Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12 NIV
This portion of Romans is filled with little bits of practical advice for living the Christian life. And what Paul had to say to the church in Rome during the first century is just as appropriate for us today. We can, and should, be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Be joyful in hope. We might wish that COVID would go away. That we would learn to live in peace. And that everyone would have plenty to eat without destroying the planet. But, as believers, we have a hope that transcends anything that happens here. And, because of that, we should be joyful regardless of the circumstances we face in our lives here.
Be patient in affliction. Don’t become weary when you face troubles or suffering. Especially for the cause of Christ. Be faithful to him, no matter what comes your way. Do not give up on the hope that we have.
And be faithful in prayer. Come before the Father. Share your heart with him. Seek his direction. Intercede for others. Give him the praise that he alone is worthy of. When we give ourselves to prayer we enter into the very presence of God.