In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Romans 6:11 NIV
In the first ten verses of this chapter, Paul talked about our position in Christ. What physical baptism pictures in my death, burial, and resurrection actually took place when I came to Christ. I was baptized, or immersed, into him, and in him, I participate in his death on the cross, his burial, and his resurrection. I have died to who I was and have been resurrected to live a new life (Gal. 2:20). I still look forward to a bodily resurrection after this life ends. But I have already experienced a death to sin and a resurrection to new life.
The first ten verses of the chapter portray a picture of what has happened to me in a spiritual sense. While this verse transitions me into the practical application of my position in Christ. A topic discussed in the remainder of the chapter. In Christ, I have died to sin and have a new life. So in my daily life, I should consider myself dead to sin and alive to God in Christ. In other words, let my life align with my position in Christ. I am not saved because I have cleaned up my life sufficiently. But now that I am saved, I should work to make my life a reflection of what Christ has done in me.