Doctrine of Christ
These are longer theological posts that deal with the doctrine of Christ. Who is he? What did he do? What is he doing now?
Jesus: The Son of Man and Daniel 7
Jesus' favorite term for himself was the Son of Man. Why did he choose this title? What is the significance of the Son of Man?
The Mystery of Christ in Us, the Hope of Glory
Paul describes the mystery of Christ as being Christ in us. We are the temple he lives in. And that magnifies the call for personal holiness.
Why is the Resurrection of Jesus so Important?
Christianity claims that Jesus was crucified, buried, and then resurrected. But why is the resurrection of Jesus so important to us?
The Supremacy of the Son of God – Colossians 1:15-20
This passage, more than anyplace else in the Scripture, affirms the supremacy of the Son of God, Jesus, over every other pretender.
The Empty Tomb and Its Importance to Christianity
Central to the Christian faith is the death and resurrection of Jesus. But how significant is the empty tomb? What value is there in it?
Jesus As the Fulfillment of the Law and Prophets
Jesus claimed to be the fulfillment of the Law and Prophets. But what did he mean? That he fulfilled some prophecy? Or something much more?
Jesus’ Fulfillment of Prophecy in Matthew
One of the significant aspects of Matthew's gospel of Jesus is his concern with showing Jesus' fulfillment of the prophecy made about him.
Why Was Jesus Crucified? The Foolishness of the Cross
Jesus was crucified as a ransom and penalty for our sin. But God also chose to use the foolishness of the cross to save those who believe.
What Does it Mean to Be In Christ?
Repeatedly the New Testament talks about us being in Christ. When I am in him, I am saved. When I am not in him, I am lost.
What Did Jesus Know While On Earth in a Human Body
Jesus was fully God and fully human. And in his humanity, he was like us. He grew tired, hungry, and thirsty. And he lacked all knowledge.
Jesus’ Dark Night of the Soul
The dark night of the soul. A time of anguish. How do you face it? Jesus faced it by turning to God and finding the strength to continue.
God Loves the Whole World, with No Exception
And John makes it clear that God loves the world. Not just some people who are in the world. But he has a love for everyone. And Jesus came to be the savior of everyone. And all who will believe in him will experience that salvation he offers. Those who refuse to believe will remain in this world and be condemned.