Always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:7 NIV
This verse is part of a larger passage that warns us about false teachers and their influence. One of their target groups is described as weak-willed women. This verse is a portion of his description of these women. But it could just as easily apply to many others. Paul’s charge here is that they are always learning but never come to a knowledge of the truth. They are learning everything but what is the most important.
This is not an argument against learning. We should all be learning throughout our lives. There is truth in much of what we can learn. I enjoy learning about the sciences, technology, and history. And there is truth in all of them. But the ultimate truth is found only in Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).
Unfortunately, many seek their ultimate truth in countless places other than Jesus. They may look to the physical or social sciences to supply them with the truth. They may look to the many philosophies or religions that proliferate today for truth. Or they may find their truth through various media sources or other people. But no matter how much they seek the truth in those sources, they will never find it there. Only in Jesus, the source of all truth, will we come to the knowledge of the truth. Always be sure that the truth you seek and base your life on is firmly grounded in our Lord Jesus.