But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
Luke 12:31 NIV
Much of the world, especially the U.S., has become a consumer society. We measure our success and health as a society, at least in part, by how much money we spend. We buy houses, cars, clothes, and vacations. The variety of foods, clothes, cars, and other items available to us is astonishing and would be incomprehensible to an earlier generation. Or to people living in many other parts of the world. And blaring out from TV screens, magazines, and billboards across the country is the urgent appeal to buy more. To upgrade your old outdated product. To buy that thing that will turn your life around and make you successful.
But Jesus’ message to his disciples was, and is, at odds with that mindset. He tells us not to worry about our food and clothes. If God provides for the birds and the grass of the fields, we can be sure he will provide for us. He encourages us, instead of pursuing and accumulating the riches of this world, to seek his kingdom. And he has promised us elsewhere that, if we seek, we will find (Matt. 7:7). Seek after God’s kingdom. Trust him to care for you. And find your joy, not in the temporary things of this life. But in knowing the Lord of all creation. And in the eternal treasure that he is preparing for us.