A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Revere Christ as Lord

1 Peter 3:13-15a

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Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.”
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.

1 Peter 3:13-15a

Peter had told his readers to not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. But to repay evil with blessing. That is admittedly hard to do, but it is what is expected of us as followers of Jesus. We should do good to all people, regardless of how they treat us.

After we are called to respond to evil with good, Peter turns it around and asks who would respond to the good we do with evil. As a general rule, most people will not. Most people would commend you for doing good. But not everyone. There are some who will, for one reason or another, repay your good with evil. And we might suffer because of that. But, Peter says, when we suffer for doing good, we are blessed.

Rather than fearing what others may do to us, we should revere Christ as Lord. What people can do to me is temporary. No matter how much harm they might do to me, it will soon be over. But the blessing of the Lord is eternal. Be faithful to him as Lord and you will be blessed, regardless of what other people do. Keep your eyes fixed on him. And continue to do good, not fearing what others may do.

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Just an old clay jar that God continues to see fit to use in his kingdom's work. I am retired, married with 2 children, and 4 grandchildren. I have followed Jesus for many years. And I love to share what He has given me from His word.

A Note to Readers

The views expressed here are solely mine and do not necessarily reflect those of any other person, group, or organization. While I believe they reflect the teachings of the Bible, I am a fallible human and subject to misunderstanding. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions about this post in the comments section below. I am always interested in your feedback.

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