A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


This is a collection of devotional posts from the book of John. They are sorted according to when they were written, with the most recent first. To see them in their biblical order, select them from the menu.

look to the Son and believe

All Who Look to the Son and Believe – John 6:40



What is required for eternal life? Jesus said we must first look to him. And then believe on him. And all who do will have eternal life.

I Am the Bread of Life

I Am the Bread of Life – John 6:48



Jesus is the bread of life. Believe in him, and eat the bread he gives you. And you will never go hungry again.

to whom shall we go

To Whom Shall We Go? – John 6:67-69



To whom shall we go? These are the words of one who follows Jesus in spite of the difficulties and challenges that following him entails.

hated by the world

Hated by the World, for Christ’s Sake – John 7:7



As disciples of Jesus, we will be hated by the world. But let our lives and words bear witness to the truth of Christ and against evil.

Grace and Mercy

The Law vs. Grace and Mercy – John 8:2-11



As one who has experienced God's grace, I should extend grace and mercy to others rather than hold them to a legalistic standard of law.

throwing stones

Throwing Stones – John 8:7



It would be so easy to join with the religious leaders of Jesus' day and throw stones at those who are sinful. But am I any better than them?

If You Hold to My Teaching

If You Hold to My Teaching – John 8:31-32



Jesus calls us to move beyond believing him. He calls on us to hold to his teaching. And, if we do, the truth will set us free.

The great I AM

Jesus Is the Great I AM – John 8:58-59



Jesus' claim of being 'I AM' clearly indicates that he knew himself to be God. Claims for his divinity are well established in the Scripture.

sharing your personal experience

The Importance of Personal Experience – John 9:25



How do you respond to those who ask about your faith? One thing each of should be able to do is share our personal experience with Christ.

so that I may believe

Tell Me, So That I May Believe – John 9:35-38



Many are not receptive to the gospel but others are. They are waiting for someone to tell them so that they might believe. Will it be you?

following the good shepherd

Following the Good Shepherd – John 10:3-4



Jesus is the good shepherd. His sheep are those who recognize his voice and follow his leading. Who is it that you are following?

He knows my name

He Knows My Name – John 10:3



Jesus knows my name, and calls me by my name. This is more than just being able to identify me. It means he knows and cares about me.