A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


The posts in this category are longer and generally deal with specific topics in theology. This is in contrast to the short devotional posts and the multi-part Bible studies.

the mystery of Christ

The Mystery of Christ in Us, the Hope of Glory



Paul describes the mystery of Christ as being Christ in us. We are the temple he lives in. And that magnifies the call for personal holiness.

Why is the resurrection of Jesus so important?

Why is the Resurrection of Jesus so Important?



Christianity claims that Jesus was crucified, buried, and then resurrected. But why is the resurrection of Jesus so important to us?

Supremacy of the Son

The Supremacy of the Son of God – Colossians 1:15-20



This passage, more than anyplace else in the Scripture, affirms the supremacy of the Son of God, Jesus, over every other pretender.

The problem of evil

The Problem of Evil: Why Does God Allow Evil to Exist?



The problem of evil is concerned with all the bad things happen in the world? Why doesn't God prevent all this bad stuff from happening?

Do you have God in a box?

Do You Have God In a Box of Your Own Making?



Boxes help to provide limits and organization. And that is often a good thing. But putting God into a box is a mistake we all too often make.

how to read the Bible

How to Read the Bible and Get the Most Out of It.



There are many different ways that people read and study the Bible. We should seek to read the Bible profitably, allowing it to change us.

Participate in the divine nature

Participating in the Divine Nature



What does it mean to participate in the divine nature? How do we go about doing that? And what are these promises that enable this life?

What is circumcision

What Does the Bible Say about Circumcision?



What role does circumcision play for a follower of Jesus? It is still a practice that we should follow? Or is it unnecessary today?

Abraham's test

Abraham’s Test: The Sacrifice of Isaac As a Burnt Offering



God called Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering. What was Abraham's test all about? Was it for God's benefit? Or Abraham's?

the Bible is authoritative

What Does it Mean That the Bible is Authoritative?



What do we mean when we say the Bible is authoritative? Is it just a rule book or set of faith statements. Or does it shape our worldview?

miracles from God

Should We Expect to See Miracles From God?



Does God still produce miracles in our world today? Or are miracles confined to the biblical times and no longer experienced today?

Fulfillment of Isaiah

Jesus as the Fulfillment of Isaiah’s Vision of the Future of Israel



Jesus claimed to be the fulfillment of the prophets. This article is a look at Isaiah to see how Jesus fulfilled his prophecies.