- The Gift of the Holy Spirit – Acts 1:4-5 (8/21/2024) - What do you do with the gift of the Spirit? Embrace it and live victorious lives in Christ? Or leave it sitting on a shelf collecting dust?
- When Is Jesus Returning? – Acts 1:6 (2/21/2024) - While we wait for our Lord's return, focus on living for him where we are, bearing witness to his love through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Being a Witness for Jesus Wherever You Are – Acts 1:8 (7/4/2017) - Jesus' call to be his witness isn't just something expected of the first generation of believers. His call is to all who have experienced him.
- The Glory of the Lord Filled the Temple – Acts 2:1-4 (10/18/2023) - Where once the glory of the Lord filled a physical temple, now it fills the temple composed of his people. Built on Christ himself.
- They’ve Had too Much Wine – Acts 2:13 (3/21/2022) - Those unwilling to believe dismissed Pentecost as just too much wine. How like our world today in rationalizing away unwelcome truths.
- God’s Plan and Human Choice – Acts 2:23 (4/29/2019) - God has a plan for your life that takes into account all of the choices you make. God uses human choice to accomplish his plan for our lives.
- Death Could Not Keep Him – Acts 2:24 (4/21/2019) - Celebrate the empty tomb and risen savior today! Be thankful that his victory over death is ours as well. Death could not keep him, or us.
- Jesus: Lord and Christ – Acts 2:36 (11/25/2013) - As Peter declared, Jesus is both Lord and Christ. But each of us have to examine our own lives. Is Jesus truly my Lord?
- God has made Jesus Lord and Messiah – Acts 2:36 (7/5/2017) - Regardless of who you think Jesus is, God has made him both Lord and Messiah. And your response to that is of the utmost importance.
- The Example of the Early Church – Acts 2:42-47 (9/3/2012) - The example of the early church provides us with a successful template for being the church today. Be devoted to God and the body of Christ.
- They Devoted Themselves – Acts 2:42 (7/5/2018) - What can we learn from the earliest church? They devoted themselves to the Word, to prayer, and to fellowship. What would happen if we did that today?
- Growing a Successful Church – Acts 2:47 (4/1/2023) - What is a successful church? And what does it take to produce one? Acts 2:42-47 tells us what the early church did to be successful.
- No Silver or Gold. But What I Have, I Give You – Acts 3:6 (7/8/2017) - There is nothing wrong with giving silver or gold to the needy. But how much better to give of yourself? It could make an eternal difference.
- Deflecting Credit to the Proper Source – Acts 3:12 (2/23/2024) - Seek to glorify God in all you do. Always be careful to point others to the one who alone is worthy of our praise and glory.
- No Other Name – Acts 4:12 (8/24/2024) - Salvation is only available to us through the person of Jesus. There is no other way. All other roads lead to destruction.
- Transforming Ordinary People – Acts 4:13 (11/8/2022) - Being filled with the Holy Spirit can transform ordinary people into spirit-filled believers who can accomplish great things.
- Time Spent with Jesus Changes Us – Acts 4:13 (7/9/2017) - Is the time you spend with Jesus obvious in the way you live your life? It should make a drastic difference in the way we live and speak.
- Which Is Right In God’s Eyes – Acts 4:18-20 (7/9/2018) - How do you respond when people challenge your right to share your faith? Peter and John responded that it is better to do what is right in God's eyes.
- Who Should We Follow? – Acts 4:19-20 (12/2/2013) - We are often faced with a choice of who we should follow. God. Or the crowds around us. When they are in conflict, always follow the Lord.
- Speaking With Great Boldness – Acts 4:29 (2/28/2022) - As believers in the Lord Jesus, we have the best news in the world. And we should be speaking out with great boldness to share the gospel.
- Great Fear Seized the Church – Acts 5:11 (7/7/2021) - In the early day of the church a couple died after lying to God. And great fear seized the whole church. I wonder what would happen today?
- The Cost of Obedience – Acts 5:29 (7/11/2018) - When considering opposing the civil authorities, be sure it is out of obedience to God's direction. And be willing to pay the price.
- God’s Plans Will Never Fail – Acts 5:38-39 (8/25/2024) - But if we are where God wants us to be, we can have confidence that his plans will be accomplished; they will never fail.
- Counted Worthy to Suffer for Christ – Acts 5:41-42 (7/10/2017) - Rather than complain when we feel slighted as Christians, we should learn to rejoice in suffering for the name of Christ.
- Resolving Dissension in the Church – Acts 6:1-7 (7/11/2017) - While resolving dissension in the church will not guarantee growth. But allowing it to fester will insure that growth does not occur.
- Like the Face of an Angel – Acts 6:15 (9/28/2023) - If you were facing persecution and possible death for your faith, what would be reflected on your face. Would it be the face of an angel?
- Always Resisting the Holy Spirit – Acts 7:51 (8/27/2024) - How frequently do we hear the Holy Spirit speaking to us and fail to obey? Or go even further and act in ways contrary to his direction?
- Forgiveness Is An Expression of Love – Acts 7:60 (7/12/2017) - Stephen sought God's forgiveness for those who where killing him. Forgiveness like that is truly an expression of love for other people.
- A Great Persecution Broke Out – Acts 8:1 (4/10/2023) - The early church faced a time of great persecution. But, rather than dampen their spirits, they rejoiced and spread the gospel even further.
- Following God’s Call – Acts 8:26 (7/16/2018) - Would you follow God's call out into the desert? Especially if you are leaving an exciting work? Be willing to follow wherever God leads
- By Divine Appointment – Acts 8:29-31 (2/28/2024) - If the Spirit nudges you to go into the desert and climb into someone’s chariot, be willing to go, accepting the opportunity to share Christ.
- Following the Way of Christ – Acts 9:1-2 (7/14/2017) - The earliest church called itself 'the Way'. The way to life, the way to truth, the way of Jesus. Are you a follower of the way?
- Being Faithful in the Small Things – Acts 9:10-12 (7/23/2018) - The example of Ananias teaches us that being faithful in seemingly insignificant ways can have a tremendous impact on the lives of others.
- An Unlikely Chosen Instrument – Acts 9:15 (8/29/2024) - No matter how unlikely we might appear in our own eyes or the world's eyes, God has chosen each of us to fill some role in his kingdom.
- Those Who Seek Will Find – Acts 10:1-2 (4/11/2023) - Jesus promised that those who seek will find. And Cornelius is an example of one who sought for God, and God ensured that he found him.
- Even On the Gentiles – Acts 10:44-46 (2/24/2014) - Who are the Gentiles in your life? The ones that you would be amazed to see come to Christ? Is there anyone you would not share Christ with?
- God Has Love, Even for the Gentiles – Acts 11:18 (6/15/2020) - In the world of the New Testament, Gentiles were non-Jews, outside of God's love. In your world today, who do you consider to be a Gentile?
- Barnabas: Son of Encouragement – Acts 11:25-26a (3/2/2024) - Encourage fellow believers to remain faithful, to grow in their faith, and to find the place of service God has equipped them for.
- First Called Christians – Acts 11:26 (7/16/2017) - The believers were first called Christians in Antioch. If our communities would to coin a new name for us today, what would it be?
- Unexpected Answered Prayer – Acts 12:15 (7/17/2017) - Are you ever surprised when God answers prayer? Those praying for Peter's release sure were. How often am I surprised at answered prayer?
- Seeking God’s Direction – Acts 13:2 (7/21/2017) - How do you seek God's specific direction for your life or church? Try worshipping, fasting and prayer. It worked for Antioch.
- Forgiveness for All Who Believe – Acts 13:38-39 (11/17/2022) - Through the blood of Jesus, shed on the cross, forgiveness of sins is available for all who believe and put their trust in him.
- Responding to Human Acclaim – Acts 14:13-15a (9/3/2024) - It is encouraging to be told we were helpful. But any acclaim we receive or give should be redirected to our Lord.
- Why Does God Allow Suffering? – Acts 14:19 (7/30/2018) - While we might not understand all the reasons we, and other godly people, suffer, we should continue to trust him, even while we are suffering.
- We Must Go Through Many Hardships – Acts 14:22 (2/14/2022) - I want life as a Christian to be easy. But Paul tells me that I must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.
- Requirements for Salvation – Acts 15:5 (3/6/2024) - All who have come to faith in Christ are God's children and members of his family, regardless of our individual traditions or doctrines.
- Saved by Grace Alone – Acts 15:11 (7/23/2017) - Salvation is wholly a work of God; nothing I can do can add to what Christ does for me. It is by grace alone, through faith, that I am saved.
- God Can Use Our Failures – Acts 15:37-41 (11/20/2022) - It is unfortunate that we so often divide over disagreements and disputes. But God can, and will, use even those to accomplish his purpose.
- Discerning God’s Will – Acts 16:9-10 (4/16/2023) - How can you discern God's will for your life? That can be hard. But just be faithful in serving him and look for doors to open and close.
- Worship in Times of Suffering – Acts 16:25 (8/2/2018) - When you face challenges because you are a Christian, rather than complain, worship God. And never forget that others are watching.
- Believe in the Lord Jesus – Acts 16:30-31 (7/24/2017) - What must I do to be saved? Paul's response to the jailer was to believe in the Lord Jesus. There is nothing I can do. Just surrender your life to his working.
- King Jesus – Acts 17:6-7 (4/18/2023) - For us who are in the kingdom of God, Jesus is king. He is the one who should have our ultimate allegiance, over every other authority.
- Examining the Scriptures – Acts 17:11 (7/25/2017) - Is the Bible your authority in spiritual matters? Can you use it effectively? Do you examine them to verify other truth claims?
- God Made All the Nations – Acts 17:26 (3/7/2022) - In God's sovereign plan for creation, he made all of the nations that exist, or have existed, for his own purposes.
- Responsibility for Sharing the Gospel – Acts 18:6 (7/26/2017) - How much responsibility do I bear for the lost that I encounter but do not share Christ with? Am I a faithful watchman, giving a warning?
- A Legal Precedent – Acts 18:14-15 (9/7/2024) - Despite the split that has occurred between us, as Christians, we should never forget the deep roots we have in Judaism.
- Are You Known as a Disciple of Jesus? – Acts 19:15 (10/21/2019) - Do the people, and evil spirits, around you know you as a disciple of Jesus? Or is your life no different than that of the rest of the world.
- How to Change Society – Acts 19:26-27 (7/27/2017) - We can most effectively change society through the gospel of Jesus Christ, rather than trying to legislate morality.
- Repentance and Faith – Acts 20:21 (7/28/2017) - Paul's primary mission was to call people to turn to God in repentance and to have faith in our Lord Jesus. Should we not follow his example?
- Finishing the Race – Acts 20:24 (8/15/2018) - Are you running the race that God has laid out for you? Or are you distracted by the cares and concerns of life? Strive for the finish line.
- Innocent of your Blood – Acts 20:26-27 (6/29/2020) - Paul has a significant message for teachers. Only by teaching the whole will of God can we be innocent of the blood of those we teach.
- Watch Out for Yourselves – Acts 20:28a, 30 (9/9/2024) - There are many whose teaching may sound appealing but who are proclaiming a different gospel—a perversion of the truth. Run from them.
- Warning about False Teachers – Acts 20:31 (3/11/2024) - Immerse yourself in the Scripture. Read and meditate on it daily. And heed the warning to guard against teaching contrary to the Scripture.
- Willing to Die for the Lord Jesus – Acts 21:13 (7/29/2017) - How committed to faith in Christ are you? Are you ready to be bound, and to die for the name of the Lord Jesus?
- Avoiding a Beating – Acts 22:25 (7/30/2017) - As believers in Jesus we should expect to suffer. But if we can avoid a beating, while remaining faithful to Christ, then do so.
- Follow Through on Commitments – Acts 23:12 (7/31/2017) - How often do we fail to follow through on commitments we have made? Wouldn't it be better to count the cost first, before committing?
- Jesus Is “The Way” – Acts 24:14-15 (10/15/2023) - "The Way" was an early term used to describe the followers of Jesus. And it was appropriate. Jesus is the way to the Father and eternal life.
- Fearing the Consequences – Acts 24:25 (8/1/2017) - Why do some people reject the God of the Bible? Could it be a fear of being accountable to him and the resultant consequences?
- A Dead Man Named Jesus – Acts 25:19 (8/2/2017) - The world may see him as a dead man named Jesus. But praise God he is alive and well, and is at the right hand of the Father.
- The Promised Hope of Israel – Acts 26:6-8 (7/28/2021) - The hope of Israel centers around Jesus the Messiah and what he did. All of the Law, the Prophets and their promises find fulfillment in him.
- Demonstrating Repentance – Acts 26:20 (8/3/2017) - Paul's message to all who was listen was to repent and turn to God. And then demonstrate their repentance with their actions.
- A Gracious Answer to Prayer – Acts 27:23-24 (8/20/2018) - Can you expect an answer to prayer? I believe so, although not always what you expect. Our prayer can make a difference.
- Ever Hearing But Never Understanding – Acts 28:26-27 (12/6/2022) - Unfortunately, "ever hearing but never understanding" often describes our Bible reading. Read instead with a mind open to the Spirit.
- Paul’s Prison Ministry – Acts 28:30-31 (8/27/2018) - Paul spent two years under Roman arrest. But his prison ministry was fruitful. Don't let your circumstances keep you from serving God.
The Acts of the Apostles
Devotional reading from the Acts of the Apostles, volume two of Luke's work.