Don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price. So glorify God with your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 CSB
In the extended passage that these verses are a part of, Paul has been addressing sexual immorality. However, his concluding argument against sexual immorality has a much broader application for believers. Think about your activities over the past week. Consider your plans for the week ahead. If Jesus was hanging out with you in person, how much of last week’s activities might have changed? And how much might your plans for the coming week change?
That is really the heart of Paul’s argument here. The Holy Spirit is in us. Everywhere I go, he goes. Everything I say, he hears. I do not just take him to church with me. I also take him along with me to work and to social outings. He is with me when I am curled up watching TV and eating ice cream. He is an ever-present companion. You might argue that the Holy Spirit is different than Jesus because I could see Jesus and talk with him if he were hanging out with me. And while that is true, it should not make any difference in how I live my life. In either case, God is present with me.
I have been bought by the blood of Jesus and am no longer my own person. I belong to God and his Spirit indwells me. So I should seek to honor and glorify God with my body. In everything I do. Not out of obligation, but out of gratitude. Honor God with your body.