I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.
Romans 15:30 NIV
Prayer. It seems like most of us do not appreciate the privilege that we have in prayer. Prayer is so much more than just some words we speak to God, often not expecting that he will hear or respond to us. In prayer, we can approach the throne of God. He invites us to come before him. And delights to hear from us and respond to us.
And this verse illustrates an aspect of prayer that is very important. Paul requested that the Roman church join his struggle by praying for him. Paul was preparing to take an offering to the Jerusalem believers, and he was concerned that it be well received. He was praying about this. And he asked that others join him in that prayer.
But his request goes beyond that. In their prayers for Paul, the Roman church would be participating in the work that he was doing. While they might not be with him physically, they could join him in spirit, serving together with him in prayer.
Prayer is powerful. And the witness of the Scripture is that it is effective. God works in response to the prayers of a righteous person (Jam. 5:16-18). Prayer can make a difference in the life of the one you pray for.
Come alongside your pastor in prayer. Join him in his ministry to the body. Consider adopting a missionary or pastor in a distant part of the world where the work is hard. Join them in their struggle. If you can offer physical or financial support, do so. But do not neglect the power of prayer in supporting them and in serving together.