The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
Matthew 6:22-23 NIV
I look out at the world primarily through my eyes. If my eyes are functioning correctly, then I see the world clearly. But if they are not healthy, my vision is diminished or missing.
But how often, even with good physical vision, do I fail to see the world around me clearly? Do I look at a mountain and fail to see its creator? Do I look at a homeless person lying on the sidewalk and see an obstacle rather than a soul in need? Or do I look at my physical needs and fail to see the provision of the only one who can truly meet my needs? Do I have eyes to see but fail to see (Mark 8:18)?
If my focus is on this world and what it has to offer me, then my eyes are bad, and I am walking in darkness (Matt. 6:19-21, 25). If I am consumed with worry about obtaining the physical necessities of life, then my eyes are bad, and I am walking in darkness (Matt. 6:25-34). And if I care more about what other people think of me than seeking God’s favor, then my eyes are bad, and I am walking in darkness (Matt. 6:1-18).
If, instead, I fix my eyes on Jesus (Heb. 12:1-2), I will find his light shining into the darkness (John 1:4-5), and I will see clearly. Walk with Jesus as you go through your day, asking him to open your eyes. the lamp of your body, and you will find that it transforms how you see other people around you and the situations you encounter.