of his sandals.
- Baptism of the Holy Spirit – Mark 1:8 (11/17/2024) - All believers, when they believe in the Lord Jesus, receive this gift of the Holy Spirit that enables us to live a life pleasing to God.
- Heaven Was Torn Open – Mark 1:10-11 (3/18/2024) - Like at Jesus' baptism, when we come to faith in Christ, heaven is torn open, the Spirit comes upon us, and God declares us to be his child.
- With the Wild Animals – Mark 1:12-13 (4/18/2022) - During Jesus' time of temptation in the wilderness, he was with wild animals. A situation similar to Adam, but with very different results.
- The Importance of Prayer – Mark 1:35-37 (2/28/2018) - The importance of prayer in Jesus' life is unmistakable. Should it be any less for those who follow him? Spend time in prayer each day.
- Do You Tell What Jesus has Done? – Mark 1:43-45 (7/6/2020) - Jesus has died for us and given us a new life. The most wonderful news in the world. But do we keep it to ourselves? Or tell everyone?
- Eating with the Sinners and Tax Collectors – Mark 2:17 (3/1/2018) - If Jesus paid a visit to 21st century America, who would he be hanging out with? With respectable church folk? Or sinners and tax collectors?
- New Wine into New Wineskins – Mark 2:22 (4/19/2022) - When Jesus enters into our life, he old has to go to make room for the new. It is like pouring new wine into new wineskins.
- The Purpose of the Law – Mark 2:27 (4/30/2023) - What is the purpose of the Old Testament Law? It pointed out our need for a savior. But it also served as a guide to a healthy life.
- Looking for A Reason to Accuse – Mark 3:1-2 (11/11/2022) - The religious leaders of Jesus' day looked for reasons to accuse Jesus and discredit him. Jesus' disciples today can expect the same thing.
- Bow Down and Confess Jesus as Lord – Mark 3:11 (8/28/2024) - In the end, everyone will bow before Jesus and confess him as Lord. How much better to do it now before it is too late?
- Whoever Does God’s Will – Mark 3:35 (3/2/2018) - Jesus does not abandon family relationships. But he does emphasize a more important relationship; being a part of his heavenly family.
- Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables? – Mark 4:10-12 (10/9/2014) - Why did Jesus teach in parables? It seems they were a way to teach his followers truth that was not revealed to those who did not follow him.
- The Farmer Sows the Word – Mark 4:14 (5/2/2023) - In Jesus' parable, the farmer sowed seed throughout the field, regardless the soil. We also should share the good news with all people.
- Thorny Ground that Chokes the Seed – Mark 4:18-19 (5/25/2021) - In the parable of the soils, I find myself challenged by the thorns that choke out the seed. There are so many thorns in my life.
- Consider Carefully What You Hear – Mark 4:23-24 (1/6/2021) - When you read the Bible, or anything else, let it speak to you. And then consider carefully what you hear and how you should respond.
- Who Is This Man that Can Calm Wind and Waves? – Mark 4:41 (3/3/2018) - Who is this man who is able to calm the wind and the waves by command? Jesus is more than just a teacher and healer. He is creator and God.
- A Complete Transformation – Mark 5:15 (1/5/2024) - Jesus is satisfied with nothing less than a complete transformation of our lives. Are we willing to turn them over to him?
- Tell Them How Much the Lord Has Done for You – Mark 5:19 (4/25/2021) - As a believer, I should be willing, and able, to tell other people what the Lord has done for me. That requires no training, just love.
- Tell What Jesus Has Done for You – Mark 5:20 (11/15/2022) - You may not be able to answer every question someone might ask. But you tell them what Jesus has done for you.
- Who Is Jesus? – Mark 6:3, 14-15; 8:29 (3/6/2018) - Who is Jesus? Is he a man, a prophet, or the Messiah? Blessed are those who recognize him as Christ, and follow after him.
- Like Sheep without a Shepherd – Mark 6:34 (10/1/2023) - Jesus is the good shepherd who cares for his flock. And he has compassion for those without a shepherd, inviting them to join his flock.
- Jesus Is the Good Shepherd! – Mark 6:39 (3/21/2024) - Jesus feeds and cares for his sheep, leading us along our life’s journey, and guiding us in the way we should go.
- Take the Time To Be Alone with God In Prayer – Mark 6:46 (3/11/2019) - I would encourage you to regularly set aside time to be alone with God and share with him. It will make a big difference in your life.
- God’s Commands Verses Human Tradition – Mark 7:6-8 (2/6/2014) - It is easy to allow our human traditions to become a substitute for authentic worship. We should be careful to worship with God all our heart.
- Can Our Social Ills Be Fixed? – Mark 7:20-23 (3/7/2018) - Our society is getting worse and worse. Can the social ills of our society be fixed? Only with a change of heart that only God can produce.
- The Dogs Under the Table – Mark 7:27-29 (4/21/2022) - Jesus will show mercy to all who come to him. Even the unworthy dogs under the table who seem of no account. Jesus loves us all.
- Making the Deaf Hear and the Mute Speak- Mark 7:37 (10/2/2023) - Jesus healed a man who could not physically hear or speak. And he offers this same spiritual healing to each of us who come to him.
- Do You Still Not Understand? – Mark 8:21 (5/6/2023) - How often do we fail to understand what God is saying to us in his word? We should always seek the help of the Holy Spirit to guide us in it.
- Did Jesus Have to Die on the Cross? – Mark 8:31 (10/3/2023) - Did Jesus really have to die on the cross for my salvation? According to Jesus, he did. He told his disciples that he must go to the cross.
- Get Behind Me, Satan! – Mark 8:33 (2/25/2019) - Get behind me Satan! How shocking these words must have been to Peter. But how often am I as guilty, substituting my plans instead of God's perfect way?
- Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus – Mark 8:34 (3/8/2018) - Jesus invited the crowd to discipleship. But not just to hang around him. His call to discipleship is to take up our cross and follow him.
- Gain the World and Lose Your Soul – Mark 8:36 (9/14/2020) - Jesus warns us about the dangers of trying to gain the things of this world and the possibility that you could lose your soul in the process.
- Listen to Jesus, the Beloved Son of God – Mark 9:5-7 (2/10/2014) - Many people throughout history have had valuable things to say. But none that compare to Jesus. Listen to Jesus and what he has to say.
- To Build Three Tabernacles – Mark 9:5 (4/25/2022) - On the mount of transfiguration, Peter wanted to honor Jesus by building three tabernacles. But God exalted Jesus above Moses and Elijah.
- Everything Is Possible – Mark 9:23 (3/9/2018) - To the one who believes, and does not doubt, everything is possible. Nothing God calls us to do will be impossible for the one who believes.
- Lord, I Believe, Help My Unbelief – Mark 9:24 (3/4/2019) - I believe; at least intellectually. But unfortunately, my belief does not always translate well into practical terms. Lord, help my unbelief!
- The First Must Be Last; the Servant of All – Mark 9:35 (1/20/2020) - Our world measure greatness by power and influence. But Jesus turned that upside down. To be first, you must become last, the servant of all.
- Eliminating the Cause of Stumbling – Mark 9:42-43 (11/18/2022) - Jesus warns us about stumbling. Be careful not to be the cause of another person falling away. And remove all stumbling blocks from my life.
- Receive the Kingdom Like a Child – Mark 10:14-15 (4/26/2022) - We need to receive the kingdom of God like a little child. To embrace it with all that we are, fully engaged and committed.
- All Things Are Possible With God – Mark 10:25-27 (2/18/2019) - All things are possible with God. It makes no difference who or what you are. Trust God, and follow Christ into the kingdom.
- Giving Sight to the Blind – Mark 10:51-52 (3/10/2018) - Jesus gave sight to many who were physically blind. But how much more precious that he will give sight to the spiritually blind.
- What If Jesus Came to Church Today? – Mark 11:18 (5/8/2023) - What if Jesus came to church today? Would he be pleased? Or would he do some housekeeping? And if the latter, how would we respond to him?
- If You Hold Anything Against Anyone – Mark 11:25 (3/12/2018) - Hurt is inevitable in our lives. How we respond is not. Do not hold anything against one who has hurt you. Forgive them and find peace.
- The Source of Jesus’ Authority – Mark 11:27-28 (10/7/2023) - Is the source of Jesus' authority human or divine in nature? If it is from God, then we do well to listen to him and submit to his teaching.
- Do You Really Know the Scripture? – Mark 12:24 (4/27/2022) - How well do you know the Scriptures? Are they a mystery to you? Do you have a head knowledge? Or have you made them a part of your life?
- The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – Mark 12:26-27 (9/6/2024) - I do not have a clear picture of what my future holds. But I do know who holds that future. And I look forward to my future resurrection.
- Live a Life of Love – Mark 12:30-31 (3/14/2018) - Of all the 613 laws in the Old Testament, which is the most important? Jesus' response was to live a life of love. Loving God, and others.
- Love Is the Most Important Thing – Mark 12:32-33 (10/8/2023) - The most important thing we can do as believers is to love the Lord our God and other people. Nothing we can do will surpass that.
- The Widow’s Offering: When Less Is More – Mark 12:43-44 (3/18/2019) - How much we give is not important. The story of the widow's offering makes it clear that what matters is the generosity with which we give.
- Coming with Great Power and Glory – Mark 13:26-27 (3/16/2018) - It has been 2000 years since Jesus left us with this promise. But we should still look to his return for us with great power and glory.
- Stay Awake and Watch – Mark 13:35-36 (10/9/2023) - What should we do while we wait for Jesus' return? He tells us to stay awake and watch. Be faithful to the task he has given us to do.
- Broken and Spilled Out – Mark 14:3 (10/10/2023) - Mary took a jar of perfume, broke it, and poured it on Jesus. It serves as a model for my life. To be broken and spilled out on Jesus.
- A Tale of Two Disciples – Mark 14:9-10 (3/28/2024) - Will you be remembered as a Mary, one who loved Jesus deeply? Or a Judas, one whose life was a betrayal of Jesus’ life and teaching?
- Before the Rooster Crows – Mark 14:29-30 (5/2/2022) - After the rooster crows, have you realized denied Jesus? Don't let that be the end. In Jesus, there is hope for the broken.
- How Often Do I Deny Jesus? – Mark 14:31 (9/8/2024) - We deny Jesus in many ways. When we do, we should repent and seek forgiveness—knowing that Jesus stands ready to forgive and restore.
- I Was There – Mark 14:51-52 (3/19/2018) - What's with the naked young man at Jesus' arrest? I believe it is the author of this gospel saying, "I was there". I saw what happened.
- Who Is Jesus? – Mark 14:61-62 (11/24/2022) - Who is Jesus? There are many answers people give. But if you answer that Jesus is the Messiah, and give yourself to him, you will be saved.
- Dying, He Saved Me – Mark 15:31 (3/21/2018) - Jesus was challenged to save himself by coming down off the cross. But it was to save others that he stayed there and died.
- How Long Was Jesus in the Tomb? – Mark 15:42 (6/24/2024) - What matters is that Jesus was crucified, rose from the dead, and made eternal life possible for all who believe in him.
- He Has Risen! He Is Not Here. – Mark 16:6 (3/22/2018) - The women who went to the tomb on Easter received the best news ever delivered. Jesus was not dead. He had defeated death and risen!
The Gospel of Mark
Devotional readings from the gospel according to Mark.
So powerful are these readings.