Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.
James 3:1 NIV
I am a teacher. In particular, a Bible teacher. Not because it is something I wanted to do, although I have found it rewarding. But because I believe that it is God’s calling in my life. And that he has equipped me to teach.
I feel blessed that God has chosen to use me in this way. But it does come with great responsibility. James gives us a warning that God will judge teachers more strictly than others. It is not a role to take lightly.
Why are teachers judged more strictly? Like all believers, we are responsible for how we treat the word of God. We should study it, seek the Holy Spirit’s leading in understanding it, and apply it to our lives.
But as teachers, God has given us the added responsibility of helping other believers understand what the Scripture is teaching and how to apply it to their lives. That means we must invest even more study and prayer to understand what the Scripture says. And that we are faithful to obey it ourselves, setting an example, not just in our words, but also in our actions.
If we do that well, rightly dividing the word of God (2 Tim. 2:15), there is a reward. But when we fail and lead other believers astray by what we teach, we will answer to God for the harm we have caused—to both individual believers and Christ’s church.
Do you want to be a Bible teacher? If so, you are desiring a good thing. But be sure that you have God’s calling and equipping. And recognize the responsibility that comes with it. It is not something to take lightly.