Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
Romans 8:8 NET
We divide people in many ways today–gender, color, ethnicity or nationality, education, social status, political leanings, or sexuality. But Paul talks here about another, more significant divide. Are you in Christ, following the lead of the Holy Spirit? Or are you in the flesh, following your own desires?
For those who are in Christ, living according to the Spirit, there is no condemnation (Rom. 8:1). They have put to death the misdeeds of the flesh and are now children of God (Rom. 8:13:14).
But those who are in the flesh cannot please God. They are hostile to God, and their future is death (Rom. 8:6-7).
In the Flesh
So, what does it mean to be “in the flesh?” This is humanity’s natural state. To be in the flesh is to have a human perspective on life and the world around us (Rom. 8:5). It is living to satisfy one’s own desires. When you are in the flesh, you are on the throne of your life.
A life lived in the flesh is not necessarily a bad life. One who is in the flesh might live a morally upright life, be generous to those in need, and work to make the world a better place. They might call themselves Christians, be regular in church attendance, and support the church with their money and time. But if the Spirit does not lead them, they are in the flesh.
Led by the Spirit
A person led by the Spirit may outwardly look very similar to the one described in the previous paragraph. But there is one significant difference. Who is in charge?
If I am in charge, doing what seems best to me, then I am in the flesh. And it makes no difference how good my life might be. I cannot please God.
But if Jesus is Lord, not just in word, but in truth, I will listen to the Spirit and follow where he leads. And my life will be pleasing to God.