A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Extended Studies

This is a collection of studies that cover many posts. They may be about a topic. Or they may cover an extended passage or book.

Labor for the Church

Colossians: Paul’s Labor for the Church (1:24-2:5)



As Paul labored for the churches of his day, his goal was to see them be mature and firmly established in the truth. A good goal to mimic.

The Heart of the Gospel

Colossians: The Heart of the Gospel (1:21-23)



The Gospel is that we were enemies of God, lost and alienated from him. But God reconciled us through the death of Jesus on the cross.

The Supremacy of Christ

Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ (1:15-20)



Colossians 1:15-20 exalts the Son and his supremacy over all things. He is the image of God, the creator of all, and our reconciliation.

A Prayer for a Worthy Walk

Colossians: A Prayer for a Worthy Walk with God (1:9-14)



How can we walk worthy of God? Only when God fills us with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

Colossians: A Prayer of Thanksgiving (1:1-8)



Paul begins his letter to the Colossian church with a prayer of thanksgiving because of the faith and love that had sprung from their hope.

The doctrine of corporate election

The Doctrine of Corporate Election



The doctrine of corporate election teaches that we are elect when we are in Christ. Election is not an individual matter.

Creation and Providence

Creation and Providence – Doctrine 404



Creation describes God's working in the origin of the universe while providence describes his ongoing management of his creation.

What Is the Church

What Is Jesus’ Church?: Doctrine 403



What is the church? The church is both the universal body of believers over time and space as well as local gatherings of believers.

Meditation, Solitude, and Fasting

Meditation, Solitude, and Fasting: Discipleship 302



Meditation, solitude, and fasting are all spiritual disciplines that will greatly benefit the one who practices them.

nature and work of the Holy Spirit

The Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit: Doctrine 402



The nature and work of the Holy Spirit is an important topic. The Spirit is essential to our lives as believers and as the church.

What is the Bible?

What Is the Bible? – Doctrine 401



The Bible is a collection of writings with human authors, but inspired by God, truthful in its teaching, and authoritative for the believer.

gifted to serve

Gifted to Serve: Discipleship 301



Every believer within the body of Christ has been gifted to serve the body. Discover your giftedness and be faithful to your calling.

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