A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Christian Lifestyle

What does it look like to live as a Christian? What does the Bible have to say about a Christian lifestyle? The posts here cover a variety of topics that loosely fall into the category of Christian lifestyle.

A year with COVID-19

A Year With COVID-19 – Continuing to Serve God



COVID-19 has been with us for a year now. It has been a challenging year in many ways. But God still calls and equips us to serve him.

Job: a lesson about suffering

The Book of Job: A Lesson About Suffering



The book of Job is about suffering. Why do we suffer? God's answer to Job is that it is often beyond our understanding.

Lady Wisdom

The Noble Character of Proverb’s Lady Wisdom



Lady wisdom is described through the first chapters of Proverbs, followed by her teachings, and illustrated in the woman of noble character.

Tithing: Should Christians tithe today?

Tithing: Should New Testament Believers Tithe Their Income?



Tithing was a requirement under the Old Testament Law. But is it still a mandate for New Testament believers? Do we have an obligation to give financially?

The doctrine of prayer

The Doctrine of Prayer: What Is Prayer?



The doctrine of prayer looks at what the Bible has to say about prayer. Why do we pray? Does it accomplish anything? What is its purpose?

a beautiful tree

A Beautiful Tree



Some people have been battered and bruised by life. Yet they continue to get back up and shine. Like a beautiful but gnarly old tree.

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments & Christianity



As a Christian, what role do the Ten Commandments have? While they may guide you. We are no longer under the law and its requirements.