A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Believe in Christ

The work God requires

The Work God Requires – John 6:28-29



What God requires from me is that I believe in Jesus. Not just in my head, but in my heart as well, following him wherever he leads.

Some Will Refuse to Believe in Jesus

Some Will Refuse to Believe in Jesus – John 11:45-46



Share the gospel with those you meet. But don’t be discouraged by those who refuse to believe in Jesus and oppose you and our Lord.

Then They Believed the Scripture

Then They Believed the Scripture – John 2:22



Jesus, in his resurrection, has proven himself as having authority over the Jewish temple, my life, and all I am.

Even If Someone Rises from the Dead

Even If Someone Rises from the Dead – Luke 16:31



Don’t be discouraged by those who reject the truth found in Jesus. Be faithful to the one who has called you, and bear witness to His truth.

Righteousness credited to all who believe

Righteousness Credited to All Who Believe – Romans 4:23-24



God considers as righteous all those who believe in the Lord Jesus and follow him. There is no other way to be right in God's sight.

look to the Son and believe

All Who Look to the Son and Believe – John 6:40



What is required for eternal life? Jesus said we must first look to him. And then believe on him. And all who do will have eternal life.

believe in his name

To All Who Believed in His Name – John 1:12



Jesus is God, clothed in humanity. He came as the light of the world. And all who believe in his name will have eternal life.

For God so loved the world

For God So Loved the World – John 3:16



For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

With God, everything is possible

Everything Is Possible – Mark 9:23



To the one who believes, and does not doubt, everything is possible. Nothing God calls us to do will be impossible for the one who believes.

credited as righteousness

Belief Credited as Righteousness – Romans 4:3



Abraham is the example of salvation by faith and not by works. Abraham believed God, and God credited it to him as righteousness.

come down from the cross

Come Down from the Cross – Matthew 27:42



Would the religious leaders have believed in Jesus if he had come down from the cross in response to their challenge? Probably not.

so you can believe

That You May Believe – John 20:30-31



Jesus' many signs should direct us to belief and eternal life in him. Will you see and believe, or close your eyes and stumble?

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