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Old Testament Law
The posts listed here are studies in the Old Testament Law books, Genesis through Deuteronomy. It is a growing collection that expands each time I read through the Old Testament.
- In the Beginning, God – Genesis 1:1 (8/5/2020) - In the beginning, God. Before anything else existed, there was God. He is before all things, creator and upholder of all things.
- The Work of a Master Craftsman – Genesis 2:7 (2/22/2024) - God worked as a master craftsman, shaping and forming his creation with love and care. Then he breathed life into us, making us living beings.
- Is God Holding Out on Me? – Genesis 3:6 (4/2/2023) - Is God holding out on me? Would my life be better if I did what appealed to me rather than obey God? Or is God's way always the best for me?
- Sin Is Crouching at the Door – Genesis 4:7 (4/3/2023) - God told Cain that sin was crouching at the door, but he must rule over it. And that is just as true for us. Don't let sin rule in your life.
- Walking Faithfully with God – Genesis 5:24 (12/14/2023) - To walk with God is to go with him wherever he leads. Not wandering off alone. But keeping in step with him, hand in hand.
- Calling On the Name of the Lord – Genesis 13:4 (2/7/2022) - To call on the name of the Lord is, at least in part, to declare your allegiance and commitment to him. It is to be known by his name.
- Settling in Canaan or Sodom – Genesis 13:12 (3/3/2024) - Don’t make the tragic mistake Lot did. Turn your back on Sodom and settle down in Canaan, the land of promise.
- Pitching Your Tent – Genesis 13:18 (4/13/2023) - Where have you pitched your tent, and put down roots? Are you where God wants you to be? If so, you can expect blessings you would otherwise miss.
- Abram Believed the Lord – Genesis 15:6 (4/21/2018) - Abraham had every reason in the world to doubt what God had promised him. But he believed, and God counted that belief as righteousness.
- Abraham and Hagar – Genesis 16:1-4 (4/17/2023) - The Bible was written by a culture very different than ours. And we need to be careful to recognize that difference as we read it today.
- Following the Lord’s Leading – Genesis 17:17-18 (3/7/2024) - We will be blessed and experience God's best when we follow our Lord’s leading, even when it seems impossible or challenging.
- An Example of Intercessory Prayer – Genesis 18:32 (3/8/2024) - We can never go wrong by praying for other believers—interceding on their behalf. Pray for their health, deliverance, and spiritual growth.
- Turned into a Pillar of Salt – Genesis 19:26 (3/9/2024) - Where is your heart? Is it with the Lord? Or the world? Remember Lot's wife! Don't be left behind when our Lord returns for his people.
- The Sacrifice of Isaac – Genesis 22:9-12 (3/14/2022) - God called on Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, the one he treasured most. And Abraham did. Am I willing to sacrifice what is most valuable to me?
- Living As a Temporary Resident of Earth – Genesis 23:3-4 (3/15/2024) - Abraham lived as a temporary resident in Canaan. And he serves as a model for believers today, living as temporary residents of the earth.
- As the Lord Has Directed – Genesis 24:50-51 (4/24/2023) - Rebecca's family recognized the Lord directing the servant to them. And they submitted to his leading. Do I recognize and submit to his leading?
- The Danger In Running Ahead of God – Genesis 27:5-10 (1/13/2021) - God calls us to follow and to serve him. But often we find ourselves running ahead of God rather than following. And that is never good.
- I Will Serve God If . . . – Genesis 28:20-21 (3/17/2024) - Don't make your service to God conditional on perceived blessings. Trust him regardless of what your circumstances in life are.
- Blessed Because of Joseph – Genesis 39:5 (12/18/2019) - Does God bless faithfulness? I believe he does. And the story of Joseph shows that others will also be blessed because of our faithfulness.
- Living a Life of Integrity Before God – Genesis 39:9 (6/10/2020) - As believers in the Lord Jesus, we are called to live a life of integrity. Joseph sets a wonderful example of integrity for us to follow.
- I Can Not, but God Can – Genesis 41:16 (8/18/2024) - God never will ask me to do something that he will not help me to accomplish. When I trust in him, the seemingly impossible becomes possible.
- God Works Even Through Our Suffering – Genesis 45:7 (5/1/2022) - Suffering is not pleasant. But the story of Joseph demonstrates that God can work, even through our suffering, to accomplish his purpose,
- The Other Side of Forgiveness – Genesis 45:24 (4/7/2024) - As a believer, don’t dwell on your past and how unworthy you might feel. Your past does not define you. You have been forgiven.
- Jacob and Leah: A Happy Ending – Genesis 49:31 (2/5/2020) - The marriage of Jacob and Leah is not likely one that you would see as being happy. Yet in the end, faithful Leah had victory over Rachel.
- He Went to His People – Genesis 49:33 (4/2/2024) - Death is not the end. It is the beginning of the glorious life that awaits us. We will join with our Lord and those who have gone before us.
- Why Do Good People Suffer? – Genesis 50:19-20 (1/27/2021) - Why do good people suffer? This is a question that many ask. And this response from Joseph to his brothers provides one possible answer.
- God Has Not Forgotten You – Exodus 2:23-25 (5/13/2023) - Does it seem sometimes like God has forgotten you? If you are his, you can rest assured that he will act on your behalf when the time is best.
- Standing on Holy Ground – Exodus 3:5 (5/26/2021) - What do you do when you come into God's presence? God told Moses to remove his shoes because he was standing on holy ground.
- Working Together with God – Exodus 3:8-10 (5/14/2023) - God frequently calls on us to work together with him in what he is doing. He is the master craftsman teaching as he involves us in his work.
- I Will Be With You – Exodus 3:12 (2/13/2019) - How often do we feel inadequate for the task God has given us? But, as God told Moses "I will be with you", so he will also be with us.
- What Is God’s Name? – Exodus 3:14-15 (4/5/2024) - God’s “name” reflects who he is, the holy, eternal self-existent one, as well as what he is, our creator, redeemer, and Father.
- I Am Slow of Speech and Tongue – Exodus 4:10 (1/29/2020) - I can identify with Moses' excuse that he was slow of speech. But God can equip me to do whatever he calls on me to do. Including speak.
- Who Is the Lord? – Exodus 5:2 (5/16/2022) - Who is the LORD? This is a question Pharoah asked, and many today still ask it. The best response I can give is a life lived for Him.
- Expecting to See Instant Results – Exodus 5:22-6:1 (9/23/2024) - Rather than expect instant results and become discouraged when I don't see them, I need to be faithful to my part and leave the results to God
- God Does It All for Our Salvation – Exodus 6:6-8 (4/9/2024) - God did it all for our salvation. He redeemed us from our slavery to sin, made us his people, and has prepared a forever home for us.
- God Is in Charge and Has a Plan – Exodus 9:15-16 (4/12/2024) - God is “working out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.” No one can thwart his plan for us.
- The Blood of the Passover Lamb – Exodus 12:13 (3/30/2024) - That first Passover in Egypt looked forward to a second, and much greater, one. Jesus, our Passover lamb, was slain for our salvation.
- A Pillar of Cloud and Fire – Exodus 13:21-22 (5/26/2022) - As they traveled through the wilderness, Israel was led by a pillar of cloud and fire. Today, we are led by the Bible and the Holy Spirit.
- Stand Firm and See the Lord’s Salvation – Exodus 14:13-14 (4/29/2024) - Stand firm in your faith in God, and he will see you safely through every obstacle you might face and bring you into the promised land
- Trust in the Lord – Exodus 14:31 (5/29/2022) - Do you trust in the Lord? It is easy to do when there are no problems in life. But do you also trust him when faced with challenges?
- Describing the Indescribable God – Exodus 15:11 (9/21/2024) - There is little doubt that when we see the Lord in all his glory, we will realize just how limited and distorted our picture of God was.
- Lend a Helping Hand to an Enemy – Exodus 23:4-5 (2/3/2021) - Our natural reaction is often to turn away from helping an enemy. But this passage instructs us to lend a helping hand to them.
- Committed to Following the Lord – Exodus 24:3 (6/4/2023) - How often do I fail in my daily commitment to follow the Lord? Too often! But he loves me anyway. And each day I start anew, seeking his way.
- Waiting to Hear from God – Exodus 24:15-16 (11/21/2022) - When you come before God in prayer, how long will you wait on him to hear from him? Will you, like Moses, wait as long as it takes?
- The Pattern of the Tabernacle – Exodus 25:8-9 (6/5/2023) - Moses was instructed to build the Tabernacle according to a specific pattern. And each part of the tabernacle represents something greater.
- Where Do You Meet with God? – Exodus 25:22 (4/27/2024) - Do you have a place where you can go to meet with God? A place where it is just him and you, away from all the world's distractions?
- Gifted As Artisans – Exodus 28:3 (5/1/2024) - Whatever your skill or natural ability, God can, and will, use it in his kingdom’s work if you give it to him.
- Set Apart as Holy – Exodus 29:43-44 (5/2/2024) - It is when we live lives of practical holiness, set apart for God’s use, that we can most experience his presence within us.
- A Test for Moses – Exodus 32:9-10 (5/5/2024) - When tested, choose the hard path of obedience and surrender to the Lord’s will–the path to greatness in the kingdom.
- The Lord Relented – A Lesson in Prayer – Exodus 32:14 (2/27/2018) - How effective is prayer? Does it make a difference? God's plan from eternity past took into account our prayer, so yes, it makes a difference
- Finding Favor with God – Exodus 33:13 (3/24/2024) - How do you find favor with God? Submit to him, seek to know him better, and live in obedience to him. Make that the goal of your prayer.
- The Distinguishing Mark of God’s People – Exodus 33:16 (4/17/2019) - It is God's presence within me, the Holy Spirit, that is a distinguishing mark of God's people, showing that I am a part of God's kingdom.
- Bezalel: Gifted by God – Exodus 35:30-33 (2/12/2020) - Every believer has been gifted by God to serve in his kingdom. They might seem spiritual in nature. But they could also be physical talents.
- The Women Who Served – Exodus 38:8 (7/21/2022) - This passage includes an obscure reference to women who served at the tabernacle. It illustrates a challenge in understanding the Scripture.
- Giving God Your Best – Exodus 39:1 (6/28/2022) - God is not overly concerned about external trappings. But God does want us to give him the best of what we have. Honor him with your best.
- The Fellowship Offering – Leviticus 7:11 (5/19/2024) - We can follow the spirit of the fellowship offering when we share meals together, with our Lord, as a community of believers.
- Entering the Most Holy Place – Leviticus 10:1-2 (5/22/2024) - And, because of what Jesus did, we are, invited to come into the Most Holy Place with confidence and the assurance of faith.
- Be Holy, Because I Am Holy – Leviticus 11:45 (6/21/2023) - Because God is holy, as his children we are also expected to be holy. Seek to be like him, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.
- Be Distinct from Your Culture – Leviticus 18:1-4 (5/29/2024) - Seek to be holy, set apart, and distinct from this world and its gods. To live as a child of the LORD rather than a child of this age.
- The Basis for Obedience – Leviticus 19:3 (6/12/2019) - Why should we obey God? Out of fear of punishment? In hope of reward? Or out of obedience? That he is God should be reason enough.
- Because I Am the LORD Your God – Leviticus 20:7-8 (6/29/2023) - Why are we expected to be holy, set apart from the rest of the world? That expectation is rooted in who God is.
- Without Defect or Blemish – Leviticus 22:21 (7/26/2022) - God calls on us to give him the best that we have, sacrifices without defect or blemish. Don't just give him your leftovers.
- The Year of Jubilee – Leviticus 25:9-10 (6/5/2024) - The year of Jubilee looked forward to, and was fulfilled by, Jesus’ atoning death on the cross. Jesus is our Jubilee!
- I Am the LORD Your God – Leviticus 26:13 (7/3/2023) - Why should we obey God and follow him? Because he is the Lord our God who has created us, redeemed us, and brought us into his family.
- The Logistics of the Exodus – Numbers 2:32 (8/4/2022) - Have you ever stopped to consider the logistics of Israel's exodus from Egypt? Managing a group of over 2 million people for 40 years?
- The Danger of a Holy God – Numbers 4:20 (6/10/2024) - We can approach God as our Abba, Father. But he is a holy God. Come before him in worship and praise, and also with fear and trembling.
- A Priestly Blessing – Numbers 6:22-26 (6/12/2024) - The Lord bless you with every spiritual blessing, guard your hearts and minds, be gracious to you, and give you his peace and wholeness.
- Where Do You Meet With God? – Numbers 7:89 (8/10/2022) - Moses met with God in the Tabernacle. Jesus went into the mountains. Where do you go to meet with God? To spend quality time with him?
- Following the Cloud – Numbers 9:15-17 (8/14/2022) - During the wilderness wandering Israel had a cloud to follow. Today, we have the Holy Spirit to lead us along God's path for us.
- Like Grasshoppers in Our Own Eyes – Numbers 13:33 (8/16/2022) - We may feel like grasshoppers in our own eyes when facing our giants. But our God is bigger. And we can face them unafraid.
- Forgiveness Doesn’t Eliminate Consequences – Numbers 14:20-23 (7/22/2023) - Forgiveness is always available to us. But that forgiveness does not always eliminate the consequences of our actions.
- Tassels and Remembering God’s Commands – Numbers 15:39 (6/21/2024) - As traffic signs inform and remind us of how to drive safely along the road, the Bible will inform and remind us of God's instructions.
- The Earth Swallowed Them Up – Numbers 16:28-33 (8/7/2019) - How do you deal with leadership problems within the church? God showed one method when the earth opened up and swallowed up the problem.
- Showing God as Holy – Numbers 20:12 (6/30/2024) - How many blessings do we miss out on because we do not trust God enough to show him as holy in all that we do?
- Out of the Mouth of a Talking Donkey – Numbers 22:28 (9/18/2019) - Does God need to use the mouth of a talking donkey to get your attention? Or are you willing to listen to what he says in his word or through other people?
- Does God Keep His Promises? – Numbers 23:19 (7/25/2023) - Unlike humans who often fail to keep their promises, God will always fulfill his promises to us. But it will be in his time, not ours.
- A Thorn in Your Side – Numbers 33:52, 55 (7/6/2024) - The idols in our lives are like thorns in the flesh, hindering our walk with the Lord and keeping us from experiencing his fullness.
- An Extended Time-out – Deuteronomy 1:2-3 (7/10/2024) - How often do we find ourselves wandering around in the wilderness, in time-out, because we have chosen not to obey God's leading?
- The Battle Is the Lord’s – Deuteronomy 1:29-31 (8/7/2023) - We will face challenging times in this life, and face many enemies. But the battle is the Lord's, not ours. And we can trust him to carry us.
- The Victory Is Already Yours – Deuteronomy 3:1-3 (7/12/2024) - When God calls you into battle, trust that he has already given you the victory. All you need to do is claim it. So join in the battle.
- Carefully Consider that the Lord Is God – Deuteronomy 4:39 (7/13/2024) - Carefully consider the implications that the Lord is God. Will we be faithful to him and experience the blessings? Or face the consequences?
- Delight in the Word of God – Deuteronomy 6:4-9 (9/11/2019) - Like the Israelites were encouraged to do in the Shema, delight yourself in the word of God. Make it a integral part of your daily life and all you do.
- The Danger of Prosperity – Deuteronomy 6:12 (9/16/2022) - There is nothing inherently wrong with prosperity. But the danger of prosperity lies in allowing it to turn your thoughts away from the Lord.
- Chosen Because of God’s Great Love – Deuteronomy 7:6-8 (7/16/2024) - We have been chosen by God, not because we are somehow worthy–we are not. But because of who God is and what he has done for us.
- Not Because of My Righteousness – Deuteronomy 9:6 (7/26/2024) - I am so thankful that God loves me despite who and what I am. He is always faithful. Even when I am not. Praise God!
- A Test from God – Deuteronomy 9:13-14 (9/20/2022) - During the golden calf incident at Sinai, God tested Moses by offering to destroy Israel and make Moses into a great nation. Moses passed.
- For My Own Good – Deuteronomy 10:12-13 (11/6/2019) - Why should I walk with God and live in obedience to him? He knows what is best for me. And living in obedience to him is for my own good.
- You Saw With Your Own Eyes – Deuteronomy 11:7 (7/19/2024) - I serve God because I have seen him work, in my own life and the lives of others around me, with my own eyes.
- Make God’s Word a Priority – Deuteronomy 11:18-19 (9/22/2022) - We need to make God's word a priority in all that we do. It will help us to stand firm. And to pass on our faith to the next generation.
- Is it Worship or Entertainment? – Deuteronomy 12:4 (7/22/2024) - If what appeals to us, rather than what honors God, is the determining factor in our worship, then our “worship” is a form of entertainment.
- Do You Pass the Test? – Deuteronomy 13:1-4 (9/25/2022) - Where is your heart? Is it fully devoted to the Lord? God allows many things in this world to test our loyalty. Do you pass the test?
- God Cares About the Needy – Deuteronomy 14:28-29 (7/23/2024) - God cares for the needy. And it is good for us to share what we have with them. It is an act of love that will not be forgotten by God.
- Give Generously to the Poor – Deuteronomy 15:10 (9/26/2022) - There are many people who are in real need today. Be willing to give generously to the needy that you come into contact with.
- The Importance of Daily Bible Reading – Deuteronomy 17:18-20 (9/28/2022) - The importance of reading your Bible on a daily basis is hard to over-emphasize. It will enable you to draw closer to God and to follow him.
- A Warning against the World’s Influence – Deuteronomy 20:18 (8/25/2023) - As believers, we need to guard against the influence of the world. We are not to be like the people around us. Be holy instead.
- Giving the Tithe – Deuteronomy 26:12 (10/7/2022) - While giving a tithe of your income is not a requirement under the new covenant, generosity is still expected. Help those who are in need.
- Declaring That Jesus Is Lord – Deuteronomy 26:17-18 (7/1/2023) - What does it mean to declare that Jesus is Lord? It is more than just words. It involves surrender to him, turning over control of your life.
- The Secret Things Belong to the Lord – Deuteronomy 29:29 (10/12/2022) - There is much that God has revealed to us, but not everything. There are secret things that he has chosen not to reveal to us yet.
- God Sets before Us Life or Death – Deuteronomy 30:15-18 (10/13/2022) - The same choice God gave to Israel over 3000 years ago is the same one that we have today. Life and prosperity or death and destruction.
- The Choice is Yours: Life or Death – Deuteronomy 30:19 (8/7/2024) - The choice is yours. Will you obey and live? The choice to obey can be hard, but at the end of it, eternity with our Lord awaits.
- Being Used by God – Deuteronomy 31:3-4 (9/7/2023) - God uses people to accomplish much of his work in this world. We are the tools he uses, but he is the power that guides and directs us.
- Jesus, a Greater Prophet than Moses – Deuteronomy 34:10-12 (10/21/2024) - Jesus was faithful, even to the cross, and became more than a great prophet. He became our redeemer and savior.