A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


This is a collection of devotional posts from the book of Luke. They are sorted according to when they were written, with the most recent first. To see them in their biblical order, select them from the menu.

Remember Lot's wife

Remember Lot’s Wife – Luke 17:28-33



If Jesus were to call you home today, would you go willingly and gladly? Or would you want to hang around longer? Remember Lot's wife!

the parable of the persistent widow

Parable of the Persistent Widow – Luke 18:1-8



The parable of the persistent widow teaches us to be faithful in bringing our needs before God. He loves us and will respond. In his time.

two men went up to pray

Two Men Went Up To Pray – Luke 18:9-14



In Jesus parable, two men went up to pray. One was self-righteous, and not heard by God. The other humbled himself, and was exalted by God.

Two went up to pray: a deacon and a prostitute

A Deacon and a Prostitute: A Parable Retold – Luke 18:9-14



What would Jesus' parable of two men going to pray look like in today's world. Might it be a Baptist deacon and a common prostitute?

like a little child

Like a Little Child – Luke 18:17



How does one receive the Kingdom of God like a little child? Watch a small child at Christmas? Receive the kingdom with joy and excitement.

Zacchaeus come down

Zacchaeus, Come Down – Luke 19:5



Jesus called Zacchaeus to come down and spend time with him. And it changed his life. How many today would respond to such kindness from us?

the stones will cry out

The Stones Will Cry Out – Luke 19:40



If we are silent and fail to praise God for all he has done in our lives, the stones will cry out; all of creation will praise it's creator. Don't let the stones drown you out.

Giving to Caesar: the Role of Human Government – Luke 20:25



What is the role of human government in the life of a believer? Jesus tells us to give to God what is his, and to Caesar what is his.

Lift Up Your Heads

Lift Up Your Heads – Luke 21:28



This world is not our home. So lift up your heads and look to the return of Jesus to rescue us from this world and take us to his kingdom.

The Passover fulfilled

The Passover Fulfilled – Luke 22:14-16



The Passover remembered Israel's deliverance from Egypt. And it looked forward to Jesus' fulfillment as the Passover lamb who died for us.

When darkness reigns

When Darkness Reigns – Luke 22:52-53



Jesus came as the light of the world, but darkness still reigns over much of the world. Let his light shine through you into the world.

Weeping over my sin

Weeping Over My Sin – Luke 22:62



How easy it is to make excuses for my sin. It's not so bad. I deserve some pleasure. God understands. Instead, I should be weeping.