- The Doctrine of Last Things (9/15/2018) - The doctrine of last things includes the global events preceding Christ's return, as well as the more personal aspects; what happens to me in the end.
- Gehenna: Where and What Is It? (6/8/2012) - Gehenna was a valley of defilement near Jerusalem. A garbage dump. Where the worms and fire were unending. And everything thrown into it was consumed.
- So What Comes Next, After This Life Is Over? (3/8/2016) - What comes next, after death in this world? 1 John 3:1-3 tells us that we are God's children now, and in the future will be like Christ. Some future!
- Arminianism: The Persistence of Salvation (10/20/2017) - Can a true believer ever lose their salvation? Persistence of salvation is debated among Arminians, but classical Arminianism does support the possibility.
- Millennialism: A Quick Look At Three Views of the Millennium (7/26/2019) - Christians hold to a variety of different views on millennialism. This post is a quick survey of the views; closing with my own view and reasons for it.
- What is Amillennialism? A Brief Description. (7/17/2020) - While there are several different views concerning the millennial reign of Christ, Amillennialism has been the predominant view through most of history.
- Why Do We Avoid Reading Revelation? (8/7/2020) - Revelation is a challenging part of the Bible to read. And many, for a variety of reasons, choose not to read it. But those who do read it are blessed.
- What is the Rapture? What Does the Bible Say About It? (1/22/2021) - The Scripture teaches us that the end of the age, Jesus will return for those who are his. This event has been called the Rapture.
The Doctrine of Last Things
There are two aspects to the doctrine of last things. One is global in scope, dealing with the end of the age. And the other is very personal, dealing with the end of my life. The articles linked to this page are related to one or the other of these aspects of Last Things. The first link is to a class on systematic theology that I taught.