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Epistles from James and Peter
Devotional readings from the letters written by James and Peter.
- Joyful in the Trials of Life – James 1:2-4 (8/28/2013) - How do you respond when life hands you lemons? James calls on us to be joyful in our trials. They help us to grow in maturity.
- A Prayer for Wisdom from Above – James 1:5-8 (8/4/2021) - James encourages those who lack the wisdom to face our trials as believers to pray for wisdom. But be sure to pray in faith.
- Receiving the Crown of Life – James 1:12 (2/18/2023) - We can have joy during our trials because of what they produce in us. And, because at the end, we know we will receive the crown of life.
- Responding to Temptation – James 1:13-15 (9/7/2013) - James in clear that the temptation I face in life comes out of my own desires. And temptation can lead to sin and hinder my walk with God.
- Listen Carefully and Respond Slowly – James 1:19-20 (1/13/2024) - Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Unfortunately, James' advice is often ignored today, with negative consequences.
- Be Doers of the Word, Putting it into Practice – James 1:22-25 (9/30/2019) - When you read the Bible, how do you respond? James challenges us to be doers of the word, not merely hearers. To put it into practice.
- Religion that God Accepts – James 1:27 (7/20/2023) - What is religion that God accepts? It is to care for the needs of those around us. And to live holy and godly lives.
- Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment – James 2:12-13 (5/25/2020) - We need to guard against judging by external appearances and be merciful instead. Because mercy triumphs over judgment.
- A Living Faith – James 2:14 (8/27/2017) - Does your faith in Christ prompt you to give to the needy, to care for the down and out, or to comfort those experiencing loss?
- Faith Without Works is Dead – James 2:17 (10/14/2019) - James calls on us to test our faith. Is it active and fruitful? Or is it only an intellectual acknowledgement. Faith without works is dead and useless.
- Evidence of Faith – James 2:18-19 (7/21/2023) - What evidence is there that you have faith? More than our beliefs and rituals, our actions provide the evidence for our faith.
- Faith and Actions Working Together – James 2:22 (2/19/2023) - James tells us that our faith and actions work together. We are saved by faith. And that saving faith is demonstrated by our actions.
- The Incredible Power of Words – James 3:1-12 (9/21/2013) - Words sometimes come too easy to us. But there is power in our words. The power to build another up. Or to tear them down. So be careful with your words.
- A Warning to Teachers – James 3:1 (1/19/2024) - Being a Bible teacher is a good thing. But recognize the responsibility that comes with it. It is not something to take lightly.
- Praise and Cursing from the Same Mouth – James 3:9-10 (2/20/2023) - How often do we allow our tongues to get away from us. With one breath we praise God. And then turn around and speak poorly of people.
- Wisdom that Comes from Heaven – James 3:17-18 (8/24/2022) - The wisdom that comes from heaven is more that just common sense. There is a moral component to it that leads to peace within the body.
- Praise and Cursing from the Same Mouth – James 3:9-10 (8/28/2017) - How often am I guilty of praising God in one moment and then cursing, or speaking poorly, of people in the next moment?
- Conflicts in the Body – James 4:1-3 (9/30/2013) - Conflicts in the body of Christ are all to unfortunately a common occurrence. And the root cause is often personal desires that conflict.
- Friendship with the World – James 4:4 (11/24/2021) - You can follow the Lord as his disciple. Or follow the way of friendship with the world. But not both. Attempting to do both is adultery.
- Submit Yourselves to God – James 4:7-10 (8/25/2022) - What causes conflict within a church body. Quite often, it is our own personal desires. The solution is to submit ourselves to God instead,
- Sitting in Judgment of Other Believers – James 4:11 (6/25/2024) - We should be cautious not to let doctrinal differences that do not impact our salvation or our witness to the world around us divide us.
- Who Are You to Judge Your Neighbor?- James 4:12 (7/23/2023) - I have no business judging other people. But, when I fail to love them, am I not judging them as unworthy of my love?
- Making Plans for the Future – James 4:13-16 (2/12/2023) - There is nothing inherently with making plans for the future. But we should recognize God's sovereignty, and conform our plans to his.
- Failing to Do Good When We Can Is Sin – James 4:17 (8/29/2017) - James says that not doing the good I should is sin. This includes harmful and hurtful actions. And failing to do what is good when I can.
- Hoarding Wealth – James 5:1-3 (7/24/2023) - If you have wealth, what do you do with it? Do you hoard it for your own use? Or are you generous in sharing with others who are in need?
- Be Patient and Stand Firm – James 5:7-8 (2/22/2023) - As believers, we may suffer because of circumstances or because of our faith. But, when we do, wait patiently and stand firm in the Lord.
- Don’t Grumble Against One Another – James 5:9 (9/1/2021) - Grumbling, or complaining, is all too common in our churches today. But James tells us to don't grumble. Instead look to build others up.
- Powerful and Effective Prayer – James 5:16 (8/30/2017) - The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective; it makes a difference in the lives of those prayed for.
1 Peter
- Living As An Exile – 1 Peter 1:1 (7/31/2023) - As believers in the Lord Jesus, this is not our home. We are living as exiles, looking forward to our eternal home.
- New Birth into a Living Hope – 1 Peter 1:3-4 (4/9/2023) - On Easter, we celebrate Jesus' victory over death. And because of that, those who believe in him have been given new birth into a living hope.
- Born into A Living Hope – 1 Peter 1:3-9 (1/18/2013) - We have a living hope, the salvation of our souls. And that should impact every part of our life. Live for eternity, not just today.
- The Coming of Our Salvation – 1 Peter 1:4b-5 (1/11/2023) - Our ultimate salvation is something that is coming in the future. It is a salvation that will be revealed when our Lord Jesus returns for us.
- Rejoicing in the Midst of Trials – 1 Peter 1:6-7 (8/31/2022) - We have been given an amazing hope for eternity. And, because of that, we can rejoice in the midst of any trials that we experience now.
- Filled with an Inexpressible and Glorious Joy – 1 Peter 1:8-9 (10/17/2023) - When we come into relationship with the Lord Jesus, we should be filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy as we await our salvation.
- This World Is Not My Home – 1 Peter 1:17 (3/2/2020) - As believers, we are foreigners here, this world is not our home. So live out the few years of our lives here as God's representatives.
- The Cost of Our Redemption – 1 Peter 1:18-19 (2/23/2023) - The cost of our redemption from slavery to sin was the blood of Jesus. Our only reasonable response is to give ourselves completely to him.
- The Cross Was the Original Plan – 1 Peter 1:20 (6/27/2024) - We like to divide history around the birth of Jesus. But the dividing point in history is really the cross, God's original plan.
- Love One Another Deeply – 1 Peter 1:22 (3/31/2023) - It is good to have an emotional love for one another. But we should go beyond that and have an active love that seeks the best for others.
- Living a Life of Love – 1 Peter 1:22-2:1 (2/1/2013) - Having a sincere love for others within the body of Christ is good. But go beyond that, and live a life of love that comes from the heart.
- Craving Pure Spiritual Milk – 1 Peter 2:2 (4/6/2020) - How important is God's word? Peter instructs us to crave it as pure spiritual milk. Only when we consume it will we grow in our salvation.
- A Chosen People and a Royal Priesthood – 1 Peter 2:4-10 (2/21/2013) - As believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood. That is a tremendous privilege and responsibility.
- Spiritual Sacrifices Acceptable to God – 1 Peter 2:5 (7/26/2023) - As believers in the Lord Jesus, we are a holy priesthood. And we are to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God.
- God’s Called Out Ones – 1 Peter 2:9 (1/9/2023) - As believers, God has called us out of darkness and into his light. So live as a foreigner to this world, looking forward to your true home.
- Waging War on Sinful Desires – 1 Peter 2:11 (9/1/2017) - It is important to recognize which desires lead to actions that are sinful and hinder my walk with God, and abstain from them.
- Living Among the Pagans – 1 Peter 2:12 (8/30/2022) - We live in a fallen world of spiritual darkness. As we do, we should live such good lives among the pagans that they will glorify God.
- Submit to Human Authority – 1 Peter 2:13-15 (6/6/2022) - As hard as it sometimes is, Peter's words here call on us to submit to every human authority we find ourselves under. Even if they are evil.
- Honor the Governing Authorities – 1 Peter 2:14-17 (3/1/2013) - It is easy to criticize our President. But Peter makes clear that we are to honor our governing authorities, even if we disagree with them.
- Responding to Insult – 1 Peter 2:18-25 (3/7/2013) - Responding to insults, especially because of our faith in Christ, is hard. No one likes to be insulted. But we should follow Christ's example.
- Responding to Insults: Follow Jesus’ Example – 1 Peter 2:21-23 (8/27/2023) - If you are a faithful follower of Jesus, you likely have been insulted for your faith. But rather than insult back, follow Jesus' example.
- Attributes of a Healthy Church – 1 Peter 3:8 (2/25/2023) - Peter gives us five attributes of a healthy church. Being like-minded, sympathetic, loving one another, and compassionate and humble.
- Responding to Insult with Blessing – 1 Peter 3:9, 12 (7/27/2023) - You will most likely experience insult. And, when you do, Peter tells us to respond to that insult by blessing the person who insulted us.
- Revere Christ as Lord – 1 Peter 3:13-15a (9/1/2022) - Peter encourages us to be eager to do good and to revere Christ as Lord, regardless of the way other people might respond to you.
- Always Be Prepared to Give An Answer – 1 Peter 3:15-16 (9/2/2017) - When someone asks you why you believe in Christ, are you ready to give them an answer? And to do it with gentleness and respect?
- Where Was Jesus for Three Days? – 1 Peter 3:19-20a (8/19/2023) - Where was Jesus' Spirit during the three days his body lay in the tomb? Contrary to popular belief, he was in paradise rather than hell.
- Be Alert and of Sober Mind – 1 Peter 4:7 (8/19/2022) - The end of all things, whether of the world or your own, is near. But, as you await it, be alert and sober-minded so you can pray effectively.
- Love Covers a Multitude of Sins – 1 Peter 4:8 (9/3/2017) - As we love, we will likely find that the things that bothered us before are transformed into positives. Love covers a multitude of sins.
- Faithful Stewards of God’s Grace – 1 Peter 4:10 (10/26/2020) - God's grace is given to us in the spiritual gifts he has entrusted us with. We need to be faithful stewards of God's grace.
- Let God Be Glorified in You – 1 Peter 4:11 (6/29/2024) - God is worthy of glory. And I should seek to bring him glory. It should be my natural response to who he is.
- Insulted Because of the Name of Christ – 1 Peter 4:14 (11/15/2021) - How should we respond when we are insulted because of the name of Christ. Because we are his? Rejoice and see that it is really a blessing.
- Rejoice in Suffering – 1 Peter 4:15-16 (5/15/2023) - If we suffer because we are followers of Jesus, we can rejoice. Don't be ashamed to bear his name and live for him, in spite of opposition.
- Instruction to Shepherds – 1 Peter 5:1-4 (8/12/2022) - Peter instructs elders to be shepherds to the flock under their care. Regardless of the size of your flock, serve as an example to them.
- Humble Yourself under God’s Mighty Hand – 1 Peter 5:6 (7/29/2023) - When we humble ourselves and submit to God's direction, he will guide us and draw us ever closer to himself.
- Cast All of Your Anxiety on Him – 1 Peter 5:7 (7/21/2021) - There are so many things that we can allow to cause us to worry. But God tells us to cast all of that anxiety on him. He does care for us.
- The Devil Is Like a Roaring Lion – 1 Peter 5:8-9 (9/4/2017) - Our adversary is like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Don't be his victim. Be alert and sober minded. Resist him in the faith.
2 Peter
- Everything We Need for Godliness – 2 Peter 1:3 (2/28/2023) - We are called to live godly lives. But we are not left to do it on our own. God gives us everything we need for godliness.
- Participation in the Divine Nature – 2 Peter 1:4 (7/1/2024) - We participate in the divine nature through the indwelling Holy Spirit. God is at work in us, conforming us to the image of Christ.
- How to be Effective and Productive in Christ – 2 Peter 1:5-9 (5/1/2021) - Being effective and productive in the work of the kingdom requires that we be growing in the virtues of our faith. Never be satisfied.
- Make Every Effort to Confirm Your Calling – 2 Peter 1:10-11 (8/26/2022) - Don't be content with a passive salvation. Instead, make every effort to confirm your calling and receive a rich welcome into the kingdom.
- Constant Remembrance of the Truth – 2 Peter 1:12-13 (1/5/2022) - Never be satisfied that you have spent enough time reading or studying the Bible. We all need constant remembrance of its truths for our lives
- What Legacy Will You Leave Behind? – 2 Peter 1:15 (7/30/2023) - What type of legacy will you leave behind when your life on Earth draws to a close? Make it your goal to have been a positive influence.
- The Inspiration of the Scriptures – 2 Peter 1:20-21 (6/3/2023) - The Bible had many human authors, but only a single divine author. Those who wrote the Scriptures did so under the inspiration of God.
- Beware of False Teachers – 2 Peter 2:1 (9/6/2017) - Don't let false teachers lead you astray from the truth. Know the Scriptures, keep your focus on Christ, and trust in the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- The Coming Day of Judgment – 2 Peter 2:9 (7/2/2024) - Judgment is coming. So be faithful to the one who can, and will, rescue you from the judgment that awaits an ungodly word.
- Stimulated to Wholesome Thinking – 2 Peter 3:1-2 (1/24/2024) - As you spend time in God's word, your mind will be transformed, resulting in wholesome thinking, which will result in wholesome actions.
- Not Wanting Anyone to Perish – 2 Peter 3:8-9 (3/2/2023) - Why is the Lord taking so long to return? Peter says that, at least in part, it is because God does not want anyone to perish.
- Looking Forward to a New Creation – 2 Peter 3:11-13 (9/7/2017) - As believers in Christ, we should be looking forward to the return of our Lord and the new creation, living holy and godly lives as we do.
- Live Holy and Godly Lives – 2 Peter 3:11-12 (9/5/2022) - Jesus is returning for his chosen ones someday. And, as we wait for that day, we should live holy and godly lives, looking forward to it.
- Make Every Effort – 2 Peter 3:14 (1/2/2024) - The eternal home I look forward to is not just something for the future. It should have a significant impact on my life now.
- A Warning Against False Teachers – 2 Peter 3:15-17 (7/25/2024) - Be on your guard against unprincipled men who are proclaiming a different gospel. Don’t let them lead you astray from the truth.
- Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus – 2 Peter 3:18 (3/10/2021) - Peter here tells us how to be secure and effective in our faith. By growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.