A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Theology Posts

This is the launch page for all theology-related posts. These posts are mostly organized as systematic theology, covering the full range of Christian doctrine. It should be noted that I am not a trained theologian. And, while my background is Baptist, and I generally understand the Bible in union with them, that is not always the case. This is truly a work in progress and grows as I grow in my understanding of God's word, who he is, and what he is doing in his creation. My prayer is that these posts will be useful to the body of Christ.

The Doctrinal Series

The posts referenced by this page each deal with a specific Christian doctrine. They have been developed over a number of years. Not as a comprehensive series. But as I felt led to write about them. In the same way, some are covered in greater depth than others. All of the posts can also be found in the individual sections of the Systematic Theology section listed below. More will be added as time goes along and as the Lord leads.

Systematic Theology

The posts here were originally written as classroom notes for a class on systematic theology I taught a couple of times in local churches. They have been updated several times since then and other related posts have been linked to each topic. Each link below will open to another page that will list the relevant posts.

  • Introduction: As its name implies, systematic theology is a comprehensive and systematic view of theology. The goal of an evangelical Christian systematic theology is to develop a theology that is biblically-based, that covers the main doctrines of Christianity, and that is cohesive.
  • The Bible: From the human perspective, the Bible is a diverse collection of literature written over a long period of time. From a divine perspective, it is the authoritative guide to faith and practice. These posts will examine the Bible from both a human and a divine perspective.
  • God: Posts on this page will examine both the nature of God as well as his work in creation and providence. They will look at both the communicable and incommunicable attributes of God, his triune nature, his will, and some common questions that people raise about God.
  • Humanity: Who are we as humans? Where did we come from? Why are we here? Does God have some particular reason for creating us? The doctrine of humanity is important to provide answers to those questions.
  • Sin: The doctrine of sin is one of the foundational truths of the Christian faith. It describes an aspect of our nature that is in rebellion against God. It also covers the moral failing of our lives, how we fail to live up to God’s expectations. We are a fallen race because of our sin, unable to please God.
  • Christ: This page will include articles dealing with the nature and the work of Jesus. Jesus is fully God as well as fully human. He was God from eternity past and will be into eternity future. But at his incarnation, he took on human flesh and became like one of us. The primary work of Jesus was offering himself as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
  • The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, one in essence with the Father and the Son, but distinct in the role he plays in our salvation. He brings conviction of sin to the world, enables us to live as believers, and equips us for service in the Kingdom.
  • Salvation: The doctrine of salvation encompasses our initial salvation experience, our walk with Christ, and our final deliverance from the fate of this world. This includes the topics of our calling, conversion, regeneration, union with Christ, justification, adoption, sanctification, persistence, and glorification.
  • The Church: What is the church? What is its purpose? How does the New Testament picture the church? What functions should define the church today? What form of government should the church have? How about baptism and Lord’s Supper.
  • Last Things: There are two aspects to the doctrine last things. The first deals with events on a global scale: Jesus’ return, resurrection, judgment, and his reign. The second is a more personal look; what happens after my death.

Other Theological Posts

The remainder of these posts, while theological in nature, either do not fit neatly into one of the topics above or are on a topic that does not directly fit into Systematic Theology.

  • Apologetics: Apologetics is really a spiritual discipline; providing a defense for your faith.  All believers should be able to explain to those who inquire, why they believe what they do.  The posts below are my attempts at that, and will hopefully be useful to others. They are mostly fairly old.
  • Arminian Soteriology: These articles discuss different aspects of Arminian soteriology. I wrote these to counter the oftentimes false claims made about Arminianism by those in the Calvinist / Reformed camp. And even by those who claim to be Arminian, but do not know what it teaches.
  • Off-Site Articles: I am also writing articles for a number of other websites. These include Christianity.com, BibleStudyTools.com, and DevotableApp.com. This page contains links to those other articles.

29 thoughts on “Theology”

  1. Hello Ed,
    I read your article, Is Everything in the Bible True, and enjoyed it and learned from it. I also understand that the parables per-se may not be true but the purpose is to make a point which is true.
    Would you say that the miracles that Jesus performed were all literally true? I’ve always believed that they were.
    I struggle with a minister in my church who seems to cherry pick the Bible, the latest is that the miracle of feeding the 5,000 may be more of a story reinforcing sharing. I find no evidence of that interpretation in the four gospels so I conclude that it is a miracle. What do you think?
    Thank you,

    • I see no reason to think they were anything but true. In John 20:30-31, John told us that he had recorded the miracles he did in order to prove that Jesus was the Messiah, and so that we might have life in him. If the miracles were not real, what kind of proof would they have been.

  2. Hello, sir.

    You seem to be quite informed, and I am wondering what the Bible has to say about the following few things. If you would be so kind, might you share your expertise in addressing them?

    1. Is there any mention in the Bible of how long a day was when talking about the time period mentioned in Genesis versus the time while Jesus was MIA between His crucifixion and His resurrection?

    2. Does it say in the Bible that the Ten Commandments are ranked from most to least important?

    3. Does the Bible actually say that the Christian God of the Old Testament (and the other two portions of the Holy trinity) are the only God there is period, or does it admit that there are indeed other Gods, but that those deities are simply not to be worshiped nor idolized since they didn’t make humans in their image? (If the latter is the case, are we meant to believe that Yahweh made them as well as the maker of all that is seen and unseen, and if not, where did they come from?

    4. Does the Bible say that there is a single correct church one must be a member of (like the Catholics say) in order to avoid ending up in Hell, or does it say that salvation is the result of having accepted Jesus as one’s personal savior (like the Baptists say), or does it make no mention of a “church” whatsoever, in that the concept of organized religion as a entity to be a member of, as opposed to a set of beliefs to live one’s life in accordance with, came along well after the scriptures were written?

    Thank you very much!

    • 1. While the word “day” in the Old Testament can represent a variety of time periods, it is most logical to see the Genesis 1 days as 24 hours, just like the length of the days Jesus was in the grave.
      2. No.
      3. There are other “gods” mentioned in the Old Testament. But they are not at the same level as the creator God we serve. These other gods are fallen spirits, created beings.
      4. No. There is no one church you have to belong to. Salvation is an act of God’s grace received through faith. You should be a part of a local church. And some are better than others. But your salvation is not dependent on which church you belong to.

      • 1. So, this means that God the Father was able to create the Universe, and everything in it, in six days, but then God the Son goes missing for three full and it isn’t really ever mentioned in scripture. Doesn’t that seem… odd?

        2. Would you say then that the 10 Commandments are all equally important? Or is there some sort of hierarchy, but that order is subjective? For example, is going to church (keeping holy the Sabbath) more important than not committing murder, and if not, then why does God list that sooner on the tablets?

        3. Really?! Might you please provide a few passages as examples. I had always thought the Christian denomination was monotheistic, so it is very shocking to hear from a Biblical scholar that this is a misperception!

        4. I agree. Though Mormons are cult members following all sort of whackadoodle teachings of a known charlatan, that doesn’t preclude those poor misguided souls who are in that cult from getting into heaven in my view. Nor does all the mary infatuation keep a Catholic from earning their way into God’s house.

        Thank you very much for addressing my first round of questions, and I look forward to your clarifications.

        • 1. It sure is mentioned a lot for not being mentioned. And what is odd about it?
          2. To disobey God is to disobey God. There does not seem to be degrees.
          3. Christianity is monotheistic. There are other spirits, especially in the Old Testament, who passed themselves off as gods, like Baal.

  3. The whole lesson has been very useful and educative. I would like some more lessons on THEOLOGY.

  4. God does heal us, but it is His timing, not ours.
    I have 3rd stage ovarian cancer, going on my third year. Through it all I have leaned on God alone, He directs my oncologist and His strength gets me through the side effects. But the miracle is He keeps using and changing me in ways you can’t imagine.

    I still work part-time, with about {17} 2nd graders. He uses me to teach the children His Word. The blessings are beyond words could express.
    When I have finished my course He will take me home where I’ll be completely healed.

    I’m right where God wants me for His glory.

    • I am sorry you are having to deal with cancer. But glad that you are in a good place and committed to serving our Lord as long as he leaves you here.

    • You are a miracle. Thank you for your strength and courage . Today I honor you. You make me smile. And you give it to your students! Talk about Love.
      God keep and bless you. Also a survivor of cervical cancer. At 24, I’m 65 1/2. Glory

    • The best place to learn theology is from the Bible. It is the authoritative source for our faith. What I write, or other people write, can assist you. But our writing should never be a substitute for the hard work of spending time in the Bible itself. Read, study, and meditate on what it says to you. It takes time. But it is worth it.

      • Amein, I couldn’t agree more. The more time you spend with and in the Lord He will allow the Holy Spirit to teach you His truth.

  5. I was recently filled with the Holy Spirit. it was awesome. but after several weeks of studying The Word, it seems like I hit a little lull with the Holy Spirit. I still get promptings but I want to feel the fire inside that I had those first several weeks. what do you suggest?

    • I would suggest that you remain faithful to the Lord, regardless of how you feel. Our feelings and emotions can lead us astray. It is nice to visit the mountaintop occasionally, but we will spend most of our time on earth down in the valleys. Choose to walk faithfully with the Lord, even when you do not feel his presence.

      • Good answer, Ed. Over 60+ years of walking with the Lord, I have had times during which I felt him to be distant (usually because I had wandered off) and times of extreme closeness. One of those was while in the hospital a few years ago and close to dying. It was so wonderful that I wished it would continue. But God raised me up, and now I can face anything with peace. That was the lasting blessing. To be brief, as time goes by and our life in the Lord deepens, the times of distance will be far fewer and the times of closeness far more frequent.

        • Thanks. The older I get, the more I look forward to what our Lord has been preparing me for. I do not know what the future holds. But I do know who holds it. And I look forward to meeting him face-to-face.

  6. On becoming a Christian the Holy Spirit indwells us, and confirms our Justification [this is a 1-off event]. Conversion is a one-time experience; discipleship is a lifelong journey. By Grace through Faith we are assured of Salvation. Backsliding vs. Preservation is unclear to me, and maybe polarises Reformed/Calvin’s [TULIP] vs. Armenians as each can field biblical proof-texts to support their doctrines. Watch and Pray to “work out your own salvation”.

    • It is unfortunate that sometimes we rely on “proof texts” to develop our theology rather than what the Scripture as a whole has to say. I think there would be much less confusion and division if we would take the time and effort to do systematic theology rather than proof text theology.

    • I’m not sure that there is a simple answer to this question. There are many in more Pentecostal traditions who seem to experience the Holy Spirit in a very dramatic fashion. But I do not. I experience the Spirit in much more subtle ways. There are times when I believe he directs my mind in understanding the Scripture. Or in working through a problem. And other times when I feel his leading to do something, or not do something. Never is it very overwhelming. It’s more like he is whispering to me. And, if I am listening, I can distinguish his voice from all the other noise around me. I have often wished I could feel his presence in more dramatic ways. But I am content with the way he has chosen to work in my life. My walk with the Lord is one of faith. And part of that is trusting that he is with me and guiding me.

      • It seems to know the Lord, to grow in the Lord, etc is through the spirit. Yet I think most people including me are in the spirit a small percentage of the time. Your answer was helpful. Thanks.

        • I’m glad it was helpful. But I’m not sure I agree that believers are in the Spirit only a small percentage of the time. If we do not have the Spirit, then we do not belong to Christ (Rom. 8:9). I think it is more appropriate to say that we are not seeking and following the Spirit nearly as much as we should.

        • You are half right. John 4:24 states that we must worship in Spirit and in truth. These are the bookends of knowing and growing in our knowledge of God. The truth bookend is the word / scriptures, that supply us with the knowledge of God’s character and what we need in order to live a life pleasing unto Him. It is the ultimate truth that sets you free. If applied correctly, which involves study and guidance from the Spirit, you will build your faith on a solid foundation that will not be shaken when the adversities of life come aknocking.

  7. In terms of God’s sovereignty, does he intervene in our sicknesses or does he leave that to the gifts of doctors & other health care professionals?

    • It is clear from the Bible that God will bring healing to people, at least sometimes. And I believe that he still does when it suits his purposes. But I also believe he has given us the ability to develop modern medicine and the skills to treat many of our physical ills. In 1 Timothy 5:23 Paul instructed Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach and frequent illnesses. That was the use of the medicine of the day. And this instruction came from Paul, who God used on occasion to miraculously heal people. So, the short answer to you question is, he does both.


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