A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


Shining like stars in the sky

Shining Like Stars in the Sky – Philippians 2:14-16a



Hold fast to the word of life, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and let your light shine brightly. And you will shine like a star in the sky.

Chosen because of God's great love

Chosen Because of God’s Great Love – Deuteronomy 7:6-8



We have been chosen by God, not because we are somehow worthy–we are not. But because of who God is and what he has done for us.

A thorn in your side

A Thorn in Your Side – Numbers 33:52, 55



The idols in our lives are like thorns in the flesh, hindering our walk with the Lord and keeping us from experiencing his fullness.

Showing God as holy

Showing God as Holy – Numbers 20:12



How many blessings do we miss out on because we do not trust God enough to show him as holy in all that we do?

The danger of a holy God

The Danger of a Holy God – Numbers 4:20



We can approach God as our Abba, Father. But he is a holy God. Come before him in worship and praise, and also with fear and trembling.

A kneeling anger: Set apart as holy

Set Apart as Holy – Exodus 29:43-44



It is when we live lives of practical holiness, set apart for God’s use, that we can most experience his presence within us.

Daniel Resolved Not to Defile Himself

Daniel Resolved Not to Defile Himself – Daniel 1:8, 17



Daniel resolved not to defile himself, and God blessed him because of it. And God will bless us when we resolve to be pure and holy.

Keep in Step with the Spirit

Keep in Step with the Spirit – Galatians 5:24-25



The way to live a holy life pleasing to God is not by following a set of rules. It is by keeping in step with the Spirit, following his lead.

The benefit of holiness

The Benefit of Holiness – Romans 6:22



The need for holiness is not just for a few. It is for all believers, allowing us to come near to God. And to experience eternal life.

Religion that God accepts

Religion that God Accepts – James 1:27



What is religion that God accepts? It is to care for the needs of those around us. And to live holy and godly lives.

Because I am the Lord your God

Because I Am the LORD Your God – Leviticus 20:7-8



Why are we expected to be holy, set apart from the rest of the world? That expectation is rooted in who God is.

Be Holy Because I Am Holy

Be Holy, Because I Am Holy – Leviticus 11:45



Because God is holy, as his children we are also expected to be holy. Seek to be like him, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.