A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


This is a collection of devotional posts from the book of Mark. They are sorted according to when they were written, with the most recent first. To see them in their biblical order, select them from the menu.

The Straps of His Sandals

The Straps of His Sandals – Mark 1:7



How great is Jesus? John the Baptist, whom Jesus identified as the greatest of humans, was not worthy to unfasten the straps of his sandals.

with the wild animals

With the Wild Animals – Mark 1:12-13



During Jesus' time of temptation in the wilderness, he was with wild animals. A situation similar to Adam, but with very different results.

The Importance of Prayer – Mark 1:35-37



The importance of prayer in Jesus' life is unmistakable. Should it be any less for those who follow him? Spend time in prayer each day.

who do we tell?

Do You Tell What Jesus has Done? – Mark 1:43-45



Jesus has died for us and given us a new life. The most wonderful news in the world. But do we keep it to ourselves? Or tell everyone?

eating with sinners and tax collectors, the unloved

Eating with the Sinners and Tax Collectors – Mark 2:17



If Jesus paid a visit to 21st century America, who would he be hanging out with? With respectable church folk? Or sinners and tax collectors?

new wine into new wineskins

New Wine into New Wineskins – Mark 2:22



When Jesus enters into our life, he old has to go to make room for the new. It is like pouring new wine into new wineskins.

The purpose of the law

The Purpose of the Law – Mark 2:27



What is the purpose of the Old Testament Law? It pointed out our need for a savior. But it also served as a guide to a healthy life.

Looking for A Reason to Accuse

Looking for A Reason to Accuse – Mark 3:1-2



The religious leaders of Jesus' day looked for reasons to accuse Jesus and discredit him. Jesus' disciples today can expect the same thing.

whoever does God's will

Whoever Does God’s Will – Mark 3:35



Jesus does not abandon family relationships. But he does emphasize a more important relationship; being a part of his heavenly family.

why parables

Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables? – Mark 4:10-12



Why did Jesus teach in parables? It seems they were a way to teach his followers truth that was not revealed to those who did not follow him.

The farmer sows the word

The Farmer Sows the Word – Mark 4:14



In Jesus' parable, the farmer sowed seed throughout the field, regardless the soil. We also should share the good news with all people.

Like seed sown on thorny soil

Thorny Ground that Chokes the Seed – Mark 4:18-19



In the parable of the soils, I find myself challenged by the thorns that choke out the seed. There are so many thorns in my life.