A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


Obedience to God is an essential component of the Christian life. It is much more important than the outward forms and rituals that are so often a mark of the Christian life. To obey is better than sacrifice.

Responding to God's sovereign will

Responding to God’s Sovereign Will – Jeremiah 11:7-8



There is always a price to pay for choosing my will over God’s. How much better to align my will with God’s and experience his blessing.

Like a fire burning within

Like a Fire Burning Within – Jeremiah 20:9



God's call to service in our lives is like a fire that is burning within us. A fire that is only satisfied when we obey.

Always resisting the Holy Spirit

Always Resisting the Holy Spirit – Acts 7:51



How frequently do we hear the Holy Spirit speaking to us and fail to obey? Or go even further and act in ways contrary to his direction?

The choice is yours: Life, or death

The Choice is Yours: Life or Death – Deuteronomy 30:19



The choice is yours. Will you obey and live? The choice to obey can be hard, but at the end of it, eternity with our Lord awaits.

Don't take the easy way

Don’t Take the Easy Way – Matthew 4:8-9



Stay the course, faithfully serving the Lord, and leave the results to him. Don’t allow Satan to lure you into taking the easy way.

Choosing the path of faithfulness

Choosing the Path of Faithfulness – Psalm 119:29-30



The path of faithfulness is the path of obedience to God, the path that ends in eternal life. This can be a lonely and hard path to travel.

The Fundamental Principle for Wise Living

The Fundamental Principle for Wise Living – Psalm 111:10



The fundamental principle of wise living is to love the Lord with our whole being and to love others within the family of God.

Consider carefully that the Lord is God

Carefully Consider that the Lord Is God – Deuteronomy 4:39



Carefully consider the implications that the Lord is God. Will we be faithful to him and experience the blessings? Or face the consequences?

An extended time-out

An Extended Time-out – Deuteronomy 1:2-3



How often do we find ourselves wandering around in the wilderness, in time-out, because we have chosen not to obey God's leading?

Remembering God's commands

Tassels and Remembering God’s Commands – Numbers 15:39



As traffic signs inform and remind us of how to drive safely along the road, the Bible will inform and remind us of God's instructions.

By faith, Noah built an ark

By Faith, Noah Built an Ark – Hebrews 11:7



All of us, as believers and disciples of the Lord Jesus, are called to live by faith–a faith that, like Noah’s, responds in obedience to God.

The danger of a holy God

The Danger of a Holy God – Numbers 4:20



We can approach God as our Abba, Father. But he is a holy God. Come before him in worship and praise, and also with fear and trembling.

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