But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.
In verse four of this chapter, Paul expressed that, as believers, we have died to the law through the body of Christ so that we might belong to Christ. And now, having been released from the law, we are able to serve God in a new way. The way of the Spirit rather than the way of the written code.
Serving in the way of the written code is a legalistic way to serve God. You simply follow a set of defined rules that tell you what you can and cannot do. This way of serving appeals because it contains a clearly defined path to finding favor with God. Faithfully follow all the rules, or at least most of them, and you are OK. But following a set of rules is not what God wants from me. No matter how good and extensive those rules might be.
The Way of the Spirit
In contrast to this is the new way of the Spirit. This way, rather than following a set of rules, is based on a relationship—a relationship with God himself through his Spirit living within us. Rather than being a servant obeying a set of instructions, I have become a member of God’s family. He invites me into his presence and spends time with me. And the more time I spend with him, the more I will know his heart and mind. And the more easily I can hear his voice directing me through this life.
God is not nearly as interested in my adherence to some moral code as he is in developing a relationship with me. A relationship that will change me and make any external moral code unnecessary. As believers in the Lord Jesus, don’t get caught up in following a set of rules, no matter how good they might seem. Instead, invest the time to get to know God and serve him in the new way of the Spirit who lives within you.