I grew up in a family and church that emphasized tithing. When I first started getting an allowance as a grade-schooler, I was expected to tithe it. I think mostly to learn good habits rather than because my church really needed the 3.5 cents a week. And in most of my adult life, I have been a part of churches that at least encouraged tithing. But is tithing something that Christians should be expected to do?
Tithing in the Old Testament
Leviticus 27:30-33 contains the initial instruction in regard to tithing. Other passages affirm the practice and its requirements. Leviticus calls on the people to give one-tenth of everything that they harvest from the land, as well as 1 out of ten of the animals in their herds or flocks. That tithe, or 10%, belongs to God.
But, you might ask, what did God need with their tithe? It’s not as if he needed it to live on. I think it served two purposes. The first was simply a way for the Jews to express thanksgiving to God for what he was doing for them. And, as an obligation, it demonstrates their commitment and obedience to God.
But it also served a much more practical purpose. There was a tabernacle, and later temple, that needed maintenance. There were daily, monthly, and annual animal and grain sacrifices that needed to be made. And there was a whole tribe, the Levites and Priests, that were serving in the religious life of the community. And they were not given an inheritance of land in Israel. They were supported by the tithes of the people. Without the tithes, there could be no people dedicated to the religious practice mandated by God.
So the tithe served an essential role in the life of the Jewish people. But does it still apply to Christianity today?
Tithing in the New Testament
Tithing was an essential part of the Jewish religious life under the old covenant. But is it something that is expected of believers today? Depending on who you ask, you will get different responses to that question. What follows is my own belief on the subject.
To start with, I tithe. I am not opposed to the practice. And I do it, not out of obligation, but freely. But I do not believe that it is a requirement for New Testament believers. Old Testament tithing was a part of the Law. A Law that we are no longer under. The legalistic requirements of the Law are not applicable to Gentile believers. The 15th chapter of Acts makes clear that we are free from those requirements.
But does that mean then that I have no need to provide financial support for the church I am a part of? As well as other ministry efforts? No, I don’t think it does.
The Importance of Giving
In 1 Timothy 5:17-18 and 1 Corinthians 9:14, Paul makes it clear that we have an obligation to provide material support to the elders who work with us, preaching and teaching. In Philippians 4:10-19, Paul thanked the church at Philippi for their financial gift, a gift that enabled him to serve full time rather than having to work to support himself. And, in 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, Paul addressed the church at Corinth about taking up a collection for the poor saints in Jerusalem.
So, while the New Testament does not mandate tithing, it does encourage the same sort of giving. Giving to support those who minister to us. Giving to support missions. And giving to support the poor. The church at that time did not have buildings and lots of programs, but if it did, I would guess that supporting those would be addressed as well.
So, do we need to tithe? No. But should we give generously to the work of the Lord? Yes.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:7-8 NIV
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The views expressed here are solely mine and do not necessarily reflect those of any other person, group, or organization. While I believe they reflect the teachings of the Bible, I am a fallible human and subject to misunderstanding. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions about this post in the comments section below. I am always interested in your feedback.
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Reading the article on tithing.
Good points.
Help search for the old testament scripture that says to put money in the offering to help support the payment of church bills. I read it that but can’t find it now. As many times as they say that we must go to a Bible teaching church we should go to discern this and learn from the Holy Ghost in what people teach. We need the church as much as the church needs the Holy Ghost dwelling in us. Offering of money is to keep the building open for community.
Numbers 18:21-24 directs the tithe to go the Levites for their support. They are dedicated to the work of the Tabernacle, and the tithe is their payment. It seems like there is a passage dealing with using the tithe for maintaining the Tabernacle as well, but I am not finding it right off. I have written an article on tithing that you might find helpful. https://aclayjar.net/2020/06/tithing/
Yes this is a good direction for our day. As we have pastors who use the word “tithe” as their expectation to be more blessings for those who tithe. A loud “Amen” is often affirmed in the congregation too. He’s a cheerful giver huh!
In Matt.23:23 this verse is it compelling new testament believer to tithe?
No it’s not. The Old Testament mandated tithing to support the temple and priests. But that was a part of the Old Testament Law and we are no longer under it. Yet, it is good for us to contribute to the support of our local church and its ministries, including our pastor. And to give generously to the needs of other people. But tithing itself is not mandated for New Testament believers.
Thank you. My son is so knowledgeable and is able to share the truth that after Jesus died on the Cross we are not under the Law of Tithing. He 0ffends some so he never gets to finish the Bibllical Truth which when listened to reminds us that Giving with a Generous Heart and a cheerful heart at what ever amount you have purposed to give. He doesnt believe in a percentage or even saying a Tithe. He believes in Giving and first of all with your self, and helping others that need help. Being a True disciple a follower of Jesus and counting that costs. I agree if you are involved in a local church you should support it on a regular basis with your giving. You are there with a roof over your head and HVAC. You should also meet the needs of anyone you come in contact with showing Love and Mercy and support missions and ministries as we are able. It is a matter of the heart The Law a debtor obligation or a Cheerful Heart to create a church to help other believers grow. I think this is why we loose new believers because of the demand to Tithe to be a Member. First make them whole and a cheerful giver that wants to Give Back. Never sow your car note money, your house note money that you have in your hand pay it and give after you have your food. Take care of your family. I have seen many sow what that have already obligated there self to and parents have had to pay. This is not right. Meet your basic needs then as you are blessed give, but dont give what you dont have. dont get greedy….either .Take care of your Family grow into giving above that.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:7
Thank you, this helps me understand what I need to do and context to understand what that means.
You’re welcome Art