Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
John 20:30-31 NIV
Of the four gospel writers, only Luke and John provide us with explicit reasons for their writing. Luke provides an orderly account of what Jesus did in order to give certainty to one who had likely already believed (Luke 1:1-4). John, on the other hand, is more explicitly evangelistic. He writes in order that we might believe, and in believing, have life in Christ.
John is not writing a detailed historical account and is likely not too concerned with getting events in the proper order. John selected seven of Jesus’ signs, or miracles, out of the multitude he had to choose from. He choose those that he felt would be the most useful in leading us to believe. And he concluded with an eighth and greatest sign; the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
Some people will follow these signs where they lead and will believe, trusting in Christ as their Lord and God. But others will see them and scoff. The choice is yours. Will you see and have faith? Or will you close your eyes and stumble?
I have found that the gospel of grace is mixed with the gospel of the kingdom, such as John 3:16, quoted heavily especially at Christmas but that is not the gospel by which humans will be born again. The gospel, Paul’s gospel is in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4. The author included the resurrection which by the DBR, we are saved. It is now all about the cross. Believing that Jesus is the son of God was for the Jews to receive salvation but for us today, Jews and Gentiles it is believing in the DBR, by faith plus nothing. If one doesn’t believe in all 3, then he is calling God a liar and there is nothing worst than unbelief. Many cultures do not believe in all 3.
The pulpit needs to preach the true Gospel, the one held secret until given to Paul. By his Grace we are saved which happened at the cross, and the power in the resurrection.
The gospel of grace and the gospel of the kingdom are one and the same. We are saved by the grace of God, through faith, and enter into the kingdom of God. The death, burial, and resurrection (DBR) of Jesus are essential for our salvation. But this is not a gospel that was revealed only through Paul. Jesus himself proclaimed it.