A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


This is a collection of devotional posts from the book of Luke. They are sorted according to when they were written, with the most recent first. To see them in their biblical order, select them from the menu.

To Know With Certainty

To Know With Certainty – Luke 1:1-4



The divine inspiration of God's word, along with the great care of the human authors, can help us to know with certainty the truth it holds.

righteous in the sight of God

Righteous In the Sight of God – Luke 1:5-6



Luke described Zechariah and Elizabeth as being righteous in the sight of God. Not because they were faultless, but because of their faith.

responding to a message from God

Responding to a Message From God – Luke 1:18-20



Zechariah responding to Gabriel's message with skepticism. How do I respond when God send me a message, by angel, the Bible, or another person?

unexpected answer to prayer

An Unexpected Answer to Prayer – Luke 1:18



How do you respond when your prayer is answered in an unexpected way? Do you doubt, like Zechariah? Or rejoice in what God is doing?

Son of the Most High

He Will Be Called Son of the Most High – Luke 1:31-33



This Christmas celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Son of the Most High. A King whose reign will never end. And bow before him in worship.

A willing spirit

A Willing Spirit – Luke 1:38



.How do you respond when God calls on you to do something that uncomfortable. Like Mary, do you respond with a willing spirit?

Mary's Magnificat

Mary’s Magnificat – Luke 1:46-49



Luke 1:46-55 records the Magnificat of Mary, her song of praise to God. Join her this Christmas in praising God for what he has done.

Remember the manger

Remember the Manger this Christmas – Luke 2:6-7



This Christmas you will likely see many manger scenes, often without thinking about them. Remember the manger though, and what it represents.

news of great joy

News of Great Joy for All People – Luke 2:10-11



Good news of great joy. It was 2000 years ago. And it is still news of great joy for the world today. The savior has come into the world.

John came preaching in the wilderness

Preaching in the Wilderness – Luke 3:3



John likely began preaching in the wilderness before he had much of an audience. He is an example of faithfulness to God's call in his life.

Brood of vipers

Repent, You Brood of Vipers! – Luke 3:7-8



You brood of vipers! John's call to repentance was forceful with no holds barred. And the people responded to his call in droves.

Worship the Lord Alone – Luke 4:6-8



Don't fall prey to the appeal to worship the things of this world, even the good things. Worship the Lord and serve him alone.

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