A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


Obedience to God is an essential component of the Christian life. It is much more important than the outward forms and rituals that are so often a mark of the Christian life. To obey is better than sacrifice.

With authority comes responsibility

With Authority Comes Responsibility – John 19:10-11



God has delegated some authority to me, It may be over myself or others. But regardless, I am responsible to God for what I do with it.

Take delight in the law of the Lord

Delighting in the Law of the Lord – Psalm 119:33-35



Take delight in the law of the Lord. Because in obedience comes life in harmony with our creator and redeemer.

Are you one of Jesus' sheep?

Are You One of Jesus’ Sheep? – John 10:27-28



Being one of Jesus' sheep is a good place to be. I do not have to worry about anything, but to listen to his voice and follow where he leads.

Linking physical health to spiritual health

Linking Physical Health to Spiritual Health – 3 John 1:1-3



Shouldn’t I be at least as concerned about my spiritual health as I am about my physical health? Which is ultimately more important?

By faith, the walls of Jericho fell

By Faith, the Walls of Jericho Fell – Hebrews 11:30



The story of the fall of Jericho demonstrates that faith, apart from obedience, is dead and useless. Your faith should move you to action.

Rediscovering God's Word

Rediscovering God’s Word – 2 Kings 22:8, 11



What impact does God's word have in your life? Does it lead you to a life of obedience like it did Josiah? Or does it have no impact?

Made of clay

Made of Clay – Psalm 103:13-14



What does God want from this lump of clay? He wants me, not to be perfect, but to be faithful and submissive to him.

Half-hearted devotion

Half-Hearted Devotion – 1 Samuel 15:9



It is only when I obey God fully, putting to death the Amalekites in my own life, that I can fully experience the life he has for me.

Is my future fixed?

Is My Future Fixed? – 1 Samuel 23:12



God is a trustworthy guide to life. And I can trust that if I follow his direction, life will turn out better for me than if I ignore him.

Responding to God's sovereign will

Responding to God’s Sovereign Will – Jeremiah 11:7-8



There is always a price to pay for choosing my will over God’s. How much better to align my will with God’s and experience his blessing.

Like a fire burning within

Like a Fire Burning Within – Jeremiah 20:9



God's call to service in our lives is like a fire that is burning within us. A fire that is only satisfied when we obey.

Always resisting the Holy Spirit

Always Resisting the Holy Spirit – Acts 7:51



How frequently do we hear the Holy Spirit speaking to us and fail to obey? Or go even further and act in ways contrary to his direction?

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