As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right.
1 Samuel 12:23 NIV
Samuel led the nation of Israel as a judge for many years. But as he grew older, the people of Israel asked for a king to lead them. Samuel was not pleased by this request. But God instructed him to give the people what they asked for. So Saul became their first king.
But Samuel didn’t just retreat into retirement. He continued to be active in the life of the nation. Especially serving as an intermediary between God and his people. He continued to teach the people how to live as God’s special people. And, he continued to pray for them.
Samuel did not just pray for them when the mood struck him or when he discerned a problem. Samuel saw prayer for the nation as something he was called to do, and failing to pray for them would be disobedience, a sin.
I wonder how many of us take prayer for each other as seriously as Samuel did. To pray faithfully and regularly for family, friends, church, and nation. To understand the great privilege we have to come before the throne of God with our prayer. And the responsibility to make intercession for others.