When Peter saw this, he declared to the people, “Men of Israel, why are you amazed at this? Why do you stare at us as if we had made this man walk by our own power or piety?
Acts 3:12 NET
One afternoon, on the way to the temple for a time of prayer, Peter and John encountered a beggar–a man who had been lame from birth. They had no money to give him, but through the name of Jesus, they healed him. And then the lame man jumped up and began to walk, leap, and praise God. He went into the crowded temple with Peter and John, and the people who saw and recognized him were amazed.
The people were amazed to see this man completely whole. But their amazement also extended to the ones who had been the instruments of his healing. It might have been tempting to enjoy the applause of the people. But Peter was quick to deflect the credit for this miraculous healing to the proper source. It was not the power or godliness of Peter and John that had healed the man. It was Jesus who had healed him, through faith in his name (Acts 3:16).
My human nature enjoys being told that I have done a good job. And it can be tempting to accept credit for what people see God doing through me. But, as Peter did, I need to defect credit to the one deserving of it–to the one who has called me and is working through me.
Seek to glorify God in all you do. Always be careful to deflect credit to the proper source, pointing others to the one who alone is worthy of our praise and glory.