Do you ever wonder why it seems like the wicked prosper more than the godly? Why is it that good things seem to happen more often to bad people? If so, you are not alone. Even in the Bible, you find people asking those questions and wondering if godliness really pays off in the end. And, if you read the 73rd Psalm, you will find one person’s struggle with the prosperity of the wicked.
Envying the Wicked
Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
Psalm 73:1-3 NIV
This is a psalm that can speak to many believers. We seek to serve God and be faithful to him. We invest time and resources in that service. And we try to make a positive difference in the world around us for the kingdom’s sake.
Then we look at our neighbors, co-workers, the celebrities on TV, sports, or media stars; those who are making no attempt to please God. And yet they seem more blessed than us. Nicer cars. Bigger houses. Better vacations. And on and on. It is easy to envy the prosperity of the wicked, and wonder if serving God really pays off.
That is where Asaph, the author of this psalm, is when the psalm begins. So much so that he had nearly fallen. Turning his back on God and following the example of the wicked. The wicked seemed to have no worries. Free of the cares that seemed to plague him. Was it all in vain? Was there any value in maintaining a pure heart and personal innocence?
Consider Their Destiny
When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny.
Psalm 73:16-17 NIV
On the surface, this didn’t seem right. It troubled Asaph. Why did the wicked prosper so?
But then he stopped to consider their destiny. And he realized that they were on the pathway to ruin. Their prosperity would not endure but would be swept away. And all memory of their former prosperity would be like a dream. Something that is only remembered vaguely and elusively.
And then he realized the foolishness of his jealousy. Of envying those who endure but for a moment and then are gone. In the end, what have they gained?
God Is Our Portion
Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:23-26 NIV
Asaph realized that while good things might happen to bad people now, they will not continue. And while he might not enjoy some of the prosperity that this world cherishes today, he had something much greater. He had God’s presence to guide him. And not just for this life. In the end, when the wicked are punished, he would be taken into glory. Into the very presence of God.
And once he realized that, he returned to God. There was nothing this earth had to offer that could top his relationship with God, both present and future. The wicked may prosper for a short time. But God was his portion forever.
And Today
As it was in the days of Asaph, so it is today. Not all of the wicked prosper. And not all believers suffer. But it is awfully easy to think that the wicked are generally better off in this world. We might well be tempted to envy the prosperity and lifestyle of the Hiltons, the Kardashians, and many others in the rich and famous sect.
But don’t envy them. What they have is only passing. In the end, their prosperity will be left behind. It will be like a barely remembered dream. They deserve your pity rather than your envy.
Put your hope in God. He will always be with you. Now and through eternity. While your strength may fail you, His will not. When you don’t know which way to turn, He does. Your road may not be smooth, but it will end in His rest.
And that should be sufficient. When tempted to envy what others have, consider their fate. Then consider the all-sufficient goodness of knowing God. Let your desire be for him alone.
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The views expressed here are solely mine and do not necessarily reflect those of any other person, group, or organization. While I believe they reflect the teachings of the Bible, I am a fallible human and subject to misunderstanding. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions about this post in the comments section below. I am always interested in your feedback.
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I agree and have had to live this notion in my life as well. I see the wicked ones that have come and gone in my life flourish with everything I desire, want and need , where I was left with just the basic necessities to get. I remain inspired by this and know that God will give me refuge and I do not need a luxury life to find meaning or happiness. Many like to believe I am envious of them, but I am not. Because I know I live my life with honor and grace and do not follow the ways of the world to get ahead in life and I have found favor with God because of this. God will provide everything I need. I am also happy in the fact that the people in my life are there because of me and what i possess and not because of what I have or what i can give or they can take from me. Because I have nothing of value anymore. Many have taken what belonged to me unjustly, and yes it did hurt, but realized my value in Gods eyes are not what I possess but what I do towards others and the difference I can make in their lives. If you find yourself going thru a time such as this , God may or may not help you keep something. Because you are being tested on how attached are you to the material world and asks the question ” what do you value “? Is it money and objects or is it your spiritual salvation? Can you let go of material possessions or will you allow material things to determine your worth? Sometimes those are the things that limit our spiritual growth and to let go of material possessions and follow God is a big deal and something one must consider. In the end we know the penalty of sin and what one does to acquire wealth and prosperity that is not in alignment with God. I am going thru this now with a friend and it is hard to see him lose everything. But I explain that maybe he needs to let go of the things that bind him to the world because he is being called to do spiritual work and must be open to move in the direction god wants to move us in. We actually need very little in this life to be ok and feel fulfilled. Money and material possessions are nice but they are fleeting. They are temporary and a filler for what we are truly seeking and that is love, approval, acceptance and admiration of others. But we can obtain those same attributes in serving humanity and making a difference in peoples lives. That is the true value of life and without feeling wanted or needed, and accepted we have nothing but empty, unfulfilling trophies of our lives but those trophies only serve you and not others, so what good are they for anyway.
Abraham faced the ultimate test. Was he willing to sacrifice his beloved son, the son of promise? Would he obey God and be blessed? Or would he hold on to what he had and fall short of God’s full blessing?
well explained and encouraging. Thank you.
I am glad you found it encouraging.