- To Know With Certainty – Luke 1:1-4 (2/15/2023) - The divine inspiration of God's word, along with the great care of the human authors, can help us to know with certainty the truth it holds.
- Righteous In the Sight of God – Luke 1:5-6 (5/4/2022) - Luke described Zechariah and Elizabeth as being righteous in the sight of God. Not because they were faultless, but because of their faith.
- An Unexpected Answer to Prayer – Luke 1:18 (4/26/2018) - How do you respond when your prayer is answered in an unexpected way? Do you doubt, like Zechariah? Or rejoice in what God is doing?
- Responding to a Message From God – Luke 1:18-20 (5/27/2014) - Zechariah responding to Gabriel's message with skepticism. How do I respond when God send me a message, by angel, the Bible, or another person?
- He Will Be Called Son of the Most High – Luke 1:31-33 (12/23/2019) - This Christmas celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Son of the Most High. A King whose reign will never end. And bow before him in worship.
- Overshadowed By the Power of God – Luke 1:35 (12/22/2024) - For nine months, Mary's womb was, in a sense, the Most Holy Place, the dwelling place of God himself. What an honor and privilege.
- A Willing Spirit – Luke 1:38 (4/27/2018) - .How do you respond when God calls on you to do something that uncomfortable. Like Mary, do you respond with a willing spirit?
- Mary’s Magnificat – Luke 1:46-49 (12/21/2018) - Luke 1:46-55 records the Magnificat of Mary, her song of praise to God. Join her this Christmas in praising God for what he has done.
- Remember the Manger this Christmas – Luke 2:6-7 (12/21/2020) - This Christmas you will likely see many manger scenes, often without thinking about them. Remember the manger though, and what it represents.
- News of Great Joy for All People – Luke 2:10-11 (4/28/2018) - Good news of great joy. It was 2000 years ago. And it is still news of great joy for the world today. The savior has come into the world.
- Growing Up with Jesus – Luke 2:51-52 (12/2/2024) - For thirty years, Jesus grew into a man, developing spiritually and physically, until the time was right and he was revealed to the world.
- Preaching in the Wilderness – Luke 3:3 (11/1/2021) - John likely began preaching in the wilderness before he had much of an audience. He is an example of faithfulness to God's call in his life.
- Repent, You Brood of Vipers! – Luke 3:7-8 (4/30/2018) - You brood of vipers! John's call to repentance was forceful with no holds barred. And the people responded to his call in droves.
- Pointing People to Jesus – Luke 3:16 (8/6/2023) - As disciples of the Lord Jesus, we should always point people to him. Resist the temptation to allow the focus to be on you rather than him.
- Two Responses to Temptation – Luke 4:1-4 (1/14/2024) - We all face temptation. Following the example of Adam leads to separation from God. Following Jesus' example will lead to intimacy with God.
- Worship the Lord Alone – Luke 4:6-8 (5/2/2018) - Don't fall prey to the appeal to worship the things of this world, even the good things. Worship the Lord and serve him alone.
- Respond to Temptation Like Jesus – Luke 4:13 (4/4/2024) - When we trust in the Spirit to lead us and have hidden God’s word in our hearts, then we can overcome any temptation that comes our way.
- Jesus and the Year of Jubilee – Luke 4:21 (8/8/2024) - Jesus is what the Year of Jubilee pictured and Isaiah looked forward to. On the cross, he announced freedom for those in bondage to sin.
- Because You Say So – Luke 5:5 (5/3/2018) - If, after a fruitless season of service, Jesus, "Try it this way." Would we obey and toss out our nets on the other side of the boat?
- Making Prayer a Priority – Luke 5:16 (1/15/2024) - Prayer is essential for living life as a believer to its fullest. Make spending time with the Father a priority rather than an afterthought.
- Love Your Enemies – Luke 6:27-36 (11/19/2013) - Jesus calls on me to love my enemies. To do good to them. This is hard. Yet I don't see it as being a suggestion for advanced disciples only.
- Bless Those Who Curse You – Luke 6:27-29 (5/12/2022) - People will be offended with us when we live for Christ. And we can expect to be insulted. But Jesus calls on us to bless those who curse us.
- Your Enemies and the Golden Rule – Luke 6:31 (11/10/2024) - Treat others, including your enemies, like you want to be treated, regardless of their response. And your eternal reward will be great.
- Be Merciful as Your Father is Merciful – Luke 6:35-36 (12/5/2024) - Be kind to everyone, and forgive those who hurt us. It is not easy. But it is what we are expected to do in imitation of our heavenly Father.
- Give Generously to Those in Need – Luke 6:38 (4/27/2020) - How generous are you in your time of need? Jesus promises that if we give generously, God will take note and be generous with us in return.
- The Lordship of Jesus – Luke 6:46 (5/4/2018) - Do you call Jesus Lord? The Lordship of Jesus involves being obedient to his direction. Honoring him with our lives and all that we are.
- Put Jesus’ Teaching into Practice – Luke 6:49 (1/13/2020) - Don't be like the man who built his house on the sand. Put Jesus' words into practice. It is the only way to ensure that you will survive the storms of life.
- Such Great Faith – Luke 7:9 (1/16/2024) - The centurion's great faith is a model for us. As we recognize and submit to Jesus' authority, we can live our best lives.
- Don’t Stumble Over Jesus – Luke 7:23 (5/11/2018) - Jesus warned us not to stumble over him. To not let our expectations for what a savior should be like, keep us from him.
- Evaluating the Source of Wisdom – Luke 7:35 (5/15/2022) - The source of wisdom can either be from God, or from the world. The source is demonstrated by the fruit that your wisdom produces.
- The Parable of the Soils – Luke 8:5-8 (12/6/2024) - Are you remaining faithful and fruitful? Or are troubles, worries, riches, and pleasure drawing you away and making you unproductive?
- Seed Sown on Rocky Ground – Luke 8:13 (1/17/2024) - Putting down deep roots in the faith will enable you to survive when times of testing come and be fruitful in service to our Lord.
- How to be Fruitful: Pull the Weeds – Luke 8:14 (5/14/2018) - Don't let the weeds and thorns of life choke out the Word of God sown in our lives. Get rid of everything that would make us unfruitful.
- Consider Carefully How You Listen – Luke 8:18 (5/16/2023) - What do you do with Jesus' words? Do you consider carefully how you listen? Paying close attention and putting his words into practice?
- Trusting God Each Step of the Way – Luke 9:16-17 (4/10/2024) - We may not see how we can accomplish the task God has given us. But if we step out in obedience, God will supply what we need. As we need it.
- The Marks of a Disciple of Jesus – Luke 9:23 (5/15/2018) - A disciple will follow Jesus wherever he leads. He calls us, not to be fans, but to deny self, to daily take up our cross, and to follow him.
- Lose Your Life to Save It – Luke 9:24-25 (1/18/2024) - Losing your life now will deprive you of much this world might offer. But the reward is much greater than anything we might lose now.
- Welcome a Little Child – Luke 9:46-48 (8/15/2023) - Jesus said that when we welcome a little child in his name, we are welcoming Jesus. So welcome the insignificant ones you encounter each day.
- Calling Down Fire From Heaven – Luke 9:51-56 (2/17/2021) - While we might sometimes want to call down fire from heaven onto our enemies, following Jesus example of love is better by far.
- Rejoice that Your Name Is Written in Heaven – Luke 10:20 (5/18/2023) - Are you a child of God? Then you can rejoice that your name is written in heaven. There can be no greater joy than knowing our Lord.
- What Does It Mean to Love God? – Luke 10:27-28 (5/27/2024) - Loving God is more than a feeling. It involves giving him every part of who I am. It is surrendering to him, heart, soul, strength, and mind.
- Who Is My Neighbor – Luke 10:29 (5/18/2022) - In response to the question "Who is my neighbor", Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan. Our neighbor is anyone that we can help.
- Are You a Martha, or a Mary? – Luke 10:41-42 (5/16/2018) - Don't be like Martha, so distracted you fail to spend time with Jesus. Instead, be like Mary, sitting at his feet and learning from him.
- Ask, and It Will Be Given To You – Luke 11:9-10 (5/23/2018) - Jesus tells us to ask, and it will be given to us. This is not a blank check for all of our desires. But it means he'll provide what we need.
- Sitting On the Fence Is Not an Option – Luke 11:23 (8/25/2021) - Jesus said that we are either for him or against him. There is no neutral position. There is no fence sitting on this issue.
- Blessed Are Those Who Hear and Obey – Luke 11:27-28 (2/26/2023) - We can be blessed in many ways. But the greatest blessing comes from hearing God's word and obeying its instruction to us.
- Clean the Inside, and the Outside Will Be Clean – Luke 11:39 (5/19/2022) - Many try to hid a rotten interior by putting on a mask. But Jesus tells us to first clean what is inside. And the outside will reflect that.
- A Warning Against Hypocrisy – Luke 12:1 (1/21/2024) - Guard against hypocrisy. Instead, allow God’s word and the Holy Spirit to transform your life into the image of Christ.
- Worth More than Many Sparrows – Luke 12:4-7 (5/20/2023) - A sparrow is an insignificant little bird, yet God cares for them. And Jesus assures us that we are worth more to God than many sparrows.
- The Parable of the Rich Fool – Luke 12:13-21 (9/27/2012) - There is nothing wrong with having wealth. But, unlike the rich fool, we should recognize it is temporary, and work toward eternal riches.
- Be on Your Guard against Greed – Luke 12:15 (8/17/2023) - What do you do with your wealth? Do you hoard it away? Or are you generous, sharing it with those who are less fortunate than you?
- Why Worry? Trust God Instead – Luke 12:22-26 (2/11/2014) - We worry about many things. Mostly things we have no control over. Rather than worry, we should trust in the Lord who can easily care for us.
- Seek God’s Kingdom – Luke 12:31 (5/22/2022) - This world is filled with things that call to us, offering fulfillment. But if we seek first God's kingdom, all we need will be given to us.
- Sell Your Possessions and Give to the Poor – Luke 12:32-34 (2/27/2023) - What we have here is temporary and will not last. So be willing to be generous with what you have now, meeting the needs of the poor.
- For Where Your Treasure Is – Luke 12:34 (9/9/2019) - Jesus tells us that where your treasure is, there your heart is also. So let go of the treasures of this life, and lay up riches in heaven.
- Waiting for the Master to Return – Luke 12:35-38 (12/10/2024) - As we wait for our master to return, stay awake. Be faithful in serving him. And look forward to his return and the joy that will be ours.
- Always Be Ready – Luke 12:40 (5/23/2023) - Are you ready? Ready for Jesus to take you home? Do you look forward to that with anticipation? Or try and put it off as long as possible?
- A Faithful and Wise Manager – Luke 12:42-43 (5/25/2018) - God has entrusted each of his people with abilities to serve him. Be a wise manager of the gifts God has given you, serving him faithfully.
- Accountability as a Believer – Luke 12:48b (6/3/2019) - As a believer in the Lord Jesus I have a level of accountability to God for what he was given to me. Will I be faithful to him? Or will I fall short.
- The Parable of the Fig Tree – Luke 13:6-9 (9/18/2023) - The parable of the fig tree is a warning to us about the need to be fruitful. If we fail to remain in Christ and bear fruit, we are in danger.
- Enter Through the Narrow Door – Luke 13:23-27 (5/28/2018) - Not everyone who calls Jesus "Lord" will be saved. Only those who walk through the narrow door will enter into the kingdom of God.
- Rejecting God’s Call – Luke 13:34 (12/11/2024) - God desires all of us to come to him. Will we repent and turn to Jesus? Or will we reject God's call and face eternal loss?
- Repaid at the Resurrection – Luke 14:12-14 (7/9/2023) - Invest your resources in those who cannot repay. When you give to those who cannot repay you, you will instead be repaid at the resurrection.
- Consider the Cost of Discipleship – Luke 14:33 (6/5/2018) - What is the cost of discipleship? Jesus says here that unless I give all that I have, I cannot be his disciple. It requires that I give all.
- Welcoming and Eating with Sinners – Luke 15:1-2 (2/15/2024) - Rather than judging others unworthy of God's love, I need to follow Jesus’ example and share his love- even with sinners and tax collectors.
- The Lost and Found Parables – Luke 15:3-32 (9/17/2012) - Jesus told three parables about something that was lost, but had been found. And the rejoicing in heaven over what was found.
- Rejoicing in Heaven – Luke 15:10 (6/7/2018) - The parables of the lost sheep, coin, and son all tell the same story. There is rejoicing in heaven over one who was lost, but has now been found.
- The Prodigal Repents and Heaven Rejoices – Luke 15:21-24 (12/12/2024) - God rejoices, with all of heaven, when the prodigal repents and throws themselves on the Father's mercy. When the lost has been found.
- The Prodigal’s Older Brother – Luke 15:28-30 (3/5/2023) - The parable of the prodigal son warns us against being like the older brother who refused to embrace the one who was lost but now is found.
- Using Worldly Wealth Wisely – Luke 16:9 (5/24/2023) - Jesus' parable of the shrewd manager teaches us to use our worldly wealth wisely. Invest it in generosity now. And reap the reward eternally.
- Being Trustworthy with Worldly Wealth – Luke 16:10-11 (6/9/2018) - Are you trustworthy with what God has given you today? To be entrusted with true riches in the life to come, we must prove faithful now.
- You Cannot Serve Two Masters – Luke 16:13-15 (10/6/2023) - You cannot serve two masters. Some choose the things of this world. Others choose to serve God. You can do one or the other, but not both.
- A Parable of Role Reversals – Luke 16:19-23 (4/16/2024) - The parable of Lazarus and the rich man calls on us to evaluate our lives through God’s eyes rather than the standards of this world.
- An Uncrossable Chasm – Luke 16:26 (11/26/2023) - The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man tells us that once we have died, our eternal destiny is fixed. There is no second chance.
- Even If Someone Rises from the Dead – Luke 16:31 (1/25/2024) - Don’t be discouraged by those who reject the truth found in Jesus. Be faithful to the one who has called you, and bear witness to His truth.
- Faithful Service – Luke 17:10 (5/25/2023) - In the kingdom, we are called to faithful service. Serve without thought of recognition or reward. It will come when we stand before Christ.
- When Does the Kingdom of God Come? – Luke 17:20-21 (2/1/2024) - Are you a citizen of the Kingdom of God? If not, I encourage you to trust in the Lord Jesus before it’s too late and experience his salvation.
- Remember Lot’s Wife – Luke 17:28-33 (6/11/2018) - If Jesus were to call you home today, would you go willingly and gladly? Or would you want to hang around longer? Remember Lot's wife!
- Parable of the Persistent Widow – Luke 18:1-8 (11/6/2012) - The parable of the persistent widow teaches us to be faithful in bringing our needs before God. He loves us and will respond. In his time.
- Be Persistent in Prayer – Luke 18:1 (1/27/2024) - Be persistent in your prayer to God. His response may be immediate, or delayed. But trust that God will respond when the time is right.
- Two Men Went Up To Pray – Luke 18:9-14 (11/21/2013) - In Jesus parable, two men went up to pray. One was self-righteous, and not heard by God. The other humbled himself, and was exalted by God.
- A Deacon and a Prostitute: A Parable Retold – Luke 18:9-14 (7/2/2012) - What would Jesus' parable of two men going to pray look like in today's world. Might it be a Baptist deacon and a common prostitute?
- Like a Little Child – Luke 18:17 (6/13/2018) - How does one receive the Kingdom of God like a little child? Watch a small child at Christmas? Receive the kingdom with joy and excitement.
- Zacchaeus, Come Down – Luke 19:5 (5/31/2022) - Jesus called Zacchaeus to come down and spend time with him. And it changed his life. How many today would respond to such kindness from us?
- Becoming a Son of Abraham – Luke 19:9 (12/17/2024) - Jesus meets and calls us where we are. And when we respond, that encounter changes us. And we become sons and daughters of Abraham.
- The Stones Will Cry Out – Luke 19:40 (6/15/2018) - If we are silent and fail to praise God for all he has done in our lives, the stones will cry out; all of creation will praise it's creator. Don't let the stones drown you out.
- Giving to Caesar: the Role of Human Government – Luke 20:25 (6/19/2018) - What is the role of human government in the life of a believer? Jesus tells us to give to God what is his, and to Caesar what is his.
- The Church Is Not the Building We Meet In – Luke 21:5-6 (4/20/2024) - Our buildings can facilitate our gathering as a church and ministry to our community. But they are not the church Christ died for.
- Not a Hair of Your Head Will Perish – Luke 21:16-19 (1/30/2024) - Stand firm. Let nothing move you. Finish the race set before you and receive the crown of righteousness at Jesus’ return.
- Lift Up Your Heads – Luke 21:28 (6/21/2018) - This world is not our home. So lift up your heads and look to the return of Jesus to rescue us from this world and take us to his kingdom.
- The Passover Fulfilled – Luke 22:14-16 (4/8/2023) - The Passover remembered Israel's deliverance from Egypt. And it looked forward to Jesus' fulfillment as the Passover lamb who died for us.
- Pray That You Will Not Fall into Temptation – Luke 22:45-46 (1/31/2024) - Temptation is an ever-present reality in our lives. Pray that you will be able to resist it and remain faithful to our Lord.
- When Darkness Reigns – Luke 22:52-53 (6/2/2022) - Jesus came as the light of the world, but darkness still reigns over much of the world. Let his light shine through you into the world.
- Weeping Over My Sin – Luke 22:62 (6/23/2018) - How easy it is to make excuses for my sin. It's not so bad. I deserve some pleasure. God understands. Instead, I should be weeping.
- Solving the Problem of Sin – Luke 23:33 (6/26/2018) - Jesus' opponents thought they were solving a problem by killing Jesus. And they did. In his death, Jesus solved the problems of sin for us.
- Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise – Luke 23:42-43 (6/5/2022) - Jesus' promise to the repentant thief on the cross was "today you will be with me in paradise." What a wonderful promise to all believers.
- A Day of Remembrance – Luke 23:55-56 (3/31/2018) - On Resurrection Day, we celebrate Christ's victory over death. Make it a Day of Remembrance. Remember what the Lord has done for you.
- Death Is Defeated! – Luke 24:5-6 (6/28/2018) - Death has been our common enemy throughout history. But in Jesus resurrection death is defeated. And all who are "in him" will share his victory over death.
- Remember What He Told You – Luke 24:6-7 (2/10/2021) - How often do we read the Bible and immediately forget what we read? How much better if we would remember what he told us in his Word.
- He Explained to Them the Scriptures – Luke 24:25-27 (12/22/2021) - What an amazing Bible study to have been a part of. To have Jesus explain what the Scriptures had to say about himself and his suffering.
The Gospel of Luke
Devotional readings from the gospel according to Luke.