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Old Testament History
The posts here are from the historical books of the Old Testament
- Meditate on the Bible Day and Night – Joshua 1:7-8 (5/17/2018) - Meditate on God's word day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
- Be Strong and Courageous – Joshua 1:9 (9/8/2023) - Regardless of what God may have called us to do, we can be strong and courageous because the Lord our God will be with us as we serve him.
- Rahab: Faith in Action – Joshua 2:8-9 (10/19/2022) - Rahab is a shining example of faith in action. She believed Israel would defeat Jericho, and she acted on that belief.
- Crossing the Jordan River – Joshua 3:14-16 (10/20/2022) - Before Israel could enter the promised land, they had to cross the Jordan River. What rivers are in your way that you need to cross by faith?
- Setting Up A Memorial Stone – Joshua 4:4-7 (11/22/2022) - Have you set up a memorial stone to help you to remember what God has done for you. If not, I would encourage you to do so.
- Marching around Jericho – Joshua 6:2-5 (9/13/2023) - As we serve the Lord, we often want instant results. But instead, we are called to faithfully march around Jericho, leaving the timing to God.
- Sin’s Far-Reaching Consequences – Joshua 7:10-12 (10/26/2022) - The far-reaching consequences of Achan's sin may be an extreme example. But our sin has an impact on us as well as those around us.
- Failing to Inquire of the Lord – Joshua 9:14-15 (10/28/2022) - How often, when faced with a decision, do we fail to inquire of the Lord as to the best choice? And then suffer the consequences.
- Give Me this Hill Country – Joshua 14:10-12 (11/30/2018) - What hill country has the Lord placed you in? Always be ready to engage the giants who are there, working to drive them from their strongholds.
- Love and Serve the Lord – Joshua 22:5 (11/6/2022) - Joshua's charge to Israel is appropriate for us as well. To faithfully love, obey, and serve the Lord our God.
- Choose this Day – Joshua 24:15 (5/21/2018) - Joshua's words are just as relevant today as they were some 3500 years ago. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
- Yielding Your Heart to God – Joshua 24:23 (9/26/2023) - If we want to serve God, we need to toss out our idols and yield our hearts fully to God. Surrender everything to him: home, family, and job.
- Passing on Our Faith to the Next Generation – Judges 2:10 (11/11/2023) - Make every effort to ensure that the next generation has more than just stories. That they develop a personal experience with the Lord.
- The Lord Takes the Lead – Judges 4:14-15 (8/30/2024) - God calls on us to stand our ground against our spiritual enemies. When we do, he will go in front and will lead us to victory.
- God’s Strength Is Sufficient – Judges 6:14-16 (9/30/2023) - Our strength is insufficient for the task God has called us to do. But he does not call us to a task without also giving us what we need.
- Putting Out a Fleece – Judges 6:36-38 (11/20/2019) - Is it ever appropriate to 'put out a fleece' to test God? It may be when contemplating a significant change in ministry. A way to verify God's direction.
- Only God’s Strength Can Save Us – Judges 7:2 (11/16/2022) - My strength is insufficient to save me or enable me to serve God. But God's strength is more than sufficient to save and empower me.
- Making a Rash Vow – Judges 11:30-31 (9/4/2024) - The story of Jephthah should serve as a warning against making rash promises to God. They are unneeded. And can come back to haunt us.
- The Angel of the LORD – Judges 13:17-22 (11/23/2022) - The angel of the LORD periodically appears in the Old Testament. But who is this angel? This passage points to him being synonymous with God.
- This Was From the Lord – Judges 14:4 (7/13/2021) - Samson's action, even though in violation of the Mosaic Law, was described as being from the Lord. Nothing is outside his providential work.
- The Tragedy of Samson and Delilah – Judges 16:16-17 (10/11/2023) - Avoid developing close relationships with the Delilah's you encounter. They will only lead to heartache and tragedy.
- Mixing Idolatry With the Worship of God – Judges 17:3-6 (7/26/2021) - Are you guilty of idolatry at the same time as you come to worship God? I believe there are some subtle ways many of us are guilty of that.
- In Those Days Israel Had No King – Judges 21:25 (12/1/2022) - In the days of the judges, Israel had no king to lead them. And the result was that everyone did what they wanted and evil abounded.
- Your God Will Be My God – Ruth 1:16-17 (5/12/2021) - Do others see God within us? And see a Lord that would make them want to know him as well? That seems to be part of what drew Ruth to Naomi.
1 Samuel
- The Word of God Came – 1 Samuel 3:21-4:1a (11/5/2022) - The word of God came to his inspired prophets and apostles. And they have passed that word on to us through their writings in the Bible.
- The Bitter Fruit of Disobedience – 1 Samuel 4:10-11 (7/8/2020) - The story of Hophni and Phinehas is a sad one. Israel's spiritual leadership was currupt and the whole nation suffered the fruit of their disobedience.
- To Sin by Failing to Pray for Others – 1 Samuel 12:23 (12/13/2021) - Samuel sets a good example for us in understanding our responsibility to pray for others. Failing to do so neglects that responsibility.
- Nothing Can Hinder the Lord – 1 Samuel 14:6 (12/19/2022) - We are all to often guilty of seeing why we can't do what God wants. When we should recognize that nothing can hinder the Lord.
- To Obey is Better than Sacrifice – 1 Samuel 15:22 (2/6/2019) - Don't be satisfied with just the outward forms of worship. God wants our hearts more than empty worship. To obey is better than sacrifice.
- Outward Appearances Are Deceiving – 1 Samuel 16:7 (5/30/2018) - Outward appearances are often deceiving and can mask the real person hidden within. Look to the heart instead to determine a person's worth.
- The Battle is the Lord’s: David and Goliath – 1 Samuel 17:47 (7/22/2020) - When you find yourself engaged in a spiritual battle, remember David's encounter with Goliath. And know that the battle is the Lord's, not yours.
- The Far-Reaching Consequences of Our Sin – 1 Samuel 28:19 (12/27/2021) - Our sin is never just a personal matter. It has far-reaching consequences, impacting everyone who is a part of our lives.
- Finding Strength In the Lord – 1 Samuel 30:6 (8/26/2020) - How do you respond to distressing situations. When David found himself overwhelmed, he found strength in the Lord, trusting in God.
2 Samuel
- Willing to Be Considered a Fool – 2 Samuel 6:21-22 (12/29/2022) - As you worship our Lord, do you do so with your whole being? And you willing to be considered a fool by those who do not understand?
- The Lord Is My Rock – 2 Samuel 22:1-3 (4/24/2019) - My hope is in God. Even should all else around me fail, I can trust in him. He is my deliverer. My Savior. The Lord is my rock.
1 Kings
- Do This to Prosper – 1 Kings 2:2-3 (12/2/2023) - Be strong in the Lord. Grow in maturity. Live in obedience to his word. And when we do that, we will prosper.
- The Uniqueness of God – 1 Kings 8:23 (9/13/2021) - There are many so called gods who are worshipped and followed today. But the Lord God we follow is unique in his covenant of love with us.
- Even the Wisest and Most Blessed Can Fall – 1 Kings 11:4 (1/22/2024) - Solomon's example should serve as a warning to us all. A warning to guard our hearts and minds, and be dedicated to God alone.
- Camped by a Brook – 1 Kings 17:5-6 (1/21/2023) - If it seems God has you sitting on the sidelines, it may be that he is preparing you for something. Use that time to come to know him better.
- A Nation’s Troubles: Who is Responsible? – 1 Kings 18:16-18 (9/9/2020) - The United States is facing many troubles. And the source of the nation's troubles is turning away from the true God toward false gods.
- If Only God Would Reveal Himself To Us – 1 Kings 18:38-39 (5/15/2019) - Many people say they would believe if God would reveal himself more explicitly to them. Yet the contest on Mt Carmel would suggest otherwise.
- The Still Small Voice of God – 1 Kings 19:11-13 (9/16/2020) - When we are at our lowest, God will whisper in our hearts. And the voice of God, if When we are at our lowest, God will whisper in our hearts. And that voice, if we will hear it, will challenge us to get back into the game.will hear it, will challenge us to get back in the game.
- No Turning Back: Following the Call – 1 Kings 19:21 (5/22/2019) - When Elisha is called to follow Elijah, he truly left all to follow God's call. For Elisha, there was no turning back. He was committed.
2 Kings
- You Can Make a Difference – 2 Kings 5:2-3 (6/19/2019) - You can make a difference in the lives of those around you. Even seemingly insignificant actions can have an impact.
- Wash and Be Cleansed – 2 Kings 5:13 (10/21/2020) - Naaman felt that Elisha's instruction to wash in the Jordan to be cleansed was beneath him. Yet his ultimate obedience was key to his healing.
- Surrounded by Horses and Chariots of Fire – 2 Kings 6:15-17 (6/5/2019) - Lord, open my eyes so that I can see your horses and chariots of fire that surround me. And encourage me to fearlessly take my stand for you.
- Greatness in the Eyes of the Lord – 2 Kings 15:28, 34 (12/27/2023) - When your life story is written, what will it say? That you did right in the eyes of the Lord? Or that you did evil in the eyes of the Lord?
- Worshipping God and Serving Idols – 2 Kings 17:41 (2/4/2023) - Are you worshipping God while at the same time serving idols? Be careful not to allow family, work, or pleasure take God's place in your life.
1 Chronicles
- Understanding the Times – 1 Chronicles 12:32 (12/30/2020) - How well do you understand the times we live in today? Are you seeing them from a human perspective? Or as God does, and acting accordingly?
- Give Thanks to the Lord – 1 Chronicles 16:34 (1/31/2022) - No matter what we might face in our lives, it is always appropriate to give thanks to the Lord. He is good, and we can trust that he loves us.
- An Everlasting Kingdom – 1 Chronicles 17:11-14 (2/21/2023) - The promise made to David of an everlasting kingdom is one that finds its fulfillment in the Jesus, a descendant of David.
- A Sacrifice that Costs Nothing – 1 Chronicles 21:24 (12/9/2022) - How much do you give to God? Is it a sacrifice that really costs you nothing? Or are you sacrificially giving him all that you are?
- Everything Comes from God – 1 Chronicles 29:14 (11/4/2020) - As David says, "Everything we have comes from God." So when we give to him, we are simply returning back what is his.
2 Chronicles
- Who Can Build a Temple for God? – 2 Chronicles 2:5-6 (1/26/2024) - Solomon’s temple was made of physical materials. But Jesus’ temple is a living organism, composed of those who have given themselves to him.
- If My People Will Humble Themselves and Pray – 2 Chron. 7:13-14 (1/23/2024) - When we recognize our sin. repent, pray for forgiveness, and renew our commitment., God will hear us, forgive our sin, and bring healing.
- The Key To Revival – 2 Chronicles 7:14 (2/21/2014) - The church in America seems to be dangerously lukewarm. We need revival, and the key is to humble ourselves, pray, and seek the Lord.
- Carefully Listen to Both Sides – 2 Chronicles 10:8-9 (2/2/2024) - Listening to contrary advice may not change your mind, but you will at least develop a better understanding of the various positions.
- If You Seek Him – 2 Chronicles 15:2 (3/13/2023) - What the prophet told king Asa is just as true for us today. If we seek after God, we will come to know him ever better.
- A Peek into the Heavenly War Room – 2 Chronicles 18:18-21 (5/31/2024) - This peak into the heavenly war room reveals that God involves his angels, just like he does humans, in managing his creation.
- The Battle is Not Yours, But God’s – 2 Chronicles 20:15 (9/4/2019) - When you face a crisis situation and feel overwhelmed, remember Jehoshaphat and what God said to him. "The battle is not yours, but God's."
- Eliminating the High Places – 2 Chronicles 20:33 (6/9/2024) - Tearing down my high places is a matter of giving God first place in my life, my work, my family, my service to him, and anything else I do.
- Jehoiada: Buried with the Kings – 2 Chronicles 24:15-16 (2/9/2024) - What better epitaph could we have on our gravestone than to be remembered for the good we had done for God and his church?
- Be Careful Who You Listen to – 2 Chronicles 24:17-18 (2/23/2022) - The people that we are close to have a great influence on us. So, it is important to be careful about who we hang with and listen to.
- His Pride Led to His Downfall – 2 Chronicles 26:16 (3/30/2022) - Uzziah was generally a good king. But his pride led to his downfall. Be careful of claiming credit for what God has done.
- Power Through Obedience – 2 Chronicles 27:6 (3/31/2022) - Jotham's power as a king came because of his obedience to the Lord. Similarly, if we walk steadfastly before God, he will empower us for life.
- Do Not Be Afraid or Discouraged – 2 Chronicles 32:7-8 (10/2/2019) - If you are a child of God, you do not need to be afraid of anything that may come your way. God is for you, you need not fear anything.
- Finding the Book of the Law – 2 Chronicles 34:14 (2/18/2024) - Don't let your Bible sit on a shelf and get lost. Take the time to read it on a daily basis, and hear what God has to say to you through it.
- How to Save a Nation – 2 Chronicles 34:27 (12/4/2019) - Few have the influence of Josiah. But God will respond to all who follow his example. And in doing so, you may help to save your nation.
- Renewing the Covenant – 2 Chronicles 34:31 (12/31/2021) - Josiah personal renewed the covenant of God. Committing himself to it. I believe he sets a good example for all who follow the Lord.
- The Land Enjoyed Its Sabbath Rests – 2 Chronicles 36:20-21 (2/20/2024) - As believers, we should not lose sight of the need to care for the land and resources God has given us. He cares about it. And so should we.
- Carefully Study and Obey the Bible – Ezra 7:10 (10/16/2019) - We do not know a lot about Ezra. But he was careful to study and then obey the words of the Bible. And God blessed him because of it.
- Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is – Ezra 8:22 (2/29/2024) - Ezra put his money where his mouth was, trusting in God instead of the king’s protection when returning to Jerusalem. And God protected them.
- Broken Over Sin In the Body – Ezra 9:6 (11/27/2019) - The consequences of sin in the body are severe. We should respond to it like Ezra, in confession and repentance, even if the sin is not ours.
- Stand Behind Your Pastor, Supporting Him – Ezra 10:4 (12/9/2020) - Do you stand behind your pastor and support him, even when he makes unpopular decisions? Or do you condemn and criticize?
- A Quick Prayer – Nehemiah 2:4-5 (4/15/2023) - Prayer does not have to be long and formal. As Nehemiah demonstrates, a quick and unobserved prayer to God can be very effective,
- Taking Reasonable Precautions – Nehemiah 4:9 (3/5/2024) - Nehemiah teaches us that taking reasonable precautions to protect ourselves does not necessarily reflect a lack of trust in God.
- Responding to the Scripture – Nehemiah 8:9 (4/19/2023) - How do you respond to the Scripture when you read it or hear it read? We should respond with commitment and rejoicing to what it says.
- Remember Me with Favor – Nehemiah 13:31 (4/10/2022) - Nehemiah's plea for God to remember him with favor expresses his desire to hear Jesus say to him, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
- Are You Here for Such a Time as This – Esther 4:14 (11/13/2019) - Like Esther, God has placed us here 'for such a time as this.' So make every effort to be a positive influence on the world around you.
- Coincidence or Providence – Esther 6:4 (4/29/2023) - Many things happen in our lives every day that seem to have no explanation. Are they simply coincidence or God's providence?
Genesis? Not OT history?
While Genesis does contain history, it is a part of the Torah, and so is included under the Old Testament Law.