A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

God's Sovereignty

This will reference articles that touch on God’s sovereignty, including his foreknowledge or foreordination.

God's plan and human choice

God’s Plan and Human Choice – Acts 2:23



God has a plan for your life that takes into account all of the choices you make. God uses human choice to accomplish his plan for our lives.

Election Predestination Foreknowledge

Arminianism: Foreknowledge, Predestination and Election



God's foreknowledge and his election and predestination of believers are clearly taught in the Bible. But, for an Arminian, what do these terms mean?

The doctrine of God's sovereignty and human free will

Arminianism: Sovereignty and Free Will



This post will look at sovereignty and free will from an Arminian perspective, including how we understand the Calvinist perspective of these doctrines.

the doctrine of the sovereignty of God

The Doctrine of the Sovereignty of God



God is sovereign, and has a plan and purpose for his creation that will be accomplished. But his plan takes into account his foreknowledge of our choices.