A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


Ascribe glory to the Lord

Ascribe Glory to the Lord – 1 Chronicles 16:28-30



Giving glory and honor to God should be our natural response to who he is and what he has done. Joyfully give God the glory due his name.

A shadow of what is to come

A Shadow of What Is to Come – Colossians 2:16-17



We must guard against the tendency to judge other believers whose traditions and practices, like ours, are only a shadow of reality to come.

The Lord is my God!

The LORD Is My God! – Psalm 118:28



Keep God at the heart of whatever you do. Don’t allow anything else, no matter how good, to take his place on the throne of your life.

Is it worship, or entertainment?

Is it Worship or Entertainment? – Deuteronomy 12:4



If what appeals to us, rather than what honors God, is the determining factor in our worship, then our “worship” is a form of entertainment.

The danger of a holy God

The Danger of a Holy God – Numbers 4:20



We can approach God as our Abba, Father. But he is a holy God. Come before him in worship and praise, and also with fear and trembling.

Entering the Most Holy Place

Entering the Most Holy Place – Leviticus 10:1-2



And, because of what Jesus did, we are, invited to come into the Most Holy Place with confidence and the assurance of faith.

Who Is Like the Lord Our God?

Who Is Like the Lord Our God? – Psalm 113:4-6



Who is like the Lord our God? No one or thing even begins to compare with him. He alone is worthy of all praise and honor.

The best form of worship

The Best Form of Worship – Psalm 69:30-31



What form of worship is the most pleasing to God? It is worship that comes from the heart. Worship with a heart of praise and thanksgiving.

In the splendor of his holiness

In the Splendor of His Holiness – Psalm 29:1-2



Worshipping God is more than just gathering with other believers and singing a few songs. It is bowing before God and glorifying him.

Honoring the Sabbath

Honoring the Sabbath – Isaiah 58:13-14



Do you honor the Sabbath? Even as we meet on the first day of the week rather than on the Sabbath, we can still honor the spirit of the day.

Worthy of Our Praise

Worthy of Our Praise – Revelation 4:11



God is our creator and sustainer. And that makes him worthy of our praise. Join with the heavenly host in singing his praises.

Consider God's wonders

Consider God’s Wonders – Job 37:14-18



When we stop to consider God's wonders in creation, it should humble us and draw us into worship. Creating a universe from nothing. Amazing!