- An Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount (1/4/2021) - The sermon on the mount is a collection of Jesus' teachings about life in the kingdom. This post is the first in a series on these teachings.
- Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes – Matthew 5:3-12 (1/11/2021) - In the beatitudes Jesus identifies 8 or 9 people who are blessed. The world does not appreciate them. But the Kingdom of God is theirs.
- Sermon on the Mount: Salt and Light – Matthew 5:13-16 (1/18/2021) - Jesus identifies his followers as the salt and light of the world. This is reflection of the influence we should have on those around us.
- Sermon on the Mount: Understanding the Law – Matt. 5:17-20 (1/25/2021) - Before Jesus expounds on some teachings of the Law, he first helps his hearers to understand his relationship to the Law.
- Sermon on the Mount: Resolving Conflict – Matthew 5:21-26 (2/1/2021) - Jesus expands on the Law's prohibition against murder to include all kinds of conflict. We need to work at resolving that conflict quickly.
- Sermon on the Mount: Committing Adultery – Matthew 5:27-30 (2/8/2021) - Jesus here tells us that adultery is not just a physical action, but is also a matter of the heart. And he calls us to be pure in all we do.
- Sermon on the Mount: Divorce – Matthew 5:31-32 (2/15/2021) - Included in the Sermon on the Mount is a short piece on divorce. And in it Jesus has some pretty explicit things to say about the topic.
- Sermon on the Mount: Taking Oaths – Matthew 5:33-37 (2/22/2021) - Jesus challenges us to be people of our word. Let our yes and no mean just that. We should not have to make elaborate oaths.
- Sermon on the Mount: Turn the Other Cheek – Matt. 5:38-42 (3/1/2021) - Turning the other cheek is an example of the upside nature of the Kingdom of God. So unlike the retribution that we more commonly practice.
- Sermon on the Mount: Love Your Enemies – Matthew 5:43-48 (3/8/2021) - Jesus call to love our enemies is indeed a challenging one. But he calls us to rise above the rest of the world and to be like our Father.
- Sermon on the Mount: Give to the Needy – Matthew 6:1-4 (3/15/2021) - Jesus assumes that we will be giving to the poor and needy among us. His challenge to us as we do that, is to do it quietly and secretly.
- Sermon on the Mount: How to Pray – Matthew 6:5-8 (3/22/2021) - During the course of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, and how not to pray. Prayer is for God, not for acclaim.
- Sermon on the Mount: the Model Prayer – Matthew 6:9-15 (3/29/2021) - What many have called the Lord's Prayer is actually a model Jesus gave to teach us how to pray, not what to pray. It is best used as a guide.
- Sermon on the Mount: Fasting – Matthew 6:16-18 (4/5/2021) - Jesus concluded his teaching about our acts of righteousness with fasting. Fasting, like giving and prayer, should be done in secret.
- Sermon on the Mount: Treasure in Heaven – Matthew 6:19-24 (4/12/2021) - Jesus tells us to store up treasure in heaven, rather than worldly wealth. By serving God faithfully now, we are depositing for eternity.
- Sermon on the Mount: Do Not Worry – Matthew 6:25-34 (4/19/2021) - There are so many things that we could worry over, and be consumed by. But Jesus tells instead to not worry, but trust in God's provision.
- Sermon on the Mount: Do Not Judge – Matthew 7:1-6 (4/26/2021) - Jesus instruction is clear. Do not judge other people. That belongs to God alone. Yet we are to be discerning and not accept just anyone.
- Sermon on the Mount: Ask, Seek, and Knock – Matthew 7:7-12 (5/3/2021) - Jesus promises that if, as God's children, we ask, we will receive. If we seek, we will find. And if we knock, the door will be opened.
- Sermon on the Mount: Narrow and Wide Gates – Matt. 7:13-14 (5/10/2021) - The narrow gate leads to life while the wide gate leads to destruction. Jesus invites us to travel the narrow road that he traveled.
- Sermon on the Mount: False Prophets – Matt. 7:15-20 (8/9/2021) - Jesus warns us against false prophets, those claiming to speak for him, but who are serving themselves. Discern them by examining their fruit
- Sermon on the Mount: True and False Disciples – Matt. 7:21-23 (5/24/2021) - True and false disciples are distinguished, not by their church activities, but by whether or not they are doing the Father's will.
- Sermon on the Mount: Build on Rock or Sand? – Matt 7:24-27 (5/31/2021) - Have you built your life on the rock of Christ or the sand of self. The life built on Christ will survive. The life built on self will not.
Sermon on the Mount Studies
These posts are a series that walks through the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew chapters 5-7. Each post covers a single topic in the sermon.
I appreciate your teachings. I do have a thought on whether we are building “on the rock, or on the sand”. Jesus said that those who “heareth these sayings of mine, AND DOETH THEM, are those whose house is built upon the rock. Those who heard the teachings of Christ but did not DO what Christ taught, are those are building on the sand. Obedience to the teachings of Christ is of utmost importance. Those who profess to be building on the rock of Christ may well be decieved if they are disobedient to his teachings. May God grant all of us His grace to faithfully serve him in undivided love and obedience to his Word.