Basic Topics
- Bible Study: Spending time in the Bible, reading, studying, and meditating on its words is one of the most important things that you can do as a believer.
- Spending Time Together: As believers, we are called to be in community, spending time together. To edify, encourage, and positively influence each other.
- Worshipping Together: One of the activities of the early church was worshipping God together as a body. Worship will draw us together and into communion with God.
- Drawing Near in Prayer: One of the most important things we can do as believers is to draw near to God in prayer. It is a great privilege that he has given to us.
- Understanding Who God Is: This article looks to provide a simple answer to this question. It is part of a larger series on discipleship.
- What Is Humanity?: Where did we come from? What was God’s purpose in creating us? And what are we like? This article will explore these.
- What Is Sin?: Sin is acting on my own selfish desires and counter to God’s desire for me. Sin leads to eternal separation from God.
- Who Is Jesus?: What humanity could not do for ourselves, God did by sending Jesus, his Son, to be our savior. He gave up his life on the cross for my sin.
- What is Salvation?: This basic overview of salvation looks at salvation from three perspectives. An initial experience, an ongoing walk, and a final culmination.
Advanced Topics
- Gifted to Serve: Every believer within the body of Christ has been gifted to serve the body. Discover your giftedness and be faithful to your calling.
- Meditation, Solitude, and Fasting: Meditation, solitude, and fasting are all spiritual disciplines that will greatly benefit the one who practices them.
- What Is the Bible?: The Bible is a collection of writings, by a variety of human authors. It is inspired by God, truthful in its teaching, and authoritative for the believer.
- The Holy Spirit: The nature and work of the Holy Spirit is an important topic. He is essential to our lives as believers and as the church.
- The Church: What is the church? The church is both the universal body of believers over time and space as well as local gatherings of believers.
- Creation and Providence: Creation deals with God’s involvement in the origin of the universe and life. Providence is concerned with the management of his creation.
- The Kingdom of God: What is the Kingdom of God that is spoken of so much in the New Testament? It is the spiritual rule of God in the life of believers.
- The Second Coming:
Miscellaneous Articles on Discipleship
- Discipleship: What Does It Mean to Be a Disciple of Jesus? – As followers of Jesus, we are called to discipleship. Not to sit on the sidelines and cheer. But getting involved in the kingdom.
- How to be Effective and Productive in Christ – 2 Peter 1:5-9 – Being effective and productive in the work of the kingdom requires that we be growing in the virtues of our faith. Never be satisfied.
- Discipleship: How To Become a Disciple of Jesus – How does a person become a disciple of Jesus. It first requires a new birth. And then it requires a commitment to give up all and follow.
- Discipleship Starts with Being a Learner – At the foundation of being a disciple is being a learner. Learn the lessons that Jesus has to teach us in his Word and through the Holy Spirit.
- The Cost of Discipleship – Luke 14:33 – What is the cost of discipleship? Jesus says here that unless I give up all that I have, I cannot be his disciple. Discipleship requires that I give everything to him.
The views expressed here are solely mine and do not necessarily reflect those of any other person, group, or organization. While I believe they reflect the teachings of the Bible, I am a fallible human and subject to misunderstanding. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions about this post in the comments section below. I am always interested in your feedback.
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Very useful teachings.
Thank you.
Thanks for sharing. I am glad you find value in them.
Awesome site