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The Old Testament Prophets
The posts listed here are studies in the Old Testament books of the prophets. It covers the books from Isaiah through Malachi.
- Doing What Is Right – Isaiah 1:16-17 (7/15/2023) - It is not enough for us to go through the motions of worship. We need to do what is right, caring for the poor and needy among us.
- Which Choice Will You Make? – Isaiah 1:18-20 (6/18/2024) - Consider your options. Accept Christ, follow him as Lord, and experience eternal life. Or reject him and experience eternal destruction.
- Lord, Here I Am. Send Me! – Isaiah 6:8 (5/20/2020) - When God called for a volunteer to go, Isaiah did not hesitate. He jumped up and said, "Here I am. Send me!"
- Stand Firm in Your Faith – Isaiah 7:9 (8/22/2022) - All of us face challenges. As well as options for providing security. But the only real security we can have is to stand firm in our faith.
- The Virgin Will Conceive and Give Birth to a Son – Isaiah 7:14 (12/23/2020) - The virgin will conceive! What a marvelous sign that God has given to us. This child born to Mary over 2000 years ago is 'God with us'.
- Conspiracy Theories Abound – Isaiah 8:12 (4/21/2021) - Conspiracy theories abound in the world today. But as believers, we should trust in God rather than get caught up in fear over these theories.
- For to Us a Child Is Born – Isaiah 9:1-7 (12/25/2019) - For to us, a child is born. And that child is Jesus, God himself, wrapped in flesh. Come and adore him this Christmas.
- For to Us, a Child Is Born – Isaiah 9:6-7 (12/25/2020) - Wishing you a very joyous Christmas as you celebrate that child born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, Jesus, the Son of God.
- The Sovereign God Uses Even the Ungodly – Isaiah 10:12 (4/14/2021) - It is comforting to know that the sovereign God uses the ungodly for his purposes, even while holding them accountable for their actions.
- The Wolf and the Lamb Will Live Together – Isaiah 11:1-9 (6/26/2024) - One day Jesus will return and gather his people from around the world to be with him. Then, the wolf will live with the lamb.
- God is my Salvation. I Will Not Be Afraid – Isaiah 12:2 (4/22/2021) - God is my salvation. He is my strength and defense. No matter what this world may bring against me, I am secure in God and will trust in him.
- Pride Goes Before a Fall – Isaiah 14:12-15 (6/28/2024) - Nothing good will come from taking God’s rightful place on the throne of my life. That pride will ultimately lead to destruction.
- Kept in Perfect Peace – Isaiah 26:3 (7/1/2020) - In the midst of uncertain and troubling times, trust in the Lord. He will keep in perfect peace all those whose hope is in him.
- Giving Lip Service to God – Isaiah 29:13 (3/31/2021) - How much of my 'Christian' life is merely external activity? Do I only honor God with my lips? Or with my heart as well?
- The Potter and the Clay – Isaiah 29:16 (9/12/2022) - There is much that goes on that I do not understand. But I trust that God is the master potter who is shaping the clay into his masterpiece.
- Look First to the Holy One of Israel – Isaiah 31:1 (4/23/2024) - Put your hope and trust in God, looking to the Holy One of Israel. He will never let you down, even when all else fails.
- Fear of the Lord Is Key to a Strong Foundation – Isaiah 33:6 (10/28/2020) - There are many sources that our world turns to for salvation, wisdom and knowledge. But the fear of the Lord is the only true source.
- Crowned with Everlasting Joy – Isaiah 35:10 (8/13/2023) - Those whom the Lord has rescued will enter into the heavenly Jerusalem with singing and their heads crowned with everlasting joy.
- What If You Knew How Long You Had? – Isaiah 38:5 (9/21/2022) - What if you knew how much longer you had to live? Would it change how you lived your life? How much time would you waste or invest unwisely?
- Giving Advice to God – Isaiah 40:13-14 (8/18/2023) - While I may often question God and why he does what he does, there is no advice I can give to him that will improve his plan and purpose.
- An Expression of God’s Sovereignty – Isaiah 40:21-24 (9/23/2022) - This passage from Isaiah is a wonderful expression of the sovereignty of God. He sits enthroned above the earth, and we are as grasshoppers.
- Soaring On Wings Like Eagles – Isaiah 40:28-31 (6/3/2020) - Sometimes it can be easy to think God doesn't care. But trust him. He can renew your strength so you can soar on wings like an eagle.
- When You Walk Through the Fire – Isaiah 43:1-2 (9/27/2022) - We will face many challenges in this life. But as God's children, we can be assured that when we walk through the fire, he is walking with us.
- God As a Chess Master – Isaiah 45:5 (8/6/2024) - I can trust that God is sovereign over all things. This world may seem out of control. But it is not. God is still on his throne.
- Announcing the Good News About Jesus – Isaiah 45:22-25 (8/23/2023) - The gospel that the early church proclaimed was found in the words of the prophets like Isaiah, "Turn to God and be saved."
- Trust God to Carry You – Isaiah 46:4 (9/30/2022) - There are many things in this world that we trust in. But only God can be trusted to carry us through whatever may come our way.
- God’s Purpose Will Stand – Isaiah 46:9-11 (8/24/2023) - God is sovereign over all creation. And God's purpose in creation will stand. Nothing can hinder him. And that should encourage us.
- A Light to the Gentiles – Isaiah 49:6 (12/21/2024) - The message of the cross and the one who died on it, has spread throughout the world, bringing God’s salvation with it.
- Where Did These Children Come From? – Isaiah 49:21 (7/28/2024) - All that God promised to Israel in the prophets is being fulfilled in Christ. And we are in Christ, participating in that fulfillment.
- God’s Salvation Will Last Forever – Isaiah 51:6 (7/30/2024) - Your time in this life is short. But God’s salvation is not. So be faithful to him and experience his salvation that will never end.
- A Time of Great Joy – Isaiah 51:11 (8/29/2023) - We are living in exile now, far from our eternal home. But someday, that exile will end. And that will be a time of great joy.
- By His Wounds We Are Healed – Isaiah 53:5-6 (4/19/2019) - Take time today to read this song, Isaiah 52:13-53:12, and meditate on its words. Remember it is by Jesus' wounds that we are healed.
- Come, All Who Are Thirsty – Isaiah 55:1-2 (10/11/2022) - This invitation is made to all who hunger and thirst for something more than this world can offer. Come to the Lord's table and be filled.
- Seek the Lord – Isaiah 55:6-7 (9/2/2023) - God's words through Isaiah are the gospel in a nutshell. Seek the Lord, turning from your old way of life, and you will find mercy from God.
- God’s Ways Are Not Our Ways – Isaiah 55:8-9 (3/13/2019) - God reminds us through Isaiah that his thoughts are not our thoughts, and God's ways are not our ways. This is an important reminder.
- Reviving the Heart of the Contrite – Isaiah 57:15 (9/4/2023) - The high and exalted God has chosen to make his home in the hearts of the contrite and lowly in spirit. He revives us and lifts us up.
- A Fast Pleasing To God – Isaiah 58:6-7 (2/20/2019) - Isaiah tells us what kind of fast is pleasing to God. It is one where I take what I would spend on myself, and share it with those in need.
- Honoring the Sabbath – Isaiah 58:13-14 (9/5/2023) - Do you honor the Sabbath? Even as we meet on the first day of the week rather than on the Sabbath, we can still honor the spirit of the day.
- My Sin Has Separated Me from God – Isaiah 59:1-2 (12/2/2022) - As a believer, when I feel separated from God, it is likely because of my sin. It comes between us and hinders a close relationship.
- My Soul Rejoices In My God – Isaiah 61:10 (10/17/2022) - Over 50 years ago I surrendered my life to Jesus as my Lord. And my soul rejoices in God and what he has done, is doing, and will do in me.
- The Work of the Potter’s Hand – Isaiah 64:8 (9/11/2023) - I might wish I had the abilities of some other people. But I am the work of the master potter's hands. I am what God has made me to be.
- Who Tremble at My Word – Isaiah 66:2 (10/25/2022) - Does God's word cause you to tremble? Not with fear. But with a listening and responsive heart that seeks to respond in obedience.
- Known by God – Jeremiah 1:5 (9/14/2023) - God knows me. And he did long before he created me. He knows me intimately. And he places and equips me to be best able to serve him.
- I Am With You and Will Rescue You – Jeremiah 1:19 (7/29/2020) - God's message to Jeremiah, "I am with you", is especially relevant to us today. Be faithful to God's call in your life, and he will be with you.
- Don’t Just Go Through the Motions – Jeremiah 3:10-11 (8/14/2024) - Just going through the motions, no matter how good they might seem, will not cut it. God wants no less from me than complete surrender.
- Where God Has His Throne – Jeremiah 3:16-17 (9/16/2023) - Under the old covenant, the ark of the covenant was where God was enthroned. But now, God's throne is in the temple made up of his people.
- Anguish for the Lost – Jeremiah 4:19 (8/15/2024) - What difference would it make today if, as believers, we really took to heart the fate of those facing destruction because of their unbelief?
- Is the Lord’s Message Offensive to You? – Jeremiah 6:10 (8/17/2024) - Many find the call to authentic discipleship offensive and close their ears to the Lord’s entreaty to become a living sacrifice for him.
- Follow the Road That Leads to Life – Jeremiah 6:16 (9/19/2023) - Seek the Lord's way, and follow the road that leads to life. Don't be suckered into following a road that leads to disaster and ruin.
- Don’t Be Just a Sunday Christian – Jeremiah 7:9-10 (9/29/2023) - Are you a Sunday Christian? Giving God only a few hours a week and living like everyone else otherwise? God is not satisfied with that.
- The Origin of Gehenna – Jeremiah 7:31-34 (8/19/2024) - Jeremiah's picture of the defilement of the Valley of Ben Hinnom, later known as Gehenna, formed the basis for Jesus' description of hell.
- How Well Do You Use God’s Word? – Jeremiah 8:8 (9/21/2023) - How well do you use God's word? Does it sit on a shelf collecting dust? Or do you invest the time with it to learn God's wisdom?
- What Do You Take Pride in? – Jeremiah 9:23-24 (12/26/2022) - What do you take pride in? Your accomplishments and abilities? Or in what God has done, and is doing, in your life?
- Responding to God’s Sovereign Will – Jeremiah 11:7-8 (9/5/2024) - There is always a price to pay for choosing my will over God’s. How much better to align my will with God’s and experience his blessing.
- Why Do the Wicked Prosper? – Jeremiah 12:1 (9/25/2023) - Why do the wicked prosper? This is a question that many ask. We cannot know all God's reasons. But we can trust that he is in control.
- The Danger of False Prophets – Jeremiah 14:13-14 (9/27/2023) - False prophets proclaim a message that is from themselves rather than God. And their danger is that they lead many away from the truth.
- Experiencing a Crisis of Faith – Jeremiah 15:19 (8/26/2024) - When you experience a crisis of faith, express your doubts and concerns to God. Listen to his response. And remain faithful to him.
- A Lesson in Faithful Service – Jeremiah 15:21 (11/9/2022) - Jeremiah's life is a lesson in faithful service to the Lord. His life seemed to make little difference. But he was faithful to God's call.
- Revealing the Power and Might of God – Jeremiah 16:21 (6/30/2021) - The power and might of God is displayed in many ways in the Bible. But none more life changing than in the cross of Jesus.
- Blessed is the One Who Trusts in the Lord – Jeremiah 17:7-8 (10/5/2023) - Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord. Even though they will face challenging times, the Lord will care for them, and they will prosper.
- The Lord Searches Our Hearts and Minds – Jeremiah 17:10 (9/27/2021) - While our motives may be hidden from most people, the Lord searches the hearts and minds of people, and rewards them accordingly.
- Like a Fire Burning Within – Jeremiah 20:9 (8/31/2024) - God's call to service in our lives is like a fire that is burning within us. A fire that is only satisfied when we obey.
- An Unwelcomed Answer to Prayer – Jeremiah 21:2 (9/1/2024) - We have no reason to expect God to respond to our prayer if we are not fully committed to him. And if he does respond, it may be unwelcomed.
- Which Choice Will You Make? – Jeremiah 21:8-9 (9/29/2024) - You have a choice. Surrender to the Lord Jesus and experience eternal life. Or reject his offer of salvation and face destruction.
- What It Means to Know God – Jeremiah 22:15-16 (9/2/2024) - To know God is to be in a relationship with him. A relationship that changes our lives and is demonstrated by the fruit we produce.
- Affirm a Godly Lifestyle – Jeremiah 23:14 (10/4/2023) - It is easy to ignore sin. In our own lives and others around us. But how much better it is to affirm a godly lifestyle in what we say and do.
- What Can I Hide from God? – Jeremiah 23:23-24 (3/12/2024) - God knows what is in my secret places. I cannot hide them from him. God knows all the ugliness that I keep locked away inside.
- Two Baskets of Figs – Jeremiah 24:4-7 (8/19/2020) - Jeremiah's vision of two baskets of figs demonstrates God's sovereignty over nations and the affairs of this world. God chooses who he will.
- Life As an Exile – Jeremiah 29:4-7 (11/25/2022) - As believers, we experience life now as exiles, living away from our true home. But we should live productive lives while we are here.
- I Know the Plans I Have for You – Jeremiah 29:11 (6/24/2020) - I know the plans I have for you. This promise made to Israel applies to believers today. God's plan is to give us a future with him.
- In That Day – Jeremiah 30:8-9 (10/12/2023) - Jeremiah looked forward to a day when Israel's captivity would come to an end and they would be free. This was fulfilled in the work of Jesus.
- Is Anything Too Hard for God? – Jeremiah 32:27 (10/13/2023) - Is anything to hard for God? Sometimes it may seem like evil has the upper hand. But God is in control. And we can trust him to care for us.
- Follow Through on Your Promises to God – Jeremiah 34:18 (9/13/2024) - How often, in the heat of the moment, do we make promises to God and then fail to follow through? Be faithful to your commitments to him.
- It’s Never Too Late to Turn to God – Jeremiah 36:3 (8/2/2021) - No matter where you are in your life, as long as you still have life, it is not too late to turn to God and respond to his offer of salvation.
- Opposing Views of What Is Good – Jeremiah 38:2-4 (10/19/2023) - There are opposing views today about the Bible. Some view it as useless or harmful. But for others of us, it is an inspired guide to life.
- The Power and Wisdom of the Creator – Jeremiah 51:15-16 (9/26/2024) - The more I learn of God’s creation, the more I am in awe of the one who made it by his power and wisdom. Our God truly is amazing.
- So Judah Went into Exile – Jeremiah 52:27b (10/30/2023) - Sin has consequences. For Judah, it was exile. For us, it is exile from the life of God. But, through Jesus, we can experience restoration.
- False and Misleading Prophets – Lamentations 2:14 (12/15/2022) - False and misleading prophets abound. Rather than proclaiming God's word, they say what people want to hear so they can collect a following.
- Hope in the Midst of Trouble – Lamentations 3:21-24 (5/29/2019) - When you find yourself in a time of tribulation and all hope seems gone. Trust in God's love. Let him be your hope in the midst of trouble.
- Whether They Listen or Not – Ezekiel 2:7 (8/16/2021) - We have been given good news to share with a lost and dying world. And we are responsible to share it, whether or not they listen to us.
- Listen Carefully to the Lord’s Words – Ezekiel 3:10 (12/20/2021) - God speaks to us today through the words of the Bible. And, like Ezekiel, we are called to listen carefully to what God is saying to us.
- Judged by Our Own Standard – Ezekiel 7:27 (12/9/2024) - It is easy to judge others as less than ourselves and look down on them. But what if God were to judge me using the same standard I use?
- Beware of Flimsy Whitewashed Walls – Ezekiel 13:10-12 (11/17/2023) - Don't be taken in by false prophets and their whitewashed walls. Be sure that your faith and life are built on the solid foundation of Jesus
- Be Different than the World Around You – Ezekiel 16:52 (10/9/2024) - Let your life give witness to the transformative work of the indwelling Holy Spirit, drawing people to Jesus rather than turning them away.
- No Pleasure in the Death of the Wicked – Ezekiel 18:23 (7/17/2019) - Ezekiel is clear that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, preferring they turn to him. That challenges me to respond likewise.
- A Reason for Unanswered Prayer – Ezekiel 20:31 (1/4/2023) - There may be many reasons for unanswered prayer. But one of them is sin in our lives. We should not expect God to hear us if that is the case.
- As Silver Is Melted in a Furnace – Ezekiel 22:22 (11/22/2023) - God's wrath is destructive toward those who refuse to believe. And it is a refiner's fire, purifying his people from the dross of this world.
- A Warning Against Pride – Ezekiel 28:12, 17 (11/24/2023) - Take pride, not in who you are or what you do, but in whose you are and what he is doing through you. He alone is worthy of praise and honor.
- Then They Will Know that I Am the LORD – Ezekiel 30:26 (1/10/2023) - Many today deny the sovereignty of God in their lives. But judgment is coming, and then they will know that he is the Lord.
- I Have Made You a Watchman – Ezekiel 33:7-9 (1/12/2022) - A watchman is one who reports about approaching danger. And that is something that all believers have a responsibility to do.
- Hearing and Obeying the Word of God – Ezekiel 33:31-32 (1/12/2023) - Many of us listen to the words of the Bible. But how often do we obey them? We need to hear and then obey the word of God.
- Gathering God’s Lost Sheep – Ezekiel 34:11-13 (10/19/2024) - He is the good shepherd, gathering his lost sheep from among the nations and bringing us into his kingdom to live under his rule and care.
- The Valley of Dry Bones – Ezekiel 37:12-14 (12/7/2023) - Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones illustrates what God does in the life of those who trust him. He makes us alive in Christ.
- Daniel Resolved Not to Defile Himself – Daniel 1:8, 17 (12/10/2023) - Daniel resolved not to defile himself, and God blessed him because of it. And God will bless us when we resolve to be pure and holy.
- A Kingdom That Will Never Be Destroyed – Daniel 2:44 (12/11/2023) - As believers in the Lord Jesus, we are citizens of a kingdom that will never be destroyed or defeated, the kingdom of God.
- Our God Is Able to Deliver Us – Daniel 3:17-18 (1/22/2023) - Follow the example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and refuse to compromise. Trust that our God is able to deliver us from ever any peril.
- In the Midst of the Fire – Daniel 3:25 (11/1/2024) - Refuse to compromise and worship the gods of this age. Trust that, regardless of what may come your way, you will not go through it alone.
- When Authorities Conflict – Daniel 6:10 (1/24/2023) - Human authorities are instituted by God, and I am to submit to them. Until their authority conflicts with God. And then I will submit to God.
- One Like A Son of Man – Daniel 7:13-14 (1/23/2023) - Jesus is that one like a son of man Daniel saw approaching the Ancient of Days. The one who received an eternal throne and kingdom.
- Prayer: Because of His Great Mercy – Daniel 9:18 (12/2/2020) - Why does God hear and respond to our prayer? It is not because of anything that we are. Rather, it is because of his great mercy toward us.
- Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavenly Realm – Daniel 10:13 (11/8/2024) - Put on the armor God provides and join Gabriel and Michael in the fight against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.
- Waiting for the Lord – Daniel 12:13 (12/20/2023) - Instead of getting caught up in speculation about the end times, I should focus on living faithfully now and trusting God for my future.
- Children of the Living God – Hosea 1:10 (11/12/2024) - All those God has called, Jew and Gentile alike, will be called God’s children, the uncountable multitude promised to Abraham.
- The Redemptive Nature of the Lord’s Discipline – Hosea 2:6-7 (11/21/2024) - The Lord's discipline in our lives is redemptive in nature. He is working to mold and shape us into the image of Christ
- We Have Been Led Astray by False Gods – Amos 2:4 (8/21/2019) - God pronounced judgment on the nation of Judah because they had been led astray by false gods. Are we any different now?
- The Qualifications to Serve God – Amos 7:14-15 (2/17/2023) - What are the qualifications to serve God? More important than ability and training, is willingness. If you are willing, God will do the rest.
- A Famine for Hearing the Word of the Lord – Amos 8:11 (10/14/2020) - How can we avoid a famine for hearing the word of the Lord in the U.S.? Only when the church repents and faithfully proclaims God's message.
- Running from God’s Call to Service – Jonah 1:3 (4/22/2020) - How much like Jonah are many of God's people today? Running from God's call to service. How much better to obey than end up as whale food.
- Sharing God’s Concern for the World – Jonah 4:9-11 (2/24/2023) - The story of Jonah tells us that God cares about everyone, even our enemies. Will we share God's concern and share his love with the world?
- Prophets Who Tell Us What We Want to Hear – Micah 2:11 (1/20/2024) - Rather than listen to prophets or teachers who tell us what we want to hear, we should listen to those whose message conforms to Scripture.
- A Ruler Coming from Bethlehem – Micah 5:2-4 (12/24/2024) - Jesus defeated death, rose from the grave, sat down at the right hand of God, and established his kingdom—the kingdom foretold by Micah.
- What Does the Lord Require of You? – Micah 6:6-8 (8/28/2019) - What does the Lord require? Great personal sacrifice? Church attendance? To tithe? Or to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God?
- What Does God Require? – Micah 6:8 (4/28/2013) - What does God require of me? Salvation is by faith, not by works. But God does expect me to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
- But As for Me, I Will Hope in the Lord – Micah 7:7 (3/3/2023) - In the midst of a world that had turned its back on God, Micah's words are inspiring. But as for me, I will wait in hope for the Lord.
- Why Does God Tolerate Evil? – Habakkuk 1:13 (11/28/2022) - Why does God tolerate all of the evil in our world? This was Habakkuk's question. And God's answer to him was that judgment was coming.
- No Matter What; Rejoice in the Lord – Habakkuk 3:17-18 (5/6/2021) - Rejoice in the Lord. Not just when life's circumstances are good. But even when they are rotten. He enables us to stand regardless.
- Give Careful Thought to Your Ways – Haggai 1:7-9 (11/11/2020) - The prophet Haggai challenges us to give careful thought to how we invest our time and resources. The best return is in what is given to God.
- A Prophetic Message Concerning Zerubbabel – Haggai 2:20-23 (12/27/2024) - Who is that one like Zerubbabel? We know him now as Jesus, the Son of God and a descendant of David and Zerubbabel.
- A Picture of our Salvation – Zechariah 3:1-4 (12/1/2021) - The vision Zechariah sawing concern Joshua, the high priest, is a very good picture of our own salvation and what the Lord as done for us.
- A Coming Priest and King – Zechariah 6:11-13 (3/19/2023) - The word of the Lord given through the prophet Zechariah of a coming Priest/King was perfectly fulfilled in Jesus, our high priest and king.
- Show Mercy and Compassion – Zechariah 7:9-12 (11/18/2020) - Ancient Israel was repeatedly condemned by God, through the prophets for their social injustice. Maybe we should take a hint.
- When Your Prayer Is Not Heard – Zechariah 7:13 (2/11/2024) - Pray in Jesus’ name, in faith, and in accordance with God’s will. But also pray from a place of obedience to God's instruction to us.
- Don’t Show Contempt for the Lord – Malachi 1:6-8 (12/16/2020) - Do you show contempt for the Lord by offering to him less than your best? Honor God by giving yourself, and all you do, fully to him.
- Flooding the Lord’s Altar with Tears – Malachi 2:13-14 (3/28/2023) - Is it reasonable to expect the Lord to respond to my prayer if I am not faithful to him? Even if I flood the altar with my tears?
- The Day of the Lord is Coming – Malachi 4:1-2 (3/30/2023) - The day of the Lord is coming. And when it does, our faithfulness to the Lord will be rewarded while the unrighteous will face destruction.