Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
2 Corinthians 9:6 NIV
When Paul wrote this to the Corinthian church, he was in the process of taking up an offering for the poor believers in Jerusalem. He had previously talked to this church about the offering and had received a positive response from them. But now he is writing to encourage them to follow through on their commitment. And to be generous in their giving.
In this verse, he uses the analogy of a farmer sowing his field. The size of the farmer’s harvest is directly proportional to the amount of seed he sows. The more seed he plants in his field, the greater the yield. But scrimping on the seed sown will result in a paltry harvest.
And Paul relates this to our giving to those in need. The more we give to those who cannot repay us, the greater will be our harvest. On the other hand, when we give only a little, or not at all, our harvest will be poor or nonexistent.
Contrary to what some teach today, this is not a way to material prosperity. Your harvest may take two different forms. You may indeed receive a material harvest. But it is so that you can give even more, reinvesting in other people’s lives (2 Cor. 9:11). And you will receive a spiritual harvest, a treasure laid up for you in heaven (Matt. 6:19-21). A treasure that comes from your obedience and the thanksgiving of those who have been helped by your generosity (2 Cor. 9:12-15).
Be willing to give generously to those in need. When you sow generously, you will reap abundantly.