A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Grace of God

Grace overflowing to good works

Grace Overflowing to Good Works – 2 Corinthians 9:8



No matter how much God leads us to give, there will always enough. God’s grace overflows for every good work.

God is not obligated to save us

God Is Not Obligated to Save Us – Romans 4:4-5



To be considered righteous is a gift that God freely chooses to give to all who have faith in Christ. We cannot earn it in any way.

Be strong in the grace of Christ

Be Strong in the Grace of Christ- 2 Timothy 2:1



His grace helps us, not just to survive, but to prosper in our faith and service to our Lord and to experience the fullness of life in Christ.

Who Can Be Saved?

Who Can Be Saved? – Matthew 19:25-26



Who can be saved? By ourselves, none of us can. But God can do for us what we cannot. He saves all who come to him through faith in Jesus.

The riches of God's grace lavished on us

The Riches of God’s Grace Lavished on Us – Ephesians 1:7-8a



God has lavished his grace on us. Not because we are worthy of it. But because it is his nature. All we have is because of his grace.

The grace in which we stand

The Grace in Which We Stand – Romans 5:1-2a



It is by God's grace that I have been saved. And it is by grace that I now stand before him, justified and at peace with him.

Reviving the Heart of the Contrite

Reviving the Heart of the Contrite – Isaiah 57:15



The high and exalted God has chosen to make his home in the hearts of the contrite and lowly in spirit. He revives us and lifts us up.

Does God Keep His Promises

Does God Keep His Promises? – Numbers 23:19



Unlike humans who often fail to keep their promises, God will always fulfill his promises to us. But it will be in his time, not ours.


What Do Christians Need to Know About Soteriology?



Soteriology is the study of the salvation that God offers to us. It includes the means of salvation and recipients of salvation.

Justification is a gift, not by works

What’s Wrong with Justification by Works?



We will never experience justification based on our works. God offers his salvation by grace. And there is nothing we can do to earn it.

approach God's throne with confidence

Approach God’s Throne with Confidence – Hebrews 4:16



Because we have Jesus as our great high priest, we can approach God's throne of grace with confidence to receive the help we need.

salvation offered to all people

Salvation Offered to All People – Titus 2:11



God's grace offers salvation to all people. None of us are worthy of his salvation. But he graciously offers it to all.

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