David offered up a psalm of praise to God and then concluded with these words about his words and thoughts. And they are my prayer as well.
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14 NIV)
My prayer is that the words that come out of my mouth would be pleasing to God. Not just the words I speak when I am gathered with the church. But also when I am socializing with friends. When I am talking about politics or other social issues. And when I am in debate, or dispute, with another person. May my words be filled with grace and honor to God.
And may my thoughts also be pleasing to God. Not just when I am meditating on the words of the Bible. But also when I am fighting traffic. When I am stewing over some wrong done to me, or someone close to me. Or when the attractive and scantily clad young woman wanders by and catches my eye. May my thoughts always be God-honoring and pure.
The earlier part of the Psalm gives us instructions on how to accomplish this. Immerse yourself in God’s word. Let it fill you and root out the sin and error in your life. The Bible has great value for those who will dwell in it. Allow it to fill you. And then you will find that your words and thoughts will more and more be pleasing to the Lord.