Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.
John 13:14-15 NIV
The night before he went to the cross, Jesus shared a meal with his disciples. During the meal, Jesus got up, took a towel and some water, and washed his disciples’ feet. Then, when he had finished, he sat back down and told his disciples to follow the example he had just set for them.
Foot washing is a strange custom for most of us today. But in Jesus’ day, it was a common practice. The roads were dusty, people wore sandals, and their feet were generally dirty. So, washing feet when coming in would be refreshing. But washing the feet of another person was a servant’s role. The master, or head of the household, would never perform this demeaning task for another.
But Jesus did. He had earlier taught his disciples that the one who is least in this world is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 18:2-4; 23:11-12). And in washing his disciples’ feet, he demonstrated what that looked like. He was their master, yet he took on the role of a servant. And he challenged his disciples to follow his example. To serve one another.
So, should we practice foot washing today? In the same way that we practice Baptism and the Lord’s Supper? I do not believe so. But we should follow the example of serving others that Jesus set for us. Taking on a servant’s mindset and looking for opportunities to serve others within the body of Christ. Be willing to get your hands dirty. Do the little things that may never be noticed or recognized now.
But rest assured that the Lord notices when we serve. And he will recognize and reward our service to others (Matt 10:42; 25:34-40).