A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


I always thank my God for you

I Always Thank My God for You – 1 Corinthians 1:4



But we can, and should, thank God for all of those who have received the grace of God given in Christ Jesus, despite our differences.

Don't give up meeting together

Don’t Give Up Meeting Together – Hebrews 10:25



Be a genuine part of a community of believers—not just an attendee but a contributing member. A member who encourages and is encouraged.

Sitting around a table eating - the fellowship meal

The Fellowship Offering – Leviticus 7:11



We can follow the spirit of the fellowship offering when we share meals together, with our Lord, as a community of believers.

Community and Fellowship in the Bible

Community and Fellowship in the Bible



Being a part of a local community of believers is an essential aspect of being a disciple of Jesus and growing in Christlikeness.

Partnership in the faith

Partnership in the Faith – Philemon 1:6



We share a partnership in the faith with other believers. And that partnership, or koinonia, should enable each of us to grow in our faith.

As Iron Sharpens Iron

As Iron Sharpens Iron – Proverbs 27:17



Iron sharpens iron is true for knives. But it is also true for believers. We need to spend time together, sharpening one another.

two are better than one

Two Are Better Than One – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10



The words of Ecclesiastes here are very important: "Two are better than one." If I am alone, who will help me if I fall and cannot get up?

spending time together

Spending Time Together – Discipleship 102



One of the most important things we can do as believers is to spend time together. To edify, encourage, and positively influence each other.

Can a believer with with God apart from a community of other believers?

Can I Walk with God Alone, Apart from Other Believers?



Is it possible to have a living relationship with God apart from being an active member of a local church body? I don't believe so.

better is one day in your courts

Better Is One Day In Your Courts – Psalms 84:10



Where is your favorite place? Join the psalmist in proclaiming to God, "better is one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere."

love one another

1 Peter: Love One Another Deeply, From the Heart (1:22-2:3)



Love as mutual affection is good. But even better is to love one another with a selfless love that seeks the best for others, and the harmony of the body.

They devoted themselves

They Devoted Themselves – Acts 2:42



What can we learn from the earliest church? They devoted themselves to the Word, to prayer, and to fellowship. What would happen if we did that today?

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